My main problem with Sarah Palin

Damo, your example is a word that was created which did not exist, and etymologically, means the exact opposite of what it is used to express! This is not the case with the word "nuclear" at all. There are many examples of 'metathesis' in pronunciation of words, but 'irregardless' is not one of them. You are comparing apples to oranges... or an invented made up word, with a pronunciation of a word that already exists. In your example, the dictionary clearly points out it is erroneous and incorrect, in my example, it does not say it is incorrect pronunciation, just that many disapprove of the alternate pronunciation. The phrase "generally considered incorrect" is not the same thing as "it IS incorrect" one means one thing, the other means something else. There is no comparison between a word that is incorrectly using a double-negative in the suffix and prefix, and an alternative pronunciation of a legitimate word. Irregardless, is an ERRONEOUS word... (nōō'kyə-lər) is an alternate pronunciation of a legitimate word.

I know you are a bull head, and have to make yourself right, regardless... of the facts, so you go right ahead doing that, but you haven't proven your point, and you can't prove your point, because it is irrelevant!
My point is that they are both considered largely incorrect and yet are used consistently by even educated persons.

They are much alike, even if you don't want them to be. One but has to look at the word to understand that it isn't spelled nucular, and that they are simply mistakenly pronouncing it like molecular without regard to the errancy. Just as anybody with understanding of the nature of words can see the irregardless is a redundancy.
Guys, I assure you, the whole "nuke-you-lur" thing was something she was purposely told to her by her campaign advisors, who seek to exploit the 'brand' Bush had created where he said a lot of stupid things, and intellectuals critiscized him. It's a play towards people in middle America that have been forced into a way of thinking by right-wingers that causes them to think that the worst danger in the world is anyone with intelligence, similar to what the khmer rouge did in Cambodia and other totalitarian ideologies worldwide, totalitarian ideolgies like conservatism, have done. By saying the wrong pronunciation she is seen as taking a shot at intellectuals. It is a subliminal wink towards stupid people.

So when Desh and Jarod and Joe Biden butcher the English language and say dumb things, they are in on this amazing ploy?

Here's a new theory: She's just not that brilliant.
How do nuclear scientists pronounce nuclear?

You will probably think I am bullshitting you, but I actually dated a nuclear scientist.

They do not pronounce it nucular.

My point is that they are both considered largely incorrect and yet are used consistently by even educated persons.

They are much alike, even if you don't want them to be. One but has to look at the word to understand that it isn't spelled nucular, and that they are simply mistakenly pronouncing it like molecular without regard to the errancy. Just as anybody with understanding of the nature of words can see the irregardless is a redundancy.

No, the 'nukyular' pronunciation is 'considered incorrect' but is in fact, an example of 'metathesis' in pronunciation. Irregardless 'is incorrect' as it is redundant in meaning as a word. One is erroneous, the other is a metathesis. It has nothing to do with me 'wanting them to be' it just is. Irregardless is seldom ever used by intelligent educated people, because the word is etymologically erroneous. The alternate pronunciation of nuclear is widely used by well-educated people, and is not erroneous.

A more valid comparison to the Palin/Bush pronunciation of nuclear, would be Obama's pronunciation of 'divisiveness' where he uses a short 'i' sound in the second 'i' instead of the more common long 'i' sound. However, the dictionary gives no indication or example of Obama's pronunciation of the word.
"The pit bull is back, and she can still bite.
Palin spoke in mostly complete sentences, unlike her performance in a string of recent TV appearances."

Here is something to think about…err, excuse me, I actually acted as if Americans think there, my bad.

Here is something to marvel at. A friendly review of Actress Sarah Palin’s new film “Palin Strikes Back; The Debaters” .

Once more – a friendly review. What are they bragging about? That the nominee for the position of Vice President of the United States of America –serving one heart beat away from a 72 year old man with a serious cancer history, btw – spoke in “mostly complete sentences.”

Truly, when they write the history of the fall of the American Empire, and they will write it, morons like this, and the morons in this country who supported them, will figure prominently. I thank god, or thank genetics, that I will never share that shame.
Darla did you watch the SNL skit vid on the debate. It is fantastic, You will luv it. someone posted it here over the weekend.
Darla did you watch the SNL skit vid on the debate. It is fantastic, You will luv it. someone posted it here over the weekend.

Yep. I think Fey is hysterical, but I also really laughed a lot at the guy playing Biden. I love the whole “I love John McCain, Love him…but he’s a RAGING MANIAC” thing. It just cracked me up.
Yep. I think Fey is hysterical, but I also really laughed a lot at the guy playing Biden. I love the whole “I love John McCain, Love him…but he’s a RAGING MANIAC” thing. It just cracked me up.

Yep it was great!

downright Mavericky, we will do mavericky stuff.
"The pit bull is back, and she can still bite.
Palin spoke in mostly complete sentences, unlike her performance in a string of recent TV appearances."

Here is something to think about…err, excuse me, I actually acted as if Americans think there, my bad.

Here is something to marvel at. A friendly review of Actress Sarah Palin’s new film “Palin Strikes Back; The Debaters” .

Once more – a friendly review. What are they bragging about? That the nominee for the position of Vice President of the United States of America –serving one heart beat away from a 72 year old man with a serious cancer history, btw – spoke in “mostly complete sentences.”

Truly, when they write the history of the fall of the American Empire, and they will write it, morons like this, and the morons in this country who supported them, will figure prominently. I thank god, or thank genetics, that I will never share that shame.
Mostly complere sentences! That shit kills me. Damned by faint praise.