My, How We've Fallen

Funny how you don’t seem to hear them talking about rape Desh. Do you believe that only stupid women get raped Desh? Did you teach your sons that Desh? Do you believe that if a woman is raped Desh, she should not “play the victim” realize that “it’s no big deal”, and don’t report it Desh?

What the fuck are you talking about Desh?

Say desh one more time, darla.
Yeah I saw too much of it, it made me physically nauseous. I don’t know. The thought of them influencing my niece, who already has too many stupid female influences, frightens me too. I feel like I want to personally go to their east side office and throw down with them. I have never seen two girls who need an ass-kicking more.

But the best thing to do would be to youtube a send-up of these two idiots, it could be really funny, get tons of hits, and ensure that these two are widely viewed as having jumped the shark, and thus fired immediately.
There are some good feminist blogs out there, like Feminista. Unfortunately, we live in a high school world (that’s how bush got into office), and these morons are considered “cool”. The only way to shut them down is to make them not cool.

I can't see the video at work, but the quotes from Huffington are more than enough. Your above solution is probably the only way to derail these two morons. You need "cooler" people to rip these two to shreds and make them very un-cool. Destroy every bit of influence these two "smart" women have over young women.

I hope to hell my nieces haven't seen these two.
Darla, I hate the attitude with women as much as I do with men. They are being just as foolish, self distructive and thoughtless as any man who rationalized their lives to pursue sex at all costs.

What you failed to realize is I dont want anyone to view sex like this and not because Im a prude but because it is an unhealthy way to see yourself wether you are male or female.

Why do you hate sexual liberation?
Desh I wouldn’t want you on the jury of my rapist. You’d let him go Desh. I really think you’d let him go.

I wouldn’t mind having Damo or Onceler or Chap though.

See you guys later. Break time.

I love you girl friend but you always seem to misunderstand me. These girls are twisted. They are lost. They seem to see abuse as a insignificant side effect of the pursuit of meaningless sex. Im not defending them Im pointing out that they are doing the same things males have done forever. Sex at any cost. One sure way of stopping any kind of rape is for males and females to be taught the real productive place sex has in everyones life.

Believe me anyone male or female would benifit from having me on their jury in a rape case.
all I know is if i ever had a daughter the biggest thing i would teach her would be independence. I wouldn't EVER want her to have to rely on some guy to take care of her.

Yeah but kinda hard to overcome our hormonal driven animal sided.
Why do you hate sexual liberation?

I dont , this reaction by these women is nearly inevitable on the path to true sexual liberation.

Its a mistake but people always seem to have to plumb all the wrong paths on the way to true liberation.
There are double-standards for men & women in a lot of areas, but I think that is diminishing, and in a topic like this, can be over-played.

Imo, if a group of men were sitting around talking in the same way and trivializing serious topics in the same way, they'd look just as stupid. I don't think there would be a double-standard there where they would be "cool" for saying the same thing or using the same tone; they'd just be idiots...
Go back and look at the threads where Beefy talked about being hit on by a hotty and turned her down?
Go back and look at the threads where Beefy talked about being hit on by a hotty and turned her down?

I don't feel like searching. Did he describe date rape as a minor inconvenience and get a round of virtual high-fives from the rest of the gang?
I don't feel like searching. Did he describe date rape as a minor inconvenience and get a round of virtual high-fives from the rest of the gang?
He did not. We mocked him for taking until the next day to realize he was being hit on.
No. But sometimes a woman does like it a bit rough.

Liking it a bit rough and the guy not taking no for an answer are two VERY different things.

Liking it "a little rough" is still consentual sex. Rape is not.

Sexual liberation has nothing to do with one person forcing another to have sex.
Liking it a bit rough and the guy not taking no for an answer are two VERY different things.

Liking it "a little rough" is still consentual sex. Rape is not.

Sexual liberation has nothing to do with one person forcing another to have sex.

Sometimes people don't know what's good for them. For example, all our jobs being shipped overseas is actually good for us; it's just the growing pains of the new world order, that will eventually help all humanity.
Sometimes people don't know what's good for them. For example, all our jobs being shipped overseas is actually good for us; it's just the growing pains of the new world order, that will eventually help all humanity.

You'll have to clarify what shipping jobs overseas has to do with associating rough sex with rape.

I don't see the connection.

Whats good for us? What is good for us is to have ONLY consentual sexual relations. And when we do, to do only those things that BOTH want to do.
You'll have to clarify what shipping jobs overseas has to do with associating rough sex with rape.

I don't see the connection.

Whats good for us? What is good for us is to have ONLY consentual sexual relations. And when we do, to do only those things that BOTH want to do.

And keeping jobs is actually good for us, despite the rape the international business community inists is beneficial for us.

It's a metaphor. "Really baby, it's good for you, you just don't see it now."

Do you get it now?
And keeping jobs is actually good for us, despite the rape the international business community inists is beneficial for us.

It's a metaphor. "Really baby, it's good for you, you just don't see it now."

Do you get it now?
What I get is you are a one-trick pony with nothing to add to this thread.
I'm still waiting to see the connection between "No. But sometimes a woman does like it a bit rough." and "Sometimes people don't know what's good for them. For example, all our jobs being shipped overseas is actually good for us".