My, How We've Fallen

This is idiocy. Nobody has told women, "It's good for you." and tried to convince them that rape is "good".
Yet these ladies are rationalizing for some reason. And you're not privvy to all conversations.
Your attempt to twist logic is obvious. Then later attempts to further control the conversation by attempting to suggest I am "shutting you down" makes it even weaker. Nobody here is going to believe that I was going to "shut you down".
There's no twist here. Im sorry damo. I didn't say you were shutting me down. I'm saying I sense your mod finger twitching to do so. You have ample opportunity to prove me wrong.
First asshat tries to compare rape and rough sex. Then tries to use a metaphor of international trade. Then he tries to cover his stupidity by starting the "teaching us to accept abuse by stealth methods" nonsense. And last but not least, whines that the thread will be shutdown, as if he were being censored for telling some great truth.

Sad, asshat, truly sad.

Your summarization is amiss, miss.
Yet these ladies are rationalizing for some reason. And you're not privvy to all conversations.

No, we are not privy to all the conversations. But in all my readings and conversations, I have never heard ANYONE ANYWHERE say that rape is "good for women".

I have seen men try and rationaize that she was asking for it. But even they didn't say it was good for them.

That is the point, asshat. In order for your ridiculous metaphor to work, someone had to have told women that the rape was good for them.
Yet these ladies are rationalizing for some reason. And you're not privvy to all conversations.

There's no twist here. Im sorry damo. I didn't say you were shutting me down. I'm saying I sense your mod finger twitching to do so. You have ample opportunity to prove me wrong.
BS. You have never "sensed my Mod finger" on this board. This accusation is based in total fabrication and dishonesty because you realize that people see that I am right, your argument is weak and based on an attempt to take an uncomfortable subject for you and put it into a comfort zone.

Tell me, AHZ, what is it that makes you so uncomfortable about sex?
Prove that I have ever banned you, or anybody else. This is your stupidest attempt ever. The only "user" I have ever banned are those advert bots that auto register and sometimes get through and some dude that wouldn't stop posting porn, against the contract I had with the server company.

You are so weak you cannot speak outside your comfort zone then you attempt to suggest that I would do something to you that you have absolutely no evidence of me ever doing because I point out your weak ass attempt to change the subject? Weak, even for you. And that is saying something.

Say 'comfort zone' a few more times.

And you have moved threads and changed their titles when didn't like the conversation. I just don't want to see bad modding habits forming.
BS. You have never "sensed my Mod finger" on this board. This accusation is based in total fabrication and dishonesty because you realize that people see that I am right, your argument is weak and based on an attempt to take an uncomfortable subject for you and put it into a comfort zone.

Tell me, AHZ, what is it that makes you so uncomfortable about sex?

Not enough lube.
Say 'comfort zone' a few more times.

And you have moved threads and changed their titles when didn't like the conversation. I just don't want to see bad modding habits forming.
How many times I say it doesn't change the truth. No matter how many times I say 2+2=4, or you are outside your comfort zone, both are true. And this dishonest attempt to suggest that magically my temperament is going to change and I'll start banning you is the weakest attempt yet. Truly sad. Even more obvious than the attempt that suggests women are told it is "good for them" by somebody to be raped.
True. We need to stop buying from slave nations so non slave produced alternatives have a chance. We have always used government to modify trade policy, instead of allowing individual choice to completely rule the market. We have tradtitionally placed trade inside a framework of other considerations and priorities. Abandoning those tools to sculpt the impact of trade is a form of ideological zealotry.

Please call me a protectionist who "doesn't understand" trade. Please, I like it.

Hey now I asked for another example.
Hmm, it seems that you claim its amiss, but offer no detail as to what is amiss.

And so, miss asshat, I must conclude that my summary is spot on.

If you don't want to see the connection between rough sex and rationalizing abuse, I can't help you.
I dont , this reaction by these women is nearly inevitable on the path to true sexual liberation.

Its a mistake but people always seem to have to plumb all the wrong paths on the way to true liberation.

Desh I’m sorry I misunderstood you. I understand where you are going with this now. But I don’t agree that sexual liberation had to lead to this. However, it has. But it didn’t have to.
Desh I’m sorry I misunderstood you. I understand where you are going with this now. But I don’t agree that sexual liberation had to lead to this. However, it has. But it didn’t have to.
It is inevitable that humans will have some stupid people, what isn't inevitable is that strong and actually "cool" women will remain silent when these idiots speak "for" them.

It makes me a bit sick to know that I have to somehow get my little women to understand the difference between cool and stupid, and that victimization is never all right.
It is inevitable that humans will have some stupid people, what isn't inevitable is that strong and actually "cool" women will remain silent when these idiots speak "for" them.

It makes me a bit sick to know that I have to somehow get my little women to understand the difference between cool and stupid, and that victimization is never all right.

People in general are that way. Not just women. The loudest and most outspoken are often the most wrong.
Desh I’m sorry I misunderstood you. I understand where you are going with this now. But I don’t agree that sexual liberation had to lead to this. However, it has. But it didn’t have to.

For most it doesnt have to go here but with the vast variety of humans we have some always seem to get stuck on the way to the point of life. Many here have said they didnt want their daughters to see these fools. I would show my teenage daughter this tape and discuss what is so very wrong with these womens self distructive behavior.