My client didn’t do it… But if he did…

Trump has not been tough on Russia, he was so reluctant to impose the sanctions, which was the only punishment for their election hacking.

This is a flat out lie. What is it about you leftists and your pathological lying. Do you merely parrot the BS you are fed by the FAKE media BRAD?

One way Trump could’ve colluded illegally with Russia is if he shared his meta-data and demographic data so that they could help him and point and target specific voters via the Internet.

That is BULL SHIT BRAD. But you were okay when the Obama campaign bragged about their meta data collecting right BRAD? The media even canonized Obama for being so damned smart didn't they BRAD?

Why are you such a liar BRAD?

Trump imposes major sanctions on Russian oligarchs, officials, companies
The move marks one of the administration's most aggressive actions against Russia, including sanctions against several oligarchs with ties to Vladimir Putin.

Trump administration hits 24 Russians with sanctions over 'malign activity'

U.S. uses sanctions to strike back at Russia for 2016 election meddling
If I Drive the getaway car in a bank robbery, I am guilty of bank robbery, not conspiracy to commit bank robbery.

If I convince a foreign nation to assist in a presidential campaign (collusion) I have broken the law against foreign nations assisting in presidential campaigns.

Another stupid analogy. Who convinced a foreign nation to assist in a Presidential Campaign Brad? Other than the Clinton campaign who bought and paid for a Russian dossier full of lies and innuendo?
And Mueller is not going to charge anyone with collusion, But I suspect what he does end up charging people with could be called collusion in everyday conversation.

In other words, the Mueller investigation is a fraud based on the fact that it was begun without any criminal activity being alleged.
Nobody, but Trader Trump Is doing the equivalent by screaming that collusion is not a crime.

You haven't done anything on this thread except whine when you are exposed as a clueless idiot. Trader Trump? How trite. Collusion is not a crime. Find the statute.

The Mueller investigation is a fraud because the premise of investigating the Trump campaign was not based on breaking any laws.
But if he did…

Classic lawyer trick for when your client is guilty. Always used as a last resort because the jury can see right through it.

:0) So you think your side is now floating the 'collusion is not a crime' theory because they don't think there was any collusion???

No collusion, no collusion .. collusion is not so bad? :0) You've got some serious verbal lashings coming your way.

All you have is a meeting at Trump Tower that you were not at so you don't know what was discussed. By the way, how is the search for the pee tape going?
I actually hope Trump did collide with Putin

It kept the cunt out of the White House and that is all that counts to me.

She will never see the inside of that building as President