National Energy Plan by Boone Pickens

Damn you Darla! I post one thread where the topic is actually serious and it turns into this! Oh well, back to the glowsticks!

Dave, I’m really sorry. I have a lot of anger at Top, he has been such a prick for weeks now. I’m sorry I let it boil over on your thread, rather than waiting for one of us useless ones.
Dave, I’m really sorry. I have a lot of anger at Top, he has been such a prick for weeks now. I’m sorry I let it boil over on your thread, rather than waiting for one of us useless ones.

It's ok. I still give you discount! Ask Tiana for a coupon!
If you don't think big oil has funnelled millions into think tanks & propoganda that get the word out that wind & solar will never cut it, and that we can't get off oil, you're blind. And no, I don't think Pickens was in charge of those propoganda efforts.

T. Boone Pickens is pretty much in charge of whateverthefuck he wants to be, he has that kind of wealth. I am not aware of ANY oil company engaged in such propaganda effort, in fact, most of them have poured billions into alt-fuel research the past decade. I also don't know who this "crowd" is that keeps telling you we can't get off oil, you must be hearing those voices in your head again, because no one I know is saying that. It is a reality that we will need oil for many years to come, there is no way to completely eliminate it as a fuel. Millions of Americans are not going to be able to buy the new Hydrogen-powered Honda, or convert their homes to solar. To transition to a point where 'most' of America is able to do this, will take decades, and in the meantime, we will need an ample supply of domestic crude.

I think Pickens has a good idea, and with his kind of financial clout, it's possible we could realize some tangible benefits from it. Reading through the Pinhead responses here, at least it doesn't appear he is being vilified and trashed before he gets started. So, maybe there is hope after all.

I personally think we need a comprehensive plan, the goal and objective should be complete independence of foreign oil. We can give it some kewl liberal name, like... Not One Drop! Make up some t-shirts and bumper stickers, and sink billions upon billions into the project over the next 10 years. The plan would include ideas like Pickens has, replacing NG with Wind and using the NG for vehicles, but it would also include aggressive pursuit of alt-energy and bio-fuels, as well as drilling in every fucking place we even remotely think might have some oil. Oklahoma has a HUGE deposit of shale oil, which has historically been too expensive to extract, but oil companies have been experimenting with microwaves as a means to 'melt' the shale underground, then they simply pump it out like traditional oil. If something like this is perfected, and we can convert this shale into usable, extractable crude, it will give us more oil than all other nations on the planet combined, twice over. If ANWR is so important to you Pinheads, I would be willing to abandon the idea of drilling there, if we can perfect a way to extract the shale oil in OK.

In addition, our auto industry should be leading the way for the rest of the world in new alternative fuel vehicle technology. Not only would this help with the "Not One Drop" campaign, but it would also revive a fledgling US auto industry.

This is an idea we can all get behind, regardless of our politics or disagreement in other areas. Our dependence on foreign oil is killing us, and it is the root cause for most of our foreign policy problems around the world. Imagine how good it would feel to not give a shit if the middle east decided to turn its oil fields into nuclear dumps. Imagine how good it would feel to give OPEC the finger when they attempt to strangle us economically with reduced productions and increased price. We can realize this dream!