My, How We've Fallen

For most it doesnt have to go here but with the vast variety of humans we have some always seem to get stuck on the way to the point of life. Many here have said they didnt want their daughters to see these fools. I would show my teenage daughter this tape and discuss what is so very wrong with these womens self distructive behavior.

I just don’t understand where they are coming from. Even if I were to put aside the rape stuff for one moment, where are they coming from sexually? Going home with men you don’t know night after night, not using protection, is “sexual liberation”? It’s “conducting yourself sexually the way men always have?” Wow, if I were a man I’d be insulted. I know lots of men who don’t conduct themselves that way sexually. I personally would never consider sleeping with a man who was so promiscuous.

I feel that too many women are holding up a few very bad examples of men, as representing “men”, and then saying they have every right to conduct themselves the same way. Well, you do, but you’re a whore. And so is he.
Nobody decent would want anything to do with you.

Surely, there is a place between forcing women into sexual repression, and this? This is living in a way that dehumanizes not only the men you are sleeping with (just as I would argue that a man screwing like this is dehumanizing women), it is dehumanizing yourself. Part of me feels very sorry for them, they’ll never know what sex can actually be. But for the most part, I just wish they would shut up and go away. They’re not needed. They add nothing but garbage. They do not represent me. And drunkenly fucking men you don’t know and meet in bars, is nobody’s liberation. Their attempt to create a rape-friendly generation of women however, is another matter, and that goes beyond the pale. I hope they are fired.
I just don’t understand where they are coming from. Even if I were to put aside the rape stuff for one moment, where are they coming from sexually? Going home with men you don’t know night after night, not using protection, is “sexual liberation”? It’s “conducting yourself sexually the way men always have?” Wow, if I were a man I’d be insulted. I know lots of men who don’t conduct themselves that way sexually. I personally would never consider sleeping with a man who was so promiscuous.

I feel that too many women are holding up a few very bad examples of men, as representing “men”, and then saying they have every right to conduct themselves the same way. Well, you do, but you’re a whore. And so is he.
Nobody decent would want anything to do with you.

Surely, there is a place between forcing women into sexual repression, and this? This is living in a way that dehumanizes not only the men you are sleeping with (just as I would argue that a man screwing like this is dehumanizing women), it is dehumanizing yourself. Part of me feels very sorry for them, they’ll never know what sex can actually be. But for the most part, I just wish they would shut up and go away. They’re not needed. They add nothing but garbage. They do not represent me. And drunkenly fucking men you don’t know and meet in bars, is nobody’s liberation. Their attempt to create a rape-friendly generation of women however, is another matter, and that goes beyond the pale. I hope they are fired.

And after years of being a "feminist", Darla finally snapped out of it...

The End.
I just don’t understand where they are coming from. Even if I were to put aside the rape stuff for one moment, where are they coming from sexually? Going home with men you don’t know night after night, not using protection, is “sexual liberation”? It’s “conducting yourself sexually the way men always have?” Wow, if I were a man I’d be insulted. I know lots of men who don’t conduct themselves that way sexually. I personally would never consider sleeping with a man who was so promiscuous.

I feel that too many women are holding up a few very bad examples of men, as representing “men”, and then saying they have every right to conduct themselves the same way. Well, you do, but you’re a whore. And so is he.
Nobody decent would want anything to do with you.

Surely, there is a place between forcing women into sexual repression, and this? This is living in a way that dehumanizes not only the men you are sleeping with (just as I would argue that a man screwing like this is dehumanizing women), it is dehumanizing yourself. Part of me feels very sorry for them, they’ll never know what sex can actually be. But for the most part, I just wish they would shut up and go away. They’re not needed. They add nothing but garbage. They do not represent me. And drunkenly fucking men you don’t know and meet in bars, is nobody’s liberation. Their attempt to create a rape-friendly generation of women however, is another matter, and that goes beyond the pale. I hope they are fired.

I think you have a point about them not knowing what sex can be. No way that one night stands can ever compare to actually knowing someone and having that bed-chemistry. Probably if they every do find that they will never go back to those ways but for only trying to find it again. I feel bad for people that never find it.
I think you have a point about them not knowing what sex can be. No way that one night stands can ever compare to actually knowing someone and having that bed-chemistry. Probably if they every do find that they will never go back to those ways but for only trying to find it again. I feel bad for people that never find it.

Me too.
This thread has become a delusional Merchant-Ivory film. A Room with A View of Howard's Enchanted End.

Whatever that is, it is far, far better than what you were trying to turn it into about mid-way into it.

I think you actually broke the record for greatest # of posts that said virtually nothing, which is no small thing on this board....
Whatever that is, it is far, far better than what you were trying to turn it into about mid-way into it.

I think you actually broke the record for greatest # of posts that said virtually nothing, which is no small thing on this board....

No. i was pointing out how we are being brainwashed to overlook abuse, or rationalize it away, as part of a plan to get americans to ruin their own futures. These girls illustrate it perfectly, and are symptomatic of a larger brainwash being perpetrated on our society.

You can see it in Topspin too, who thinks victimizing others is just Smart Business.
e nos sabemos que alemanha esta diante dentro e atras de nos a alemanha marcha dentos e nos e alemanha segue atras de nos!