My grandmother was a racist...

In most churches ive been to the kids do not go to the main service, and politics are not usually mentioned.
Even when they don't often they do sometimes, and it depends on which service they are attending. Regardless the Pastor is the spiritual leader of the church and all of the members. It is pretense and wish to pretend that this man wasn't the spiritual leader of that family. It is what people choose pastors for.
Your grandma and my grandmas were sitting by the fire...
My grandma told you're grandma we're gonna set your flag on fire..

this guy is good.
Even when they don't often they do sometimes, and it depends on which service they are attending. Regardless the Pastor is the spiritual leader of the church and all of the members. It is pretense and wish to pretend that this man wasn't the spiritual leader of that family. It is what people choose pastors for.

My wife and I are the spiritual leaders of our family. My parents were the spiritual leaders of my family. I suspect Obama and his wife are the spiritual leaders of there family.

Thats just a guess.
You want to freak out a white racist....give them a few beverages so they are a tad intoxicated.... then tell them that the darker a persons skin, the closer they are to being one color.... and that white people have the greatest mix of color. The results are usually quite comical.

White people's skin is actually only white because the top layer is transparent. Black people have a lot of pigment in the top layer, Asians also, but we had some kind of genetic oddity that wiped out most of the pigment.
My wife and I are the spiritual leaders of our family. My parents were the spiritual leaders of my family. I suspect Obama and his wife are the spiritual leaders of there family.

Thats just a guess.
I think you are being disingenuous. This is the man who they have had as pastor for 20 years, who they chose to be in that position. He is the man that Obama selected for a position in his campaign. Who just a year ago spoke on how he and Obama planned on distancing Obama from him when it became necessary. The man who baptized his kids, who married Obama and his wife. The man he called his spiritual adviser, whom he credits for the title of one of his books.

All of those things are by choice and point to the fact that the man was the person that Obama chose to teach his spirit about God.

The reality is Obama tried at first the "I didn't know" line, and when that didn't work actually made an effort to do what he and this pastor thought might "have to be done" if he won the primary. The reality is that the speech is unlikely to take away 20 years of supporting this man's statements with membership, money, positions, and lending the same the credibility of his presence.

I predict that the speech will only give temporary respite. Shoot, even the D on the radio, Craig Silverman, was stating how the speech didn't wash away his concerns about it.

I also found it hilarious he threw grandma under the bus so he could attempt to wash away the remarks of another. Two wrongs don't make a right, even if one of them is your grandma.
religion and god are used by politicians to give the uneducated a warm fuzzy. Obama's turning the mud throwing into a little pitchback with a little glue added to the nonsense that didn't stick.
religion and god are used by politicians to give the uneducated a warm fuzzy. Obama's turning the mud throwing into a little pitchback with a little glue added to the nonsense that didn't stick.
I think reports of the demise of this story are greatly exaggerated.
IT seems to me reports of the end of the negative side of this story were not exaggerated. Now for the "comes around" part!
I don't think so, I think that the speech gave a temporary respite and this will keep coming as more of the statements are 'found'. Soundbytes are almost always just "good news".
White people's skin is actually only white because the top layer is transparent. Black people have a lot of pigment in the top layer, Asians also, but we had some kind of genetic oddity that wiped out most of the pigment.

Before Gumby comes on here.... let me clarify... I am not a scientist... this is just what I recall reading...

It is the bodies exposure to ultraviolet rays that causes pigmentation to change. As the worlds population spread out of Africa, those that settled further from the equator developed lighter skin due to less exposure to ultra violet rays. Over generations this worked its way into the genetic code of their decendants.
I don't think so, I think that the speech gave a temporary respite and this will keep coming as more of the statements are 'found'. Soundbytes are almost always just "good news".

Why is it that the likes of James Stanley, Pat Robertson and Mike Huckleberry can say crazy hatefull shit and its acceptable to the Republicans, but this black guy says some shit (remember he is not running for anything) and the guys political future is ruined?
Why is it that the likes of James Stanley, Pat Robertson and Mike Huckleberry can say crazy hatefull shit and its acceptable to the Republicans, but this black guy says some shit (remember he is not running for anything) and the guys political future is ruined?
I've answered this same question from 5 different posters now. They don't, they get played and it hurts their candidates too. Especially with people like me.

As for ruined. People who are members of churches that will ruin their political future change churches.
I've answered this same question from 5 different posters now. They don't, they get played and it hurts their candidates too. Especially with people like me.

As for ruined. People who are members of churches that will ruin their political future change churches.
Again with the stong conviction of your beliefs. Phenomenal.
Again with the stong conviction of your beliefs. Phenomenal.
It isn't my beliefs I have been speaking about, it is how it plays with others. People in politics do this often. It is phenomenal that you think that it is my beliefs talking when I predict that this will hurt Obama far more than he, and you obviously, thinks it will. It is because of what others think that it will do exactly that.
It isn't my beliefs I have been speaking about, it is how it plays with others. People in politics do this often.
This is how Religion fucks up the political system. You don't stay in your church if your pastor is at all contraversial. You don't stay in your church if that membership is not considered "enough" of something, like McCain's change from the Episcopal church to Baptist. Relgious belief should be personal, it is your relationship with whatever god you choose to worship. I read MOST of your posts Damo and I know that I could probably vote for you if you ran for office even if we don't agree on all issues, but you being Buddhist would kill you in the republican party, probably even in Colorado if you are close enough to Colorado Springs. It is bullshit and should not matter. It has driven a wedge between americans and polarized our system more than is healthy.
This is how Religion fucks up the political system. You don't stay in your church if your pastor is at all contraversial. You don't stay in your church if that membership is not considered "enough" of something, like McCain's change from the Episcopal church to Baptist. Relgious belief should be personal, it is your relationship with whatever god you choose to worship. I read MOST of your posts Damo and I know that I could probably vote for you if you ran for office even if we don't agree on all issues, but you being Buddhist would kill you in the republican party, probably even in Colorado if you are close enough to Colorado Springs. It is bullshit and should not matter. It has driven a wedge between americans and polarized our system more than is healthy.
Does that change the reality of what I am saying? No, it doesn't.

I have long said that I long for the time the Rs reject the religious right's influence and put them into the minority position they actually hold rather than this position of power they've taken through the caucus system.

But the reality is, it does matter, and it will matter.
Does that change the reality of what I am saying? No, it doesn't.

I have long said that I long for the time the Rs reject the religious right's influence and put them into the minority position they actually hold rather than this position of power they've taken through the caucus system.

But the reality is, it does matter, and it will matter.
But because it is what it is, the Republicans tolerate hate mongers. They let them speak at their conventions. Reverend Wright has never done that and after this he never will. Can you say the samething about Roberston? He will speak again at a Republican convention. His history of blaming america for its own misfortunes will not change this. That being so, the Republican party must embrace this message of hate and blame toward america. Your logic not mine. The relationship with Robertson has been longer than 20 years and it is not just with one candidate, it is with the WHOLE party. When they tell Robertson he is no longer welcome at their political conventions then I will believe that your party is no different.
But because it is what it is, the Republicans tolerate hate mongers. They let them speak at their conventions. Reverend Wright has never done that and after this he never will. Can you say the samething about Roberston? He will speak again at a Republican convention. His history of blaming america for its own misfortunes will not change this. That being so, the Republican party must embrace this message of hate and blame toward america. Your logic not mine. The relationship with Robertson has been longer than 20 years and it is not just with one candidate, it is with the WHOLE party. When they tell Robertson he is no longer welcome at their political conventions then I will believe that your party is no different.
Again, the difference is in the membership. People who attend churches that speak that strongly against something they believe in either leave the churches or agree with what is being said. People will associate this with their own experience. They understand seeking the endorsement of an "other" even the advice of an "other" (those who will say things they don't agree with), but not such a personal thing as having them as their spiritual leader.

It isn't that hard to understand. And those who want to run for office either learn it, or lose.
Again, the difference is in the membership. People who attend churches that speak that strongly against something they believe in either leave the churches or agree with what is being said. People will associate this with their own experience. They understand seeking the endorsement of an "other" even the advice of an "other" (those who will say things they don't agree with), but not such a personal thing as having them as their spiritual leader.

It isn't that hard to understand. And those who want to run for office either learn it, or lose.
Robertson is one of the spiritual leaders of your party. If not then why does he get to speak at their national functions? You are the exception that proves the rule. I KNOW you don't buy into him but your party does every four years at least. He has had the ear of every Repub president since 1980. Jesus Christ on the cross your parties president right now had his DOJ hire Shit loads of attorneys from his law school. It was payback for all his support. The mote in your party's eye is every bit as large as the one in the dems.
Again, the difference is in the membership. People who attend churches that speak that strongly against something they believe in either leave the churches or agree with what is being said. People will associate this with their own experience. They understand seeking the endorsement of an "other" even the advice of an "other" (those who will say things they don't agree with), but not such a personal thing as having them as their spiritual leader.

It isn't that hard to understand. And those who want to run for office either learn it, or lose.

FLAT OUT NOT TRUE! How many pro-choice Catholics do you know? I KNOW A LOT OF EM... These are people the church says will be EX-COMMUNICATED, yet they still attend and consider themselves members.