NATO ex- prepare for a “worst-case” scenario: war with Russia.

NATO would crush Russia if Putin tried to start a conventional war. .

That's the problem he wont...because of the facts u state..HE WOULD GET HIS ASS KICKED. he knows it

He will use nukes thats his ONLY option
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The NUKES are coming out!

Get yourself some smelling salts and try not to faint.

Putin is using the same strategy North Korea does - bluster and make threats about nuking everyone unless they are given what they want.

The fact that Putin is stooping to the nuclear blackmail option shows how weak he is and how badly this war has gone for him.

Vlad is blustering in the hopes that NATO will fragment and western unity will be undermined.

It's a good thing easily frightened MAGA fat asses are no longer steering the ship.
Get yourself some smelling salts and try not to faint.

Putin is using the same strategy North Korea does - bluster and make threats about nuking everyone unless they are given what they want.

The fact that Putin is stooping to the nuclear blackmail option shows how weak he is and how badly this war has gone for him.

Vlad is blustering in the hopes that NATO will fragment and western unity will be undermined.

It's a good thing easily frightened MAGA fat asses are no longer steering the ship.

Thank God...thats good

Good thing u know what he is going to do...they could have used u in 1938 when it came to Hitler and what he may or may not do:laugh: You are a stupid fuck!

easily frightened?

I bet u still wear a mask
Get yourself some smelling salts and try not to faint.

Putin is using the same strategy North Korea does - bluster and make threats about nuking everyone unless they are given what they want.

The fact that Putin is stooping to the nuclear blackmail option shows how weak he is and how badly this war has gone for him.

Vlad is blustering in the hopes that NATO will fragment and western unity will be undermined.

It's a good thing easily frightened MAGA fat asses are no longer steering the ship.
NK doesnt have tactical nukes, Russia could very well use them
and we are at war with Russia,not NK
Thank God...thats good

Good thing u know what he is going to do...they could have used u in 1938 when it came to Hitler and what he may or may not do:laugh: You are a stupid fuck!

easily frightened?

I bet u still wear a mask

You were screaming on your keyboard in 18 point all caps, so it seemed like Vlad the blustering punk had you frightened and on the verge of fainting.
Ukraine is an independent sovereign state that can decide for itself what it's future should hold.

The majority of Ukrainians want to align with western institutions.

^^ Now especially more than ever. The war instigated by notorious War Criminal Vlad Putin has guaranteed that the overwhelming majority of Ukrainians will hate Russia with a burning passion for generations to come.
i give you a detailed answer on why Uk was always best as a buffer state
I show you how this i a path to a simmering war long term
I get back this?
You have become jingoistic - not worth serious discussions.
sadly Biden and many in Congress are the same
You are easily frightened by Kremlin bluster.
tell me why a tactical nuke is off the table? Russia has said it's not.
Russia has always had them to counterbalance superior NATO forces
Uk is shelling (attacking) parts of Russia

we keep escalating the type and quantity of weapons systems
It's to the point - or close to it wherer Putin has nothing to lose.
Which is why that "off ramp" was so important.

Do you see any off ramp now?
You are easily frightened by Kremlin bluster.

He is just an anti-American, pro-Putin scumbag. He wants the US to just let Putin do whatever he wants, because, well, he is an anti-American, pro-Putin scumbag. He supports a mass murderer of civilians. Anything that stops Putin from killing more of them is an outrage to this piece of shit scumbag.
Cool, that took like one minute. Fear not, you're still blocked, comrade.
who cares. your brain has been blocked since i had the misfortune to cross your path.
Libya was the give away where you mindlessly cheered on regime change

I dont take you as a serious poster. I post back to you when you erupt some noise -otherwise ignore you
He is just an anti-American, pro-Putin scumbag. He wants the US to just let Putin do whatever he wants, because, well, he is an anti-American, pro-Putin scumbag. He supports a mass murderer of civilians. Anything that stops Putin from killing more of them is an outrage to this piece of shit scumbag.
like this. another "eruption" (rant)
we are at war with Russia

Now I keep hearing how we need to beat Russia. This is what passes for serious analysis?
we've taken a border war and turned it into a war between superpowers
He is just an anti-American, pro-Putin scumbag. He wants the US to just let Putin do whatever he wants, because, well, he is an anti-American, pro-Putin scumbag. He supports a mass murderer of civilians. Anything that stops Putin from killing more of them is an outrage to this piece of shit scumbag.

Funny how you thought SH in Iraq could do what ever he wanted . America stopping him was bad
Giving Ukraine what amounts to a blank check also discourages peace. Since victory seems impossible for either side, only an agreement between Moscow and Kiev can end the war. We have some incentive for Russia to pay an unexpected price for invading Ukraine and therefore hopefully forego other conquest. However, escalating the war further will increase the civilian death toll in Ukraine and defer any ceasefire—possibly to the detriment of Ukraine since it appears Russia has regained the initiative on the battlefield.

Furthermore, U.S. assistance has become so excessive and overt that there is the risk that Russia will see itself as at war with America, not just Ukraine. That perception, which risks nuclear conflict, is something that every president of both parties carefully avoided during the Cold War. It is a huge risk for America with very little prospective payoff.
REP. BRIAN MAST: We had Secretary Blinken come before the Foreign Affairs Committee, and I think this shows that the administration was really trying to do a garbage dump on Capitol Hill because they also sent Mayorkas and the CDC and they did the Disinformation Governance Board, all in one day, they're just trying to overwhelm and cover things up. But Blinken specifically, he came to Capitol Hill and gave basically no answers to Republicans or Democrats. And even at one point, as he was speaking to me, went so far as to say that
Ukraine would be making decisions about U.S. sanctions, U.S. commerce and what we choose to regain with Russia, basically saying United States of America, who Ukraine is coming to for assistance, we're not in the driver's seat, we're not determining red lines, we're not even determining our own commerce. That's all going to be figured out by another nation over in Europe. That's not the United States of America.
tell me why a tactical nuke is off the table? Russia has said it's not.
Russia has always had them to counterbalance superior NATO forces
Uk is shelling (attacking) parts of Russia

we keep escalating the type and quantity of weapons systems
It's to the point - or close to it wherer Putin has nothing to lose.
Which is why that "off ramp" was so important.

Do you see any off ramp now?
It's almost as if you do not want Ukraine to have any weapons to defend itself except small arms, and an outdated collection of Cold War-era Soviet armored vehicles.

The sovereign nation of Ukraine has a right to acquire artillery systems, drones,and anti tank missiles to defend itself against an invader who purports to have one of the world's premier and most powerful military.

Use of tactical nukes would be a war crime of unprecedented scale. The fact Russia is even blustering about it underlines how far they have descended into being a criminal rogue state that needs to be cordoned off and isolated like an infectious virus.

The western democracies cannot pull a Neville Chamberlain and cave to bluster and threats. If anything is worth defending in this world, western liberal democracy is near the top. A violent, criminal rogue state cannot be allowed to run amuck in our world.
It's almost as if you do not want Ukraine to have any weapons to defend itself except small arms, and an outdated collection of Cold War-era Soviet armored vehicles.

The sovereign nation of Ukraine has a right to acquire artillery systems, drones,and anti tank missiles to defend itself against an invader who purports to have one of the world's premier and most powerful military.

Use of tactical nukes would be a war crime of unprecedented scale. The fact Russia is even blustering about it underlines how far they have descended into being a criminal rogue state that needs to be cordoned off and isolated like an infectious virus.

The western democracies cannot pull a Neville Chamberlain and cave to bluster and threats. If anything is worth defending in this world, western liberal democracy is near the top.
you were making some sense until you went the Neville Chamberlain route

Ukraine can ask for the moon - it doesn't mean we need to kowtow to whatever they want
Do you get it yet?? "we are at war with Russia" -have you internalized this?

Post war whether Putin bombs cities or uses nukes wont really matter in terms of ostracizing Putin

The only thing holding him back now is China doesnt want the blowback of using nukes

Still Russia is issuing warnings over and over - i dont want to play chicken with Putin