Muslims more numerous than Catholics

You're right. There was Coptic Christianity, and probably still a few independent remnants of the Unitarians who made up the original Christians.

Unitarianism didn't come about until the early modern period, around the time of the Hussite movement. Coptics are only separate because they became isolated from the West (today they are a Rite, just like Roman and Byzantine Catholicism).
Unitarianism didn't come about until the early modern period, around the time of the Hussite movement. Coptics are only separate because they became isolated from the West (today they are a Rite, just like Roman and Byzantine Catholicism).

The idea of the trinity was something people made up around 200 AD. Truth, however, can be hard for the fanatic to believe.
I used to respect Luther, but really, he just wasn't that good of a person. Also, Calvinism is elitist, from what I've heard of it.

I don't know how people who go to the Anglican church can still even justify it as legitimate.

I have less respect for Luther because he tried to be Catholic, even though he had broken with the Church, denounced many of its doctrines (or altered them, like consubstantiation into transubstantiation), and tried to keep services modeled after the Mass.

I used to not like Calvin very much (not because he was elitist, which I am one anyway), but because I think his predetermination line is utter bull, and contrary to the message of forgiveness. But as I become more cynical and fatalistic, I have to admit being really drawn at times to Total Depravity. I mean, how can the world around me really be fit for paradise?!?