NATO ex- prepare for a “worst-case” scenario: war with Russia.


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n response to comments made by the U.K. foreign secretary over the West needing to “double down” on its support for Ukraine, former NATO commander Sir Richard Shirreff told BBC Radio 4’s “Today” program it was “absolutely the right approach” and that “it’s got to be followed through with significant resources, and it’s got to be done right across the alliance, as a whole.”

Shirreff, formerly a NATO deputy strategic commander for Europe, then went on to caution that the Kremlin is likely to respond to this aggressively and that the West should be prepared for a worst-case scenario. “The worst case is war with Russia,” he said. “By gearing itself up for the worst case, it is most likely to deter [Russian President Vladimir] Putin because ultimately Putin respects strength.”
Putin threatens "lightning-fast strikes" on those who want to intervene in the war
Russian President Vladimir Putin has responded to western "threats" with a threat of his own, stating that the Russian army is prepared to deliver lightning-fast strikes with strategic weapons. Source: Vladimir Putin, speaking to Russian parliamentarians in St. Petersburg Quote from Putin: "If someone decides to intervene in current events [in Ukraine] from the outside and creates unacceptable strategic threats for Russia, then [they] must know that our response, our retaliatory strikes, will be lightning-fast, quick. We have all the tools for this - such that no one else can boast of right now. And we won't brag - we'll use them if needed! And everyone should know about it! All decisions in this regard have already been made."
fuck this insanity, Biden is sending another 33 billion ( we are up to hundreds of billions)
This is basically an Article 5 response to Ukraine - which has no strategic values for the USA
NATO would crush Russia if Putin tried to start a conventional war. Russian land forces and air power have been severely degraded by their foolish invasion of Ukraine, it is going to take them years to replace the tanks, aircraft, and trained crews they lost in the invasion, and real time battlefield Data show both the superiority of NATO weapons, and the incompetence of Russian logistical tactics.
Isn’t that what military alliances, military entities do, prepare for war and the worst case scenarios?
Ukraine is not part of an NATO alliance -we are at war with Russia, and Congress sits there like a dead toad
If we are going to do this it should be on our own interests ( it's not)and we need to do it
with more then just Biden turning Ukraine into an arms cache
NATO would crush Russia if Putin tried to start a conventional war. Russian land forces and air power have been severely degraded by their foolish invasion of Ukraine, it is going to take them years to replace the tanks, aircraft, and trained crews they lost in the invasion, and real time battlefield Data show both the superiority of NATO weapons, and the incompetence of Russian logistical tactics.
this has nothing to do with NATO.. stop the c/p mantra
Another ' Donkey ' British officer looking forward to playing with his Sandhurst toy soldiers.
NATO would crush Russia if Putin tried to start a conventional war. Russian land forces and air power have been severely degraded by their foolish invasion of Ukraine, it is going to take them years to replace the tanks, aircraft, and trained crews they lost in the invasion, and real time battlefield Data show both the superiority of NATO weapons, and the incompetence of Russian logistical tactics.

An invasion of Poland, Lithuania, Romania would end in disaster and defeat for Putin, and most likely result in his head on a pike at the hands of disgruntled Kremlin insiders
An invasion of Poland, Lithuania, Romania would end in disaster and defeat for Putin, and most likely result in his head on a pike at the hands of disgruntled Kremlin insiders
please take your jingoistic fantasies to another thread.

This is about being sucked into war with Russia step by step. escalation by escalation
and we aren't even talking about it with few exceptions like Glen Greenwald
NATO would crush Russia if Putin tried to start a conventional war. Russian land forces and air power have been severely degraded by their foolish invasion of Ukraine, it is going to take them years to replace the tanks, aircraft, and trained crews they lost in the invasion, and real time battlefield Data show both the superiority of NATO weapons, and the incompetence of Russian logistical tactics.

This sort of western propaganda is wishful thinking tinged with Russophobia.
This sort of western propaganda is wishful thinking tinged with Russophobia.
it's background noise CRAP designed to lull you into acceptance that somehow this is about defending NATO.. so the Average Person says "well if it stops Russia on NATO"
while we send in the entire arms depot to Ukraine for our war with Russia
n response to comments made by the U.K. foreign secretary over the West needing to “double down” on its support for Ukraine, former NATO commander Sir Richard Shirreff told BBC Radio 4’s “Today” program it was “absolutely the right approach” and that “it’s got to be followed through with significant resources, and it’s got to be done right across the alliance, as a whole.”

Shirreff, formerly a NATO deputy strategic commander for Europe, then went on to caution that the Kremlin is likely to respond to this aggressively and that the West should be prepared for a worst-case scenario. “The worst case is war with Russia,” he said. “By gearing itself up for the worst case, it is most likely to deter [Russian President Vladimir] Putin because ultimately Putin respects strength.”

Your daily reminder that Anatta here has been spreading Russian propaganda all over JPP for years.
it's background noise CRAP designed to lull you into acceptance that somehow this is about defending NATO.. so the Average Person says "well if it stops Russia on NATO"
while we send in the entire arms depot to Ukraine for our war with Russia

This is YOUR WAR because YOU WANTED and SUPPORTED Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
it's background noise CRAP designed to lull you into acceptance that somehow this is about defending NATO.. so the Average Person says "well if it stops Russia on NATO"
while we send in the entire arms depot to Ukraine for our war with Russia

Do you think people forget what you wrote 2 months ago?

Because I haven't forgotten the lies you told about Ukraine in order to justify your continued presence on JPP, spreading Russia's disinformation for them.

You're a Russian Asset and you've been one for as long as I've been on JPP.
it's background noise CRAP designed to lull you into acceptance that somehow this is about defending NATO.. so the Average Person says "well if it stops Russia on NATO"
while we send in the entire arms depot to Ukraine for our war with Russia

This you?

I didn't ask for a mail in, I would have never known it was sent except my Russian neighbor
( who values American democracy more then most Americans) was kind enough to bring it over
return postage paid envelope included.. what could possibly go wrong?? :palm:

Since you lied here, why should anyone take you seriously ever again?
please take your jingoistic fantasies to another thread.

This is about being sucked into war with Russia step by step. escalation by escalation
and we aren't even talking about it with few exceptions like Glen Greenwald
I think NATO is satisfied to watch Putin's army ripped from limb to limb by a small third world country.

Given how badly his military has failed and been decimated in Ukraine, I don't think Putin has the courage or confidence to strike militarily at NATO in any substantial and strategic way