Nakba Day, 2024. The US must bear the guilt for genocide.

More than 1,100 people were killed in Hamas's attacks on October 7 while 253 were taken captive. The Israeli envoy to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, told a UN Security Council meeting on Thursday that 132 captives remained in Gaza.

Israeli infants were beheaded and burned alive by the barbarians in Hamas, a terrorist group
Wait a second...this makes no sense. You say they ethnically cleansed, yet all these supposed events happened before or after the war.
Before, during and after, ginger. You'd best get back to licking your ass.
Maybe give Earl a turn.

During the 1947–1949 Palestine war, or the Nakba, around 400 Palestinian Arab towns and villages were forcibly depopulated, with a majority being destroyed and left uninhabitable.[1][2] Today these locations are all in Israel; many of the locations were repopulated by Jewish immigrants, with their place names replaced with Hebrew place names.'

What history? Merely naming a UN resolution isn't "giving me history". Especially when you don't have a point to make because as you said, the Arabs rejected that resolution because they wanted to finish the job Hitler started.

Thankfully the Arabs are bad at war; a second Holocaust wasn't going to happen even though that's what you really want and are really striving towarsd.
I named no UN resolution, Jethro. Nor Hitler, you fucking idiot.
It's only awarded to those who aren't aware of it.
Oh, as Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom & Klues Klucks duh Klans Christian Nation SCOTUS Fourth Reich July Bicentennial & "what is 9/11 ?" national religion of thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists as Mengele "Angel of Death" medical care is nice for those Christiananality pedophilia crooks on Capital Hill Father's Day celebration as "one nation under God with equal justice under law".....
Sorry Dave, but the possessive of ' father ' disqualified you. Too bad, eh.
More Klues Kucks duh Klans of being disqualified from Mohammed Valhalla pedophilia martyrdom in lieu of being Klues Klucks duh Klans deemed Islam by Christian Nation SCOTUS Christiananality pedophilia fatherdom.....
Yes, of course- after the genocidal Jews invaded Palestine.
How could Jews have invaded a place you said they had already been living in before Israel was founded?

Remember? Remember when you said there was a small Jewish presence there long before Israel and long before the Holocaust? Those were your words.
Yes, it's always the same. The invading Zionists commit war crimes in Palestine and Jews everywhere else suffer.

As it stands now, you have not presented any evidence that supports your theory that Israel ethnically cleansed Arabs.

In fact, you undermined that argument when you acknowledged that 20% of Israel's population is Arab Muslim.
A dumbass lie. You've already been informed- territory cannot be gained by force.
It's not a lie, it's what actually happened.

In 1979, Jimmy Carter brought Sadat and Begin together for the first Israeli-Arab peace deal.

As part of that deal, Egypt relinquished its claims to Gaza.

I know this really upsets you, but that's what happened.
During the 1947–1949 Palestine war, or the Nakba, around 400 Palestinian Arab towns and villages were forcibly depopulated, with a majority being destroyed and left uninhabitable.[

So if what you're saying here is true, how come not every Arab left or was driven out? Shouldn't Israel have 0% Arab Muslim population instead of 20% if ethnic cleansing occurred? You know of course that almost every Arab nation has 0% Jewish population.

So you accuse Israel of ethnic cleansing but that is undermined by your acknowledgement that 20% of Israel's population is Arab Muslim, and the true NAKBA that happened was 900,000 Jews being ethnically cleansed from Arab Muslim nations.
As it stands now, you have not presented any evidence that supports your theory that Israel ethnically cleansed Arabs.

In fact, you undermined that argument when you acknowledged that 20% of Israel's population is Arab Muslim.
The ethnic cleansing is ongoing, fool.

It's not a lie, it's what actually happened.

In 1979, Jimmy Carter brought Sadat and Begin together for the first Israeli-Arab peace deal.

As part of that deal, Egypt relinquished its claims to Gaza.

I know this really upsets you, but that's what happened.
Dumbass- Egypt occupied Gaza. Gaza was never ' part of Egypt ' as you foolishly insist.
