NATO ex- prepare for a “worst-case” scenario: war with Russia.

You're the one who stood behind Trump as he withheld weapons from Ukraine.

So you caused this to happen because you made Ukraine look weak by failing to extort them into manufacturing lies about Biden because you can't win an election in the US based solely on the merits of your policies.

There is not one single policy Conservatives can claim as theirs that has led to anything good for the country as a whole.


the war is your fault because you failed to escalate it.

you're retarded.
I hope this is true.

Putin order to hit the West with nukes 'would be IGNORED because top commanders think he is dying or gravely ill', Moscow expert claims my

It isn't, maggot. Just like in your military there are ram-rod assholes who will follow the training manual- even in the case of a mental basket-case like Trump.
Trump considered strike on Mexico – former Pentagon chief
The former US president suggested a missile attack on Mexican drug labs, an ex-defense secretary says

“They don’t have control of their own country. We could just shoot some Patriot missiles and take out the labs, quietly. No one would know it was us,” the former Pentagon boss quoted Trump as saying.

Why don't you send a gun-boat and put an end to it ?
A mission for Captain Truss ?

Haw, haw.....................................haw.
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