Name Something the Government can Stick up Their ASS

and corrupted by corporate donations in amounts regular people are not allowed to give.

the corrupt fascist-o-crats are not the people. they're a subset of the people, who are corrupt and criminal.

overgeneralizing and leaky abstractions is the way totalitarians delude even themselves, apparently.

The people should vote differently, that would solve these problems, but I agree that we have a big problem with corrupted fascists. The people are so easily manipulated by the wealthy who are busy shitting on golden toilets and who have disdain for most Americans.

You are for example being extremally manipulated yourself, yet you believe you are above it.
The people should vote differently, that would solve these problems, but I agree that we have a big problem with corrupted fascists. The people are so easily manipulated by the wealthy who are busy shitting on golden toilets and who have disdain for most Americans.

You are for example being extremally manipulated yourself, yet you believe you are above it.

maybe so.

but that still does not mean the government is the people. the government is a few people.

that's just retarded on your part.
Good idea, Arby.

Lets do away with firefighters,
department of public works,
public parks,
and most importantly of all, schools.

The other ape species don't bother with that shit
and they're not extinct yet.

I pay county taxes. I pay local taxes. I pay sales tax on everything I buy. I pay gas tax. I pay state tax. I pay federal tax on my retirement withdraws. That should cover the schools.
I pay county taxes. I pay local taxes. I pay sales tax on everything I buy. I pay gas tax. I pay state tax. I pay federal tax on my retirement withdraws. That should cover the schools.

I have no problem with a tax on commercial properties, second and third homes, rentals, raw land, and the like so long as your primary residence isn't taxed. That means you truly own your home and the government can't take it away from you for not paying your property taxes.
Do you not understand that the government is the people? The government is elected by the people of the United States of America.

There are limits on what the government made up of the people can do, but anything the government does do is a result of the vote of the people.

I despise idiots who believe this brainwashed tripe bucket of's a made up theory to get people to question their standing

If the people were the government, then there wouldn't be exemptions in the law for government, they would be treated the same as the people.
I have no problem with a tax on commercial properties, second and third homes, rentals, raw land, and the like so long as your primary residence isn't taxed. That means you truly own your home and the government can't take it away from you for not paying your property taxes.

I despise idiots who believe this brainwashed tripe bucket of's a made up theory to get people to question their standing

If the people were the government, then there wouldn't be exemptions in the law for government, they would be treated the same as the people.

Did you ever take a government class in school?



Digital I.D.

Carbon Tax

Agenda 2030

Green New Deal

Billions $$ Support to Iran

Bug Meat


$$ Going to Illegals

High Ranking Anti Semite Democrats

Please feel free to add the many more actions or plans that our
government can or needs to stick up their collective anti American ass.
Hates Libs

Hates America

Hates the Constitution.

Hates Jesus

Name something LibHater does like:
White Supremacists

Authoritarian governments as long as they cater to Euro-American males


Donald J. Trump
Yup, America! Love it and MAGA!




Well, those two images of the 1920s and the 1970s represent the Democrats and or the democrat Party as a whole.
The image of the 2020s of course is one of responsible intelligent Righties waving flags that want America FIRST
again as it once was under Trump's presidency. So are you changing your radical leftist tune here and coming over
to the America First or the Make America Great Again side?
Hates Libs

Hates America

Hates the Constitution.

Hates Jesus

Name something LibHater does like:
White Supremacists

Authoritarian governments as long as they cater to Euro-American males


Donald J. Trump

Got them all wrong per usual.

Hates Liberalism
Loves America
Loves the Constitution
Loves Jesus
Well, those two images of the 1920s and the 1970s represent the Democrats and or the democrat Party as a whole.
The image of the 2020s of course is one of responsible intelligent Righties waving flags that want America FIRST
again as it once was under Trump's presidency. So are you changing your radical leftist tune here and coming over
to the America First or the Make America Great Again side?

Anyone with an IQ above carrot know that political parties change but ideology doesn't. The fact you support white supremacy has been clear since you showed up here.

FWIW, I voted straight Republican tickets since I first became eligible to vote up until after 2012 when it became clear to me the Republican Party had turned racist by abandoning the results of their own Growth & Opportunity Project. I've voted straight Libertarian tickets ever since and will do so again if Trump is on the Republican ticket. You? I have no doubt you'll vote for the White Supremacist party.
Got them all wrong per usual.

Hates Liberalism
Loves America
Loves the Constitution
Loves Jesus

I never trust liars.

When Bill Clinton looked America in the eye and said "I didn't inhale", I never trusted a thing he ever said after that. This proved true when he committed perjury.

When you claim to love Jesus then spread your venom and hatred daily, I knew you were also a liar and I'll never trust you, LibHater.
I never trust liars.

When Bill Clinton looked America in the eye and said "I didn't inhale", I never trusted a thing he ever said after that. This proved true when he committed perjury.

When you claim to love Jesus then spread your venom and hatred daily, I knew you were also a liar and I'll never trust you, LibHater.

You'll never trust me because you'll never believe that I don't hate any person. I don't spread venom, unless its against a particular ideology
or agenda that hurts and or destroys we Americans and or America as a nation. And everything that this dem admin is doing hurts and or
destroys both Americans and America. Have you checked out Biden's favorability ratings of late?