NATO’s Scorched Earth in Ukraine | Consortium News

I am pretty much sick of you idiots that support Putin, come to this forum, to carry Putin's water for him!

So that is my comment! And the only response this thread deserves.

I suspect that bout 5 super pro Putineers here are doing it as a job. They defend whatever Putin does 100 percent. Putin has blood all over his tiny little hands. They do too.
Russia has already started rebuilding Ukraine, at least in Mariupol. Even publications that hold a dim view of Russia have admitted as much. Here's one that I think was particularly good as it offered photographic evidence:

After months of bombing, Russia starts rebuilding Mariupol |

'It’s like the USSR’: residents on life in Mariupol a year since Russian occupation

People tell Guardian of ‘primitive’ living standards, propaganda in schools and constant risk of arrest
The main issue as far as I'm concerned shouldn't be how corrupt Ukraine and Russia are, but rather, does it make sense that Russia would feel threatened by the 8 year civil war in Ukraine [snip]

Nope. Nobody is threatening Russia. Not even NATO.

It's this lack of understanding of the historical context that created this war that perpetuates the problem. You may recall a thread I started here with an article from John Mearsheimer a little over a week ago. Just in case you don't, it's here:

The Darkness Ahead: Where The Ukraine War Is Headed |

For anyone who hasn't seen the article or even if you just want to know John Mearsheimer's credentials, I suggest you take a look at this thread, as well as Mearsheimer's article that I linked to in the opening post of that thread. Mearsheimer and others had been predicting that the U.S. breaking its word to not expand NATO one inch east of Germany has been provoking Russia since the late 1990s. For decades, Russia restrained itself, but offering Ukraine membership and then Ukraine actively killing thousands of ethnic Russians in Ukraine was a bridge too far.

There were 2 things that happened prior to Russia's military operation in Ukraine that I think pushed Russia over the brink. The first was the U.S.'s refusal to even try to negotiate with a draft treaty that Russia proposed back in December 2021 as writers and activists Medea Benjamin and Nicolas Davies pointed out shortly after Russia's military operation began:

In December 2021, after a summit between Presidents Biden and Putin, Russia submitted a draft proposal for a new mutual security treaty between Russia and NATO, with 9 articles to be negotiated. They represented a reasonable basis for a serious exchange. The most pertinent to the crisis in Ukraine was simply to agree that NATO would not accept Ukraine as a new member, which is not on the table in the foreseeable future in any case. But the Biden administration brushed off Russia's entire proposal as a nonstarter, not even a basis for negotiations.

So why was negotiating a mutual security treaty so unacceptable that Biden was ready to risk thousands of Ukrainian lives, although not a single American life, rather than attempt to find common ground? What does that say about the relative value that Biden and his colleagues place on American versus Ukrainian lives? And what is this strange position that the United States occupies in today's world that permits an American president to risk so many Ukrainian lives without asking Americans to share their pain and sacrifice?


How the US Started a New Cold War with Russia and Left Ukraine to Fight It |

The second was the heavy bombardment of the Donbass region by the Ukrainian military days before Russia launched its military operation. I started a thread that brought this up back in November of last year:

Former Swiss Intelligence Officer blows the whistle on West's Ukraine War Narrative |

If there was ever a justified time to do it, now would be it, to kick them out of Ukraine. Same as was done with kicking Iraq them out of Kuwait.

I'm guessing you're suggesting that now's the time to kick Russia out of Ukraine?

as well as its desire to reaquire nuclear weapons.

They can desire it all they want, they’re not getting any.

Certainly not if Russia has anything to say about it. And I think we can agree that Russia is sending a very powerful message that they're opposed.

What makes you think they would when no other recently added NATO countries didn’t ?

You think Russia's just going to hope that NATO doesn't send them any nukes if they were to join NATO?

I think a rather easy way to answer that question would be to ask what would the U.S. do if a neighbour that doesn't exactly get along with the U.S. were to acquire nuclear weapons. We already know the answer to that question- it's called the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Yep and the other good thing that came out of that is Türkey gave up theirs. You seem to have a problem with that.

Why do you think I have a problem with that? As to Turkey "giving up" theirs, I don't believe they had a choice in the matter. As a matter of fact, the -reason- that Russia agreed to pull out their nukes from Cuba was precisely because they had made a secret deal with JFK that he'd pull out the nukes in Turkey in exchange.
That isn't going to happen.

This is one of the reasons the Russians are there right now.

Besides, NATO members strongly oppose this as it would lead to nothing but problems.

Well yeah. Ukraine is at war now.
I can see NATO pressuring Ukraine into giving up the Donbas and Crimea for NATO membership.
Both sides lose something, both gain something, neither completely satisfied.

I think that even Biden realizes at this point that allowing Ukraine to join NATO would be like pouring a can of gasoline on a fire. Anyway, I just read an article out today from NPR saying that Biden says that Zelensky is fine with waiting:

Ukraine can't join NATO yet. But Biden says Zelenskyy is OK with that |

Quoting from the article:
Biden spoke to a crowd of hundreds of people in Vilnius, Lithuania, at the end of a NATO summit where Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had pressed NATO for a timeline for when his country could join the military alliance.

Zelenskyy left the summit without a timeline — but he did receive pledges for long-term security assistance by the United States and other G-7 nations.


Yes, I'm sure Zelensky was just peachy with getting a bunch of sweet nothings whispered into his ear. He can now go home and tell his countrymen who are getting slaughtered that European countries have pledged "long-term security assistance", whatever that means.

On the other side of things, I think there is a -little- sense left in Biden for not wanting to tilt head first into a possible armaggedon.

If only Biden had been a bit more interested in what Russia felt on the matter -before- Russia started its military operation, back in December 2021, as I pointed out in my last post here.
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I was surprised yesterday when I learned Erdogan supports Ukraine entry into NATO.

I wasn't! Biden said all along that Turkey was not going to be a problem.

Biden doesn't lie, and I trust him in his foresight and insight and all his US world foreign policy experience!
Well yeah. Ukraine is at war now.
I can see NATO pressuring Ukraine into giving up the Donbas and Crimea for NATO membership.
Both sides lose something, both gain something, neither completely satisfied.

We will see.

Nobody really knows Putin's goals yet.

Honestly, I think he's been pretty straight up about his core goals. He mentioned both in a speech that aired on the day he started his military operation. I think the most important one was arresting NATO's further expansion, in particular in Ukraine. I think the second goal was to protect the people in the Donbass region. Here's an excerpt from his speech that gets into both:

Any further expansion of the North Atlantic alliance’s infrastructure or the ongoing efforts to gain a military foothold of the Ukrainian territory are unacceptable for us. Of course, the question is not about NATO itself. It merely serves as a tool of US foreign policy. The problem is that in territories adjacent to Russia, which I have to note is our historical land, a hostile “anti-Russia” is taking shape. Fully controlled from the outside, it is doing everything to attract NATO armed forces and obtain cutting-edge weapons.

For the United States and its allies, it is a policy of containing Russia, with obvious geopolitical dividends. For our country, it is a matter of life and death, a matter of our historical future as a nation. This is not an exaggeration; this is a fact. It is not only a very real threat to our interests but to the very existence of our state and to its sovereignty. It is the red line which we have spoken about on numerous occasions. They have crossed it.

This brings me to the situation in Donbass. We can see that the forces that staged the coup in Ukraine in 2014 have seized power, are keeping it with the help of ornamental election procedures and have abandoned the path of a peaceful conflict settlement. For eight years, for eight endless years we have been doing everything possible to settle the situation by peaceful political means. Everything was in vain.

As I said in my previous address, you cannot look without compassion at what is happening there. It became impossible to tolerate it. We had to stop that atrocity, that genocide of the millions of people who live there and who pinned their hopes on Russia, on all of us. It is their aspirations, the feelings and pain of these people that were the main motivating force behind our decision to recognise the independence of the Donbass people’s republics.


Here Is the Full Text of Putin’s Speech This Morning, Feb 24, 2022 |
Not sure why you snipped part of the second sentence up there. I suspect you did it to try to bolster your notion that you stated earlier, namely "According to Phoenix only Putin gets to determine what countries are sovereign."

There is no such thing as sovereign territory

Land only belongs to those that can occupy and defend it


That was easy.

What was easy? You said that I had said that "only Putin gets to determine what countries are sovereign". Only I never said that and I suspect you know it. Also, you do realize that I didn't just say "Agreed", right? There was a comma there. The full sentence:

Agreed, though would you agree with the following saying:

"We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children"


I'll spell out what I was getting at- land belongs to those who can occupy and defend it, but I meant the word in the 'possession is 9/10ths of the law' way of things. I'm not saying that when it comes to possessing things, might is right, I'm saying that that's the way of the world a lot of the time.

In terms of what's actually right in Ukraine, I think the people from the different regions should have a say. Russia thought so to, and it appears that those in Eastern Ukraine wanted to join Russia for the most part.
Honestly, I think he's been pretty straight up about his core goals. He mentioned both in a speech that aired on the day he started his military operation. I think the most important one was arresting NATO's further expansion, in particular in Ukraine. I think the second goal was to protect the people in the Donbass region. Here's an excerpt from his speech that gets into both:

Any further expansion of the North Atlantic alliance’s infrastructure or the ongoing efforts to gain a military foothold of the Ukrainian territory are unacceptable for us. Of course, the question is not about NATO itself. It merely serves as a tool of US foreign policy. The problem is that in territories adjacent to Russia, which I have to note is our historical land, a hostile “anti-Russia” is taking shape. Fully controlled from the outside, it is doing everything to attract NATO armed forces and obtain cutting-edge weapons.

For the United States and its allies, it is a policy of containing Russia, with obvious geopolitical dividends. For our country, it is a matter of life and death, a matter of our historical future as a nation. This is not an exaggeration; this is a fact. It is not only a very real threat to our interests but to the very existence of our state and to its sovereignty. It is the red line which we have spoken about on numerous occasions. They have crossed it.

This brings me to the situation in Donbass. We can see that the forces that staged the coup in Ukraine in 2014 have seized power, are keeping it with the help of ornamental election procedures and have abandoned the path of a peaceful conflict settlement. For eight years, for eight endless years we have been doing everything possible to settle the situation by peaceful political means. Everything was in vain.

As I said in my previous address, you cannot look without compassion at what is happening there. It became impossible to tolerate it. We had to stop that atrocity, that genocide of the millions of people who live there and who pinned their hopes on Russia, on all of us. It is their aspirations, the feelings and pain of these people that were the main motivating force behind our decision to recognise the independence of the Donbass people’s republics.


Here Is the Full Text of Putin’s Speech This Morning, Feb 24, 2022 |

Yes but there are indications he has plans far beyond Ukraine.

He needs to take out Ukraine first because they are the biggest threat.

These are the things we can only guess at right now.
I think Kosovo is a good example of how other countries have no problem with recognizing any country they wish to even if other countries are opposed. For a bit of background on the Kosovo situation:

Kosovo declared independence from Serbia on 17 February 2008.[145] As of 4 September 2020, 114 UN states recognised its independence, including all of its immediate neighbours, with the exception of Serbia.[146] However, 15 states have subsequently withdrawn recognition of the Republic of Kosovo.[147][148] Russia and China do not recognise Kosovo's independence.[149]


Well if the Serbs weren’t killing children in front of their own parents and conducted their civil war in a more humanitarian manner maybe other countries would not have intervened.

So the welfare of children is your metric for a military operation in another country being ok? How about this:

On 11 April 2023, the Russian media RIA FAN published a chilling report in which a family evacuated from Bakhmut (Artiomovsk) by the Wagner group accuses Ukrainian soldiers of kidnapping children from their parents or relatives. The question that immediately comes to mind is why and where are these children being taken?

In this report, 11-year-old Milanya describes what she saw and experienced in Bakhmut (Artyomovsk), when the area where she was staying with her grandparents was still under Ukrainian control.

She recounts how Ukrainian soldiers from a unit called “White Angels” (which is wickedly reminiscent of the name of the pseudo-humanitarian terrorist organisation “White Helmets” in Syria) forcibly took away a four-year-old child, in front of her parents, who were powerless to stop the weapons pointed at them.

These same Ukrainian soldiers tried to take Milanya away from her grandparents several times, even claiming that the child’s mother had been killed by Russia, even though she was alive and well in another town in Donbass! But understanding that this was a lie, the grandparents and the inhabitants of the neighbourhood hid Milanya in order to avoid her suffering the same fate as the child who was kidnapped in front of her parents’ eyes.

See the report filmed by RIA FAN, with French subtitles:

Disturbingly, during one of these abduction attempts, the Ukrainian soldiers claimed that they had to take Milanya to Germany. Why Germany? Why not in another part of Ukraine?

And this is not the only testimony. On 3 April, Natalia Tkachenko, a resident of Bakhmut (Artiomovsk), told RIA Novosti how not only Ukrainian soldiers from the “White Angels” unit but also those from the “Phoenix” unit were forcibly taking children away in order to force their parents to leave for Ukrainian territory. If they refused to leave Bakhmut (Artyomovsk) with their children, the Ukrainian soldiers simply kidnapped them.

She explains that after the Kiev regime announced the evacuation of Bakhmut (Artyomovsk), the inhabitants were invited to leave for Ukraine with their families, and soon afterwards the children were sent en masse to camps and sanatoria.

“The children went on holiday and did not come back, and the parents were forced to go to Ukraine, even if they did not want to. Then, after a while, the forced evacuation of children by the ‘White Angels’ and ‘Phoenix’ units began. These were uniformed soldiers who went into houses, into basements, looking for children and took them away under duress, by force. If the parents agreed, they could accompany them. If the parents were against it, they took the children away. So there was a period when we just hid our children,” said Natalia Tkachenko.


If these testimonies of child abductions by Ukrainian soldiers in Bakhmut (Artyomovsk) are so worrying, it is because as this Arte report, published in 2019, reveals, one child in 10 victims of trafficking in the world comes from Ukraine!

However, I recall that in 2014, Ukraine already forcibly deported children from Donbass to other regions, and that several hundred of these children simply disappeared from the radar. Where have these children gone, and those abducted by Ukrainian soldiers in Bakhmut (Artyomovsk)? The mention of Germany in the attempted abduction of Milanya raises fears that these children will be sent abroad for all sorts of trafficking.


Full article:
Residents of Bakhmut (artyomovsk) accuse Ukrainian soldiers of kidnapping children | Donbass Insider
This brings me to the situation in Donbass. We can see that the forces that staged the coup in Ukraine in 2014 have seized power, are keeping it with the help of ornamental election procedures and have abandoned the path of a peaceful conflict settlement. For eight years, for eight endless years we have been doing everything possible to settle the situation by peaceful political means. Everything was in vain.

As I said in my previous address, you cannot look without compassion at what is happening there. It became impossible to tolerate it. We had to stop that atrocity, that genocide of the millions of people who live there and who pinned their hopes on Russia, on all of us. It is their aspirations, the feelings and pain of these people that were the main motivating force behind our decision to recognise the independence of the Donbass people’s republics.


Here Is the Full Text of Putin’s Speech This Morning, Feb 24, 2022 |


Finland and Sweden don't have nearly as antagonistic a relationship with Russia as Ukraine does. That being said, I strongly suspect that joining NATO isn't doing the people of those nations any favours in the long run.

People like John Mearsheimer have argued that it's NATO membership and the promise of it that has led to the mess in Ukraine that we have now. Mearsheimer had been predicting NATO's aggressive expansion east of Germany would have this effect eventually for years.

Ukraine was never in an "antagonistic" relationship with Russia until Putin invaded.

Ukrainians and Russians generally considered themselves brotherly Slavs.

I think it would be good to specify that I meant the Ukrainian government after the Euromaidan coup. Things were much different during the presidency of Viktor Yanukovych. Tell me, do you think it was "brotherly" of this government to kill thousands of Donbass citizens, many of whom were ethnic Russians? Do you think Russia thought it was all in good fun?

Swedes and Finns have more historical reasons to view Russia as a potentially hostile power. Sweden has maintained a powerful military for a nation it's size, and it was primarily designed to counter Soviet naval and aerial incursions. Finland was attacked without provocation by the Red Army in 1940, and was forced to give away strategic territory

1940 was a while ago. The Ukrainian civil war was literally in progress and apparently getting hotter when Russia decided to step in.
Ukraine is one of the most corrupt nations on the planet.

They are not only the gateway to Europe for drugs but for human trafficking also, their entire government is on the take.

They are the white version of Mexico.

Thank you comrade Putin but you forget to add your line about the Nazi.

Don't forget the de-Nazification.

What you just did is a classic case of attacking the messenger. You didn't provide any evidence that anything Tinkerpeach said was mistaken, you just accused her of being "comrade Putin".
Thank you comrade Putin but you forget to add your line about the Nazi.

Don't forget the de-Nazification.

It is my burden to educate those like yourself, it's a lot of work but fulfilling.

You sure about that fulfilling bit? I get enough comments from someone like the one he made to you, I tend to just thread ban the person. I'm aware that it's a fine line though- thread ban too many and you can start to find that it's hard to get conversations going.
You sure about that fulfilling bit? I get enough comments from someone like the one he made to you, I tend to just thread ban the person. I'm aware that it's a fine line though- thread ban too many and you can start to find that it's hard to get conversations going.

I don't ban anyone.

I find that ignoring them is good enough.
I think you've said this line quite a few times now. Pretty sure you know that my general rebuttal to it is that Russia's counter to this is that they were protecting both its national security as well as the ethnic Russians which are predominantly in the eastern region of Ukraine. It should come as no surprise that most if not all of the territory that Russia has taken is composed of predominantly ethnic Russian and Russian speakers. Because of this, it shouldn't be surprising that the results of the referendums they held in the 4 regions they have some control of was that they all voted to join the Russian Federation.

If Russia were to leave these territories that voted to become part of Russia, it would be an abandonment of people who now generally consider themselves to be Russian citizens. It's just not going to happen. Furthermore, it's become increasingly evident that Ukraine vaunted "spring offensive" is a bust. It makes a lot more sense that Ukraine accept the fact that it's lost a significant portion of its country to Russia and try to acquire a ceasefire to try to avoid losing any more of it.

Ahhh yes.

one of Putins infamous 'referendum's' to determine what the people want in an area he is occupying.

Ukrainians Forced to Vote at GUNPOINT in Putin's Referenda [video in QP's original post]

The referendums were conducted in warzones- soldiers are going to have guns. Gunpoint tends to mean they -point- the gun at people. The guns weren't pointed at them. My guess is they were simply helping them get to the polling stations considering this fact.

There were actually some foreign reporters in eastern Ukraine to document the referendums. Canadian American journalist Eva Bartlett did a video in Donetsk:

Here's her "Coles Notes" version:

My overview of the DPR referendum to join Russia. It's mainly the people themselves talking, over the course of 5 days, including door-to-door voting (no, not at gunpoint) and voting in voting stations on the 5th day.

Western commentators would do well to listen to them (but we know they won't).


-they waited 8 years for this
-they are tired of being bombed by Ukraine, they want peace & feel joining Russia will bring this
-they were not intimidated or forced to vote, many (like Syrians) faced potential shelling in order to do so, many volunteered in order to ensure the referendum went ahead
-they've long since given up caring what western commentators & "news" say about them (the same who whitewashed Ukraine's 8+ years of war crimes against the civilians of the Donbass).

I haven't heard Prigozhin saying that the Kremlin was lying, but even if he did, you need to consider how reliable Prighozin is as a source of information. He's said a lot of things, some of which sound like he was attempting to pander to the west near the end of his reign as the ostensible chief of Wagner.

Now do Putin.

You're going to have to elaborate on what you mean by that.
An article I found interesting published a few days ago on Consortium News by Tony Kevin, thought others here might be interested in reading it and perhaps offering a constructive comment or 2. Quoting from it:

July 5, 2023

The forthcoming NATO Summit in Vilnius on July 11-12 seems already infected by a strange policy fatalism, writes Tony Kevin.

By Tony Kevin

Hope of a policy breakthrough in Vilnius, Lithuania towards peace in Ukraine, spearheaded by the war-weary East Europeans, seems to have drained away.

There is general acceptance in NATO that the Ukrainian summer offensives in Zaporizhie and again now in Bakhmut have failed to dent Russian defences, with horrific mortality in Ukrainian manpower and enormous destruction of Western-supplied equipment.

The West seems content to let Zelensky go on wasting Ukraine’s increasingly scarce military-age men in a process described by writer Raúl Ilargi Meijer as NATO’s assisted suicide of the Ukrainian nation.

The NATO unspoken strategy seems to be: we know Russia is inevitably winning in Ukraine, but we will make sure we and our Kiev proxies destroy as much as possible of Ukraine’s manpower and national wealth before Russia takes control of the country.

The Kakhovka dam is gone, and what is left of Zaporizhie Nuclear Power Plant seems increasingly at risk of West-assisted Ukrainian sabotage. These two huge assets were the pivots of Ukraine’s industrial and agricultural potential and wealth.

When Russia wins political control over the ruined land of Ukraine, and after it repudiates Western carpetbagging claims to asset ownership there, it will face a huge rebuilding job, comparable to the situation the Soviet Union faced in Ukraine after the 1944-45 vengeful scorched-earth actions by the retreating Nazi divisions.

Meanwhile, Germany under its supine Scholz leadership is de-industrialising, following the loss of cheap Russian gas after the U.S.-conducted sabotage of the Baltic pipelines. German industrialists are taking their capital, management skills and intellectual property elsewhere. France is riven by serious rioting. The EU is distracted and aimless. Western Europe is shrinking in global influence.

In the U.S., only the military-industrial-information complex is doing well. Infrastructure continues to decay. The middle class is eroding and confused. The Democrats are the party of liberal imperialism and the Republicans are still riven between warmongers and America-first nationalist Trumpians. Who knows who will be the next U.S. president, and if he or she can arrest America’s relative decline.


There is enough evidence now to satisfy the Global Majority that U.S. regime change and controlling operations in Ukraine since 2013 have been above all cynically aimed at weakening and destabilising Russia. Remembering their own viciously exploited colonial history, the Global Majority are glad these Western efforts are failing.

The Vilnius NATO meeting will produce no new miracles of salvation for the doomed Kiev regime. There will be a lot of tired rhetoric about continuing to defend democratic Ukraine.

Nobody – speakers or listeners – will believe it.


Full article:
NATO’s Scorched Earth in Ukraine | Consortium News

I am pretty much sick of you idiots that support Putin, come to this forum, to carry Putin's water for him!

So that is my comment! And the only response this thread deserves.

I take the time to make a carefully written post, complete with some lengthy quotes from an article written by a former Australian diplomat and journalist and this is your response? What -I'm- tired of is people like you whose first knee jerk reaction to a thread they disagree with is to simply attack the poster. I think I'll just thread ban you from my threads in the future, at least any threads discussing Russia. Then at least I can rest easy knowing that such noise won't be in my thread.
I was surprised yesterday when I learned Erdogan supports Ukraine entry into NATO.

That isn't going to happen.

This is one of the reasons the Russians are there right now.

Besides, NATO members strongly oppose this as it would lead to nothing but problems.

bigger problems than what we see now?.....

You could say that:


A mutual assistance clause lies at the heart of the alliance, which was formed in 1949 with the primary aim of countering the risk of a Soviet attack on allied territory.

It is cited as one of the main reasons why Ukraine cannot join NATO while in conflict with Russia, as this might immediately draw the alliance into an active war.

The clause, Article 5 of NATO's Washington Treaty, states that an attack on one ally is considered an attack on all allies.


What would happen if Ukraine joined NATO? | Reuters

At that point, well...

That made me smile. It's the U.S. that has been going on "military adventures" far from home for some time now and stayed there for years or even decades. The 2 most recent examples would be Afghanistan and Iraq. They were no threat to the U.S. and they certainly didn't have a large percentage of their population being composed of ethnic Americans or even english speakers. Perhaps most importantly, they weren't right next to the U.S. and threatening to acquire nuclear weapons even as they were killing ethnic Americans in their country.

you're an idiot.....Iraq invaded Kuwait......we had an agreement to protect them, not to mention it was simply the right thing to do.....

First of all, how does insulting me add to your argument?

Secondly, Iraq only invaded Kuwait the first time. After that time, George Bush Sr. was smart enough to not invade Iraq in turn. His son, however, decided to invade Iraq, not because Iraq had invaded Kuwait again, but instead because of some false information that Iraq had acquired weapons of mass destruction.
I am pretty much sick of you idiots that support Putin, come to this forum, to carry Putin's water for him!

So that is my comment! And the only response this thread deserves.

I suspect that bout 5 super pro Putineers here are doing it as a job. They defend whatever Putin does 100 percent. Putin has blood all over his tiny little hands. They do too.

Not you too -.-. I think it's possible that 1 or more more people here might be working for some U.S. government branch to keep the Ukrainian war effort rolling, but generally don't think that saying so is a good use of time. I think what we -should- be focusing on is trying to determine what points of view have the most evidence to back them up.