My main problem with Sarah Palin


New member
I have discovered a major problem with Sarah Palin. This one's a deal-breaker.

She can't pronounce "nuclear" correctly.

There goes my vote.
I could live with a speach impediment but the fact that she has no idea what it and many other things they have her say is enough for me to line her out.
It's starting to look like the Left is in pure panic mode over Palin. They are hurling every accusation they can make up, even after her impressive debate performance, and are even trying to make people believe she doesn't understand the things she says. And this without the slightest evidence to back up the leftists' rants.

They are genuinely scared by this woman.
It's starting to look like the Left is in pure panic mode over Palin. They are hurling every accusation they can make up, even after her impressive debate performance, and are even trying to make people believe she doesn't understand the things she says. And this without the slightest evidence to back up the leftists' rants.

They are genuinely scared by this woman.


by what standard?

She refused to answer the questions asked and spouted the talking points they drilled into her head instead.

Hurrray she can memorize and wink.
It's starting to look like the Left is in pure panic mode over Palin. They are hurling every accusation they can make up, even after her impressive debate performance, and are even trying to make people believe she doesn't understand the things she says. And this without the slightest evidence to back up the leftists' rants.

They are genuinely scared by this woman.

You guys keep saying this, but I think we have very different interpretations of 'scared.' I get the impression that you have an idea that we think she is "formidable."

Actually, I don't want the lady next to me at a soccer game to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency, especially if she believes that abortion should not be allowed in the case of rape, tends to appoint good friends over people who are qualified (been there) and thinks that Putin being in her airspace is foreign policy experience.

That's why I'm scared.
I know it was a sarcastic attempt at humor, but I thought I would post this for clarification...

nu·cle·ar /ˈnukliər, ˈnyu- or, by metathesis, -kyələr/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[noo-klee-er, nyoo- or, by metathesis, -kyuh-ler] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. pertaining to or involving atomic weapons: nuclear war.
2. operated or powered by atomic energy: a nuclear submarine.
3. (of a nation or group of nations) having atomic weapons.
4. of, pertaining to, or forming a nucleus.
5. of, pertaining to, or like the nuclear family: nuclear bonds.
–noun Informal.
6. nuclear energy: switching to nuclear as a power source.
[Origin: 1840–50; nucle(us) + -ar1; cf. F nucléaire]

—Pronunciation note In pronouncing nuclear, the second and third syllables are most commonly said as /-kliər/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[-klee-er] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation, a sequence of sounds that directly reflects the spelled sequence ‑cle·ar. In recent years, a somewhat controversial pronunciation has come to public attention, with these two final syllables said as /-kyələr/[-kyuh-ler]. Since /-kliər/[-klee-er], the common pronunciation of ‑cle·ar, might also be represented, broadly, as /-kləyər/[-kluh-yer], the /-kyələr/[-kyuh-ler] pronunciation can be seen as coming from a process of metathesis, in which the /l/[l] and the /y/[y] change places. The resulting pronunciation is reinforced by analogy with such words as molecular, particular, and muscular, and although it occurs with some frequency among highly educated speakers, including scientists, professors, and government officials, it is disapproved of by many. Unabridged (v 1.1)

I think McCain has been in a "no chance" position before. :cof1:
He had a larger window to fix that previously.

He really hurt himself suspending the campaign then appearing ineffective in getting people to vote for the bill he did it for. While I think the polling will start coming closer as the election gets near, it is quite likely that McCain and Obama will be in a squeaker, and that McCain is likely to lose.
Guys, I assure you, the whole "nuke-you-lur" thing was something she was purposely told to her by her campaign advisors, who seek to exploit the 'brand' Bush had created where he said a lot of stupid things, and intellectuals critiscized him. It's a play towards people in middle America that have been forced into a way of thinking by right-wingers that causes them to think that the worst danger in the world is anyone with intelligence, similar to what the khmer rouge did in Cambodia and other totalitarian ideologies worldwide, totalitarian ideolgies like conservatism, have done. By saying the wrong pronunciation she is seen as taking a shot at intellectuals. It is a subliminal wink towards stupid people.
Waterhead, I assure you, either pronunciation is acceptable. It is simply one of those words which can be said different ways. You pinheads continue to insist there is a "right" and "wrong" way to say it, but as I showed you, that is not the case. As says, many intellectual types, do in fact use the Palin pronunciation. This issue means absolutely nothing.
Waterhead, I assure you, either pronunciation is acceptable. It is simply one of those words which can be said different ways. You pinheads continue to insist there is a "right" and "wrong" way to say it, but as I showed you, that is not the case. As says, many intellectual types, do in fact use the Palin pronunciation. This issue means absolutely nothing.

NUKE-YOU-LER is not the right pronunciation. is not a credible source.
He had a larger window to fix that previously.

He really hurt himself suspending the campaign then appearing ineffective in getting people to vote for the bill he did it for. While I think the polling will start coming closer as the election gets near, it is quite likely that McCain and Obama will be in a squeaker, and that McCain is likely to lose.

I wont disagree, I don't think he helped himself with that, but then, I didn't think he helped himself with CFR, McCain-Kennedy, the Gang of 14, or any number of other things he has done. I am not buying the poll numbers for Obama, I can't believe that many Americans are actually supporting him, with all that has come out on him, and all the reason to not vote for him, but maybe I am wrong. I just think, in spite of the polls, on election day, much of Obama's 'support' will mysteriously find better things to do than vote for Obama. It will be a close election, but I still think McCain can pull it out.
Saying nucular is retarded. It sounds like something an ignorant Southerner would say. There is no call for repeating it. I groaned when I saw Palin do it as part of her populist rhetoric.
Saying nucular is retarded. It sounds like something an ignorant Southerner would say. There is no call for repeating it. I groaned when I saw Palin do it as part of her populist rhetoric.

It's not "retarded" or "southern" it is an alternate pronunciation of the word. Because you are so simple minded, you can't understand many words have multiple proper and acceptable pronunciations... that, is "retarded."
It's not "retarded" or "southern" it is an alternate pronunciation of the word. Because you are so simple minded, you can't understand many words have multiple proper and acceptable pronunciations... that, is "retarded."

It is not an "alternate" pronunciation, it is an ignorant pronunciation.

This is like saying that using "is" in place of "are" in your sentences like "You IS a dumbass" I merely an alternate form of English, rather than an incorrect one.
It is not an "alternate" pronunciation, it is an ignorant pronunciation.

This is like saying that using "is" in place of "are" in your sentences like "You IS a dumbass" I merely an alternate form of English, rather than an incorrect one.
He did back his up with a link and a definition along with pronunciation from an unabridged dictionary entry. What have you got?

It is annoying to me when people pronounce the word this way, but it is like "irregardless" it now is acceptable because so many got it wrong.
The inncorrect pronunciation of nuclear is pretty much only used by evangelicals and people with IQ's less than 90, such as all Republican legislators, leaders, and executives in the US who have hijacked our political system while only representing the 15% of America that is evangelicals.