Name An Obama Created Bill And It's Expense..

Oh yes, I am aware the cost of malpractice insurance, the cost of litigation and lack of TORT reforms, contribute to the high costs, it's not just the indigent care, it's not just the old people, it's everything that can impact the price consumers pay. What it's NOT, is "price gouging" because there is too much competition and regulation, for that to be the case. We don't have monopolies who can exploit the need for their product, we passed laws to do away with those years ago. Every regulatory burden we place on the health care industry, has an impact on final cost to the consumer, there is no magic fairy who takes care of this.

Thanks to Obama and his health care plan, we will now have to pay these costs AND pay for the insurance to cover people who can't afford it, AND those who are already sick. Naturally, just like all other capitalist enterprise, these costs will be realized by the paying consumers. Our insurance premiums (if we can find them) are going to start going through the roof. Simple-minded pimple-faces like you, who've bought into the "1% price gougers" rhetoric, will scream and moan, but the bottom line is, someone has to pay for this stuff, it is never FREE! The next step will be to try and "force" hospitals and doctors into providing their services as lower costs, but since they can't do that and still maintain a reasonable profit, they will go out of business. Eventually, the Socialist Marxist government has to step in and TELL people they are going to become doctors and nurses, because that's what society needs, and they no longer have the freedom to make those choices on their own. We continue to piss away our freedom and liberty, for the sake of an all-powerful federal government who we believe is able to take care of all our needs. What this line of thinking has generally resulted in throughout history, is millions of dead bodies in mass graves.

Don't make presumptions about me, you know nothing about my personal life. "It's mighty white of you" is NOT a racist comment. If you have somehow interpreted it as one, that is YOUR problem, not mine. I am 1/16th Creole, and the last time I looked at a Creole person, they looked pretty 'black' to me. I'm also 1/8 Native American Indian, who are obviously NOT white people. Furthermore, I am also 1/8 Japanese, which is Oriental, again, NOT white people. For a "white supremacist" I sure as fuck have a lot of ethnicity, don't I? It causes me great consternation when I have to determine which race I feel is "superior" and which one I feel is "inferior" to the others. Now, I could come here wearing my ass on my shoulders with my Native American heritage, and beguile the "white man" regularly, like so many other ethnic people like to do, but I don't do that, I try to keep race out of the discussion and out of the arguments. Until some snot-nose punk decides to call me a "racist" without any basis other than his misinterpreted false assumptions.

I'm learning not to read your rants because it's a total waste of time. You aren't very smart are you? Sorry man, I know that might hurt your feelings. I just think that you may want to think about what you type before you type 2 pages.

I'm white and I'm fully aware of what "It's mighty white of you" means kid. Only "Get' R 'Done" morons usually use the phrase. To be more specific it assumes no other skin color would do the deed done. That defines racism.

Read a book kid..
No, the answer is Obama is G. W. Bush on steroids. The national debt has gone up 5 trillion $ since Democrats have had total control of Congress and Obama has been President and since Democrats maintained control of the Senate. They could have prevented all of that, (and even gotten some Republican support), but didn’t. They didn’t end the wars, and they put TARP on steroids. It’s past time you lefties stopped blaming Bush and took some responsibility for your idiot heroes in Washington. The cost of Obamacare will be calculated for years to come.

“If you think healthcare is expensive now, wait till Obamacare is in full force.”

Ok brains.

Your argument is that Obama extended Bush plans. You don't display an amount. You simply say it's on steroids.

How powerful. I believe it too, because I heard it on Fox News. You KNOW it's (R)ight.
Nope they will still blame Bush. Hell, there was some meth head shit hook on Democrat Underground who blamed the increased payroll taxes in Bush. No kidding. These people are pathological and have a propensity for cognitive dissonance that is unparalleled

The question was direct child. Name a bill Obama created that isn't an extention of something Bush created.

It's not about the blaim game. I don't support the extention of Bush policies kids. I am trying to make you children wake up who think Obama is the only bad guy and Bush was an angel...
strange.....I have listed five actions of Obama that resulted in increased expenditures and not a single liberal poster has dared to defend the profligate spending of Obama........probably because they realize his actions are indefensible......

I feel bad for you man. I made this post hoping a dunce Right Winger would bite the bait. The only bills you mentioned started under Bush and only extended by Obama. Thanks for playing.
262 reads and only one person has stated a new expense for Obama from the Bush era. Me.

Extention of unemployment.

Boy, Obama is really out of control.

I truely wonder what would happen if Obama attacked these expenses. If Obama attacked the Patriot act, stopped 2 wars, ended Americas army video game, stopped the anti-Iran group meetings, stopped the patriot act..............what kind of respect would the Right Wing have.

It would have been, "What a coward! What a fool! What a sissy!"

Because in the Fox News Right Wing moron view, everything is justified and absolute.
I'm learning not to read your rants because it's a total waste of time. You aren't very smart are you? Sorry man, I know that might hurt your feelings. I just think that you may want to think about what you type before you type 2 pages.

I'm white and I'm fully aware of what "It's mighty white of you" means kid. Only "Get' R 'Done" morons usually use the phrase. To be more specific it assumes no other skin color would do the deed done. That defines racism.

Read a book kid..

No, it indicates you believe that no other skin color would do the deed done.

Hurt my feelings? Are you joking? I absolutely LOVE being called "kid" at age 54. It's like getting carded when I buy booze! As for my intelligence, it's not a match for you, obviously. So wherever that puts me on the scale, it puts you just one peg below me, and I can live with that, I suppose.
I feel bad for you man. I made this post hoping a dunce Right Winger would bite the bait. The only bills you mentioned started under Bush and only extended by Obama. Thanks for playing.

????.....actually, none of the five things I listed started under Bush.....I guess that makes you look pretty bad doesn't it.....that would explain why you are running away from discussing them.....
So your answer from my challenge, "I challenge any of you to name one bill that was not layed over from Bush" was "your kidding, right" Yet you and no one on this forum can name one except me....

For one thing, Obama/Bush is not, or was not a legislator.

But I'll take a shot at it. Let's see,,,,, hmmmmmmm,,,,,, Obamacare?

And the cost,,,,, lets see,,,,,, hmmmmmmm in the trillions? Still not truely known though.

Or maybe this is a trick question, or I'm missing something.
For one thing, Obama/Bush is not, or was not a legislator.

But I'll take a shot at it. Let's see,,,,, hmmmmmmm,,,,,, Obamacare?

And the cost,,,,, lets see,,,,,, hmmmmmmm in the trillions? Still not truely known though.

Or maybe this is a trick question, or I'm missing something.

Will I get a response?