NATO ex- prepare for a “worst-case” scenario: war with Russia.

its what can happen when you ignore Georgia, ignore Crimea and tell Putin its okay if there is only a mild incursion into Ukraine.......

The breakaway regions of Georgia did so willingly. It's called ' self-determination '
That's what Nato purports to approve. You're Mr. NATO- get purporting.

Haw, haw.....................................haw.
its what can happen when you ignore Georgia, ignore Crimea and tell Putin its okay if there is only a mild incursion into Ukraine.......

The breakaway regions of Ukraine did so willingly. It's called ' self determination '
It's what NATO purports to approve.
You're Mr. NATO- get purporting.

Haw, haw......................................haw.
Ukraine crisis a result of US policy goals – Russia
Washington’s concept of a US-centric world is a neocolonialist project based on racism and American exceptionalism, Moscow believes



The current conflict between Russia and Ukraine is a direct result of the West’s push to create a unipolar world, one which has involved NATO’s unabated eastward expansion, Moscow's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told China’s Xinhua News Agency in an interview published on Saturday.

“The US and NATO have always seen Ukraine as an instrument of containing Russia,” the minister said, adding that the reasons that eventually prompted Moscow to launch its military operation in Ukraine stem from a years-long western policy that included stirring up anti-Russian sentiment among Ukrainians and forcing them to make a “false choice” between the West and Russia.

“It was the West that first instigated and then supported an anti-constitutional coup d’état in Kiev in 2014” which gave rise to an internal Ukrainian conflict the US and its allies never tried to resolve, Lavrov said, as he accused Washington and its partners of “fostering” Kiev’s “aggressive anti-Russian course” and “pushing nationalists towards a military solution” of the crisis in the Donbass.

Take your pick- horse's mouth or horse's ass.
They have asked for a lot of military support we have denied them: no fly zones, main battle tanks, advanced fighter aircraft.

You literally sound like you want Ukraine to be under equiped and out gunned by Russia.

you literally sound like you are arguing against yourself in the same post......
I'll chalk you up as literally desiring to to see Ukraine outgunned and defeated

The Kremlin heavily armed North Vietnam, the Viet Cong, the North Koreans, and the Chinese when we were at war in East Asia. So the Kremlin really has no grounds to complain if we choose to arm Ukraine.
you can "chalk me up" as not wanting to be at war with Russia.

I finally heard a FOX reporter (Griffin) ask Austin if he
"was afraid this was becoming a proxy war against Russia"

The stupid moron just laughed it off like we laughed of all Russian security request that got this war going

Clueless twits like this are how the end of the USSR became the fertile stomping ground for NATO mischief
he was losing the war with Ukraine before Biden reluctantly started doing anything....he wouldn't even stop using Russian oil until Nancy scheduled the vote he didn't want.....
no the JAVELINs tuned the tide at Kyiv- otherwise the south was going pretty well.
Biden got them in there in heavy numbers
The the heavy infusions of western weapons slowed down the advance the south

​​1. Over 1,400 Stinger anti-aircraft missiles
Over 5,500 Javelin anti-tank missiles
Over 14,000 other anti-armor systems
Over 700 Switchblade drones
Phoenix Ghost tactical drones
90 155mm Howitzers and 183,000 155mm artillery rounds
72 Tactical Vehicles to tow 155mm Howitzers
16 Mi-17 helicopters
Armored High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles
200 M113 Armored Personnel Carriers
7,000 small arms
50 million rounds of ammunition
Laser-guided rocket systems
Puma Unmanned Aerial Systems
Unmanned Coastal Defense Vessels
M18A1 Claymore anti-personnel munitions
C-4 explosives and demolition equipment for obstacle clearing