my time has come to an end

I'm sure it is not just me that will miss your quick wit, stunning insight into Global Affairs, and the uncanny ability to moderate where both sides feel they come out as 'Winners'.
Farewell, Cornelius. :(
Does anyone think having a 'Rotating Moderator' is a good idea? Like one day, it would be 'USF', then the next day it would be 'Owl', then then next day it would be 'Legina', and then the next day it would be 'Mason'. Just throwing that out there, it wouldn't be mandatory.
Course, there would have to be some mechanism to 'ban' or 'skip over' Village Idiots like 'Truth Rejector', 'CFM', and 'BJ for a Ring'
Does anyone think having a 'Rotating Moderator' is a good idea? Like one day, it would be 'USF', then the next day it would be 'Owl', then then next day it would be 'Legina', and then the next day it would be 'Mason'. Just throwing that out there, it wouldn't be mandatory.

Mason absolutely should be moderator!
Hmmmmmmmm ... 'vosrock' and 'TDAK'? ... I can imagine a day of racial (chatroom) lynchings. THAT could be a blemish on JPP reputation. (?)
Does anyone think having a 'Rotating Moderator' is a good idea? Like one day, it would be 'USF', then the next day it would be 'Owl', then then next day it would be 'Legina', and then the next day it would be 'Mason'. Just throwing that out there, it wouldn't be mandatory.

LOL. That would be the most brilliant train wreck ever in the history of forever.
LOL. That would be the most brilliant train wreck ever in the history of forever.

You're probably right. I guess I didn't think it all the way through. I could see some using it as a way to get back at other Posters rather than being judicious.
You're probably right. I guess I didn't think it all the way through. I could see some using it as a way to get back at other Posters rather than being judicious.

I think that they work by congress when it it comes to handing out whippings. In my experience at other sites, the moderator panels tend to take a bit of time getting used to and putting it in the wrong hands could really mess up the site, let alone putting it in an ever changing set of hands. It also gives the people access to information not normally seen like IP addresses. With the OCD level hate between the Good Reads people, it could reignite there drama that periodically sweeps through here like a california forest fire.
I think that they work by congress when it it comes to handing out whippings. In my experience at other sites, the moderator panels tend to take a bit of time getting used to and putting it in the wrong hands could really mess up the site, let alone putting it in an ever changing set of hands. It also gives the people access to information not normally seen like IP addresses. With the OCD level hate between the Good Reads people, it could reignite there drama that periodically sweeps through here like a california forest fire.

Well, my original vision would be to have the same Moderators that patrol the Site now, but add a 'Rotating Member'. One that would come from the Drone Class of Posters, you know, for better representation. But, yeah, letting the 'average' Drone Poster become privy to Private Information could be a Major Problem.
Well, my original vision would be to have the same Moderators that patrol the Site now, but add a 'Rotating Member'. One that would come from the Drone Class of Posters, you know, for better representation. But, yeah, letting the 'average' Drone Poster become privy to Private Information could be a Major Problem.

One of my duties as a mod elsewhere was to constantly rearrange threads because it had a one thread per topic rule that zero people followed because they would get in pissing matches about whose threads on the same news topic got the most activity as some ego driven compulsion. There were levels of authority on the mod panel side so not everyone had the same level access, but the ability to open, close, disappear, and move crap around was basic level powers. In addition, they would surely drag crap out of modchat into the open forum if given half a chance here. modchat is basically a hidden forum where they discuss everything. The only good thing about being a mod was the ability to no holds barred talk sit about posters with other mods without anybody seeing to blow off steam ;)
Does anyone think having a 'Rotating Moderator' is a good idea? Like one day, it would be 'USF', then the next day it would be 'Owl', then then next day it would be 'Legina', and then the next day it would be 'Mason'. Just throwing that out there, it wouldn't be mandatory.

Very Stable. Very cool.