Nakba Day, 2024. The US must bear the guilt for genocide.

Dumbass- Egypt occupied Gaza. Gaza was never ' part of Egypt ' as you foolishly insist.
Egypt annexed Gaza after the 1948 war and then lost Gaza in 1967.

Then in 1979, Egypt relinquished all claims to Gaza at the Camp David Accords.

It was pretty big news at the time.
Egypt annexed Gaza after the 1948 war and then lost Gaza in 1967.

Then in 1979, Egypt relinquished all claims to Gaza at the Camp David Accords.

It was pretty big news at the time.
No- annexation of Gaza was impossible as it contravenes international law.
Egypt occupied Gaza illegally- that's why Egypt isn't there now.
It will be the same with the occupying Zionist scum.
The ethnic cleansing is ongoing, fool.
Well Israel must be the worst at it because there are more Palestinians and Muslim Arabs living there today than there were in 1948.

However, there are fewer Jews in Arab Muslim nations today than there were in 1948...that was the real ethnic cleansing...that was the real Nakba.

Not this exaggerated, made-up bullshit that you're trafficking in.
Well Israel must be the worst at it because there are more Palestinians and Muslim Arabs living there today than there were in 1948.

However, there are fewer Jews in Arab Muslim nations today than there were in 1948...that was the real ethnic cleansing...that was the real Nakba.

Not this exaggerated, made-up bullshit that you're trafficking in.
Quite obviously, there are fewer Palestinians living in areas from which they been ethnically cleansed. There are , of course, more Palestinians living in areas into which they have been forced as refugees.
Most Jews that left Arab countries went willingly in order to grab a piece of ethnically-cleansed Palestine. The Zionist terror gangs invited them.
No- annexation of Gaza was impossible as it contravenes international law.
Yet they did it, so...

And wait a second...aren't YOU the one who says that it's perfectly OK for Putin and Russia to annex Crimea and Donbas because of some old timey Soviet claim or something?
Egypt occupied Gaza illegally- that's why Egypt isn't there now.
No, they're not there now because they lost in 1967 and 1973.

Then in 1979, Egypt relinquished all claims to Gaza.

This is easily searched history, so there's no reason for you to lie about it.
Quite obviously, there are fewer Palestinians living in areas from which they been ethnically cleansed

No there aren't!

You claim that 750,000 Muslim Arabs were ethnically cleansed by Israel, but now there are 2,000,000 Muslim Arabs living in Israel.

What's the opposite of "ethnic cleansing"? Because that's what Israel did.

If Israel wanted to ethnically cleanse the Arab Muslims from Israel then why didn't they do that?

Your claims of ethnic cleansing fall on deaf ears because of the fact that there are 2M Muslim Arabs living in Israel today with Israeli citizenship.

How many Jews are there in the Arab Muslim world today?
There are , of course, more Palestinians living in areas into which they have been forced as refugees.

The 2M Israeli Arab Muslims can live wherever they want.

That's what comes with the benefit of your ancestors not following the orders of the Arab Muslim nations.

So, there wasn't an ethnic cleansing, was there, because if there was, there wouldn't be 2M Arabs living in Israel today.

eThNIC cLEaNSiNg they say after the population nearly triples in 80 years.
Most Jews that left Arab countries went willingly in order to grab a piece of ethnically-cleansed Palestine. The Zionist terror gangs invited them.


No, they're not there now because they lost in 1967 and 1973.

Then in 1979, Egypt relinquished all claims to Gaza.

This is easily searched history, so there's no reason for you to lie about it.
It doesn't matter if they ' lost it ' or not- they weren't legally entitled to it in the first place. You, friend, are pushing shit uphill. If you continue to deny the facts if international law then you're not worth conversing with.
It doesn't matter if they ' lost it ' or not-
Yes, it does matter! Because they had it and they lost it.

That's how things work.

Now, I'm interested to hear your excuse for why Egypt or Israel annexing Gaza is a bad thing, but Russia annexing Donbas and Crimea aren't?

If we apply your Russia/Ukraine position to Israel/Palestinians, then you MUST be pro-annexation for Israel.
You, friend, are pushing shit uphill. If you continue to deny the facts if international law then you're not worth conversing with.

You can't defend your argument because you recognize the inaccuracies and contradiction within it, so you lie.
Yes, it does matter! Because they had it and they lost it.

That's how things work.

Now, I'm interested to hear your excuse for why Egypt or Israel annexing Gaza is a bad thing, but Russia annexing Donbas and Crimea aren't?

If we apply your Russia/Ukraine position to Israel/Palestinians, then you MUST be pro-annexation for Israel.
If you oppose the occupation of Ukraine on legal grounds then you must also oppose the occupation of Palestine.

Your hole- you dug it.