Nazi Alert

And likewise we have regulations on how much exhaust cars can emit into the environment.

But further more, this is more about personal property and someone invading their harmful smoke on to my property.

Yep and exhaust fumes invading everyones property.
Our country has been invaded by a group known as the Liberal bi-polar anti-Republic form of government our country was formed on...This minority assails everything and anything...example in point :What if I built a really nice apartment complex with all the amenities anyone could wish for..then designated it as a smoking only apartment long do you think it would be before I was drug into court being sued by the ACLU et al claiming discrimination...?

This would also apply if I started a airline for smokers only! Big government is a mask for oppression...if the intent was for aiding and protecting society it would be okay...however it is controlled by a minority of habitual Liberal whiners and complainers...trying to force their agenda on the majority!...end of story!

Yeah, its always the bloody liberals. Even though this is authoritarian and in complete opposition to Liberal values....
If you can keep the smoke in your apartment and it doesn't seep up into ours, you'd have a point. But the fact is that it does get into other units. It gets through to the other apartments and units and it gets other people sick. Its not a victimless leisurely activity

Tell you what, when all the self-righteous anti-smokers stop driving cars and taking flights and kicking carcinogens into my face then I'll stop smoking.

We had similar hypocrisy in my former office, we had a carpark under the building that was largely open to the elements. We couldn't smoke under there when it rained because the anti-smokers complained. Didn't see any of them pushing their cars out of the carpark...

Second hand smoke is bothersome, a public nuissance and poses health threats. Fortunately the general population is getting some balls and standing up to you puffy tyrants.
Second hand smoke is bothersome, a public nuissance and poses health threats. Fortunately the general population is getting some balls and standing up to you puffy tyrants.

I would think standing up to them would be at the least going to their doors and speaking to them about how it affects you.
Instead you are hiding behind government and forcing all of us to pay for your "balls".
Umm if you rent it is really up to the landlord isn't it ?
Well sure, but that doesn't mean you can't talk to your neighbors or what have you. Like I said before, I had neighbors above me that got really loud and I'd thump on the ceiling, then they'd shut up for awhile.
I never really thought I needed to bother the landlord about it, let alone go to government.
Second hand smoke is bothersome, a public nuissance and poses health threats. Fortunately the general population is getting some balls and standing up to you puffy tyrants.

Cars are a public nuisance, are bothersome and pose health threats.

When the last anti-smoker gives up their car, they may have a point. Until then, they remain hypocrits....
Second hand smoke is bothersome, a public nuissance and poses health threats. Fortunately the general population is getting some balls and standing up to you puffy tyrants.

Cars are a public nuisance, are bothersome and pose health threats.

When the last anti-smoker gives up their car, they may have a point. Until then, they remain hypocrits....
[Devil's Advocate]

However, cigarettes do not make it possible to run the modern economy, while automobiles do. Cigarettes are solely for personal enjoyment, must you place others at risk for your selfish pleasure?

[/Devil's Advocate]
Second hand smoke is bothersome, a public nuissance and poses health threats. Fortunately the general population is getting some balls and standing up to you puffy tyrants.

Cars are a public nuisance, are bothersome and pose health threats.

When the last anti-smoker gives up their car, they may have a point. Until then, they remain hypocrits....

And If a particular drivers exhaust pipe and car fumes were noticeably permeating throughout someone's house, you'd have a point. I have never advocated banning cigarettes all together. If you can prove that someone's car or a garage is creating dangerous fumes thoughout your home it would be a comparable situation.
And If a particular drivers exhaust pipe and car fumes were noticeably permeating throughout someone's house, you'd have a point. I have never advocated banning cigarettes all together. If you can prove that someone's car or a garage is creating dangerous fumes thoughout your home it would be a comparable situation.
Indoor pollution certainly is an issue, if cigarette smoke could get into your house, smaller particle pollution in the air most certainly can.
'Devils advocate#2

[Devil's Advocate]

However, cigarettes do not make it possible to run the modern economy, while automobiles do. Cigarettes are solely for personal enjoyment, must you place others at risk for your selfish pleasure?

[/Devil's Advocate]

But the economy relies on manufacturing(or use to)...I would say tobacco is one of the last maunufacturing jobs not totally outsourced!

Devils advocate #2 quote............:cof1:
But the economy relies on manufacturing(or use to)...I would say tobacco is one of the last maunufacturing jobs not totally outsourced!

Devils advocate #2 quote............:cof1:
[devil's advocate]

Farm land can easily be converted to other crops that can be used to make, for instance, ethanol to run the machines that work our economy more cleanly.

[/devil's advocate]

[devil's advocate]

Farm land can easily be converted to other crops that can be used to make, for instance, ethanol to run the machines that work our economy more cleanly.

[/devil's advocate]

Now we are back to more polution with another name...why the need for more fuel when we will not be able to afford going to work or out for..PLEASURE! No work no paycheck!

redundant argument devils advocete #1

Advocate#2 says pffft!
However, cigarettes do not make it possible to run the modern economy, while automobiles do. Cigarettes are solely for personal enjoyment, must you place others at risk for your selfish pleasure?

Are we to ban all non-business car use then?
And If a particular drivers exhaust pipe and car fumes were noticeably permeating throughout someone's house, you'd have a point. I have never advocated banning cigarettes all together. If you can prove that someone's car or a garage is creating dangerous fumes thoughout your home it would be a comparable situation.

Maybe they should develop cigarettes that don't give out visible or noticable effects?

However, cigarettes do not make it possible to run the modern economy, while automobiles do. Cigarettes are solely for personal enjoyment, must you place others at risk for your selfish pleasure?

Are we to ban all non-business car use then?

don't confuse Devils advocate #1...with drivel...he is a boring veggie guy...he really supports farming for veggies beef for

This whole anti-smoking issue is a's the Mary Jane supporters yelling the loudest! I have always been against making MJ legal...but now I would reconsider just to stop all this ranting and raving!...If it were legalized I would suspect that not another word would be heard ranting about cigarette smokers!
[Devil's Advocate]

However, cigarettes do not make it possible to run the modern economy, while automobiles do. Cigarettes are solely for personal enjoyment, must you place others at risk for your selfish pleasure?

[/Devil's Advocate]

Sure, but tobacco has contributed many billions to the economy. look at the income from tobacco ie TAXES and AG income / Jobs and income taxes on the earnings + corporate income tax in several states over the past 25 years.