NC can now resume executions


Loyal to the end
We repealed the Racial Injustice Act put in place by Democrats who insist on treating blacks "special". :good4u:

RALEIGH — Gov. Pat McCrory’s signature Wednesday repealed a landmark law that had allowed convicted murderers to have their sentences reduced to life in prison if they could prove racial bias influenced the outcome of their cases.

McCrory signed a repeal of the 2009 Racial Justice Act, which both proponents and critics say will restart the death penalty in a state that hasn’t executed an inmate since 2006.

McCrory’s final signature followed months of debate between Democrats and Republicans on the law’s intent and the way it has played out. Republicans say it was so poorly crafted that it has allowed nearly all of the state’s 156 death-row inmates to launch appeals under the law regardless of their race. They say the law impedes the will of unanimous jury decisions.

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gee, because executing innocent people is just the North Carolina way...
Tell that to the victim's families:

The first victim of the RJA was Erik Tornblom, a 17-year-old from Fayetteville. In 1991, the high school senior was returning home from a job at a restaurant when he gave Marcus Robinson and an accomplice a ride. What Tornbloom didn’t know was that earlier that day Robinson had picked up a sawed-off shotgun from a friend.

The pair responded to Tornblom’s kindness by kidnapping him and stealing his car and the $27 in his wallet. As Tornbloom lay in a field begging for mercy, Robinson killed him with a shotgun blast to the face.

The judge who freed Robinson from Death Row, Gregory A. Weeks, said his crime was “unspeakably horrendous.” The RJA freed this murderer not because there was any doubt about his guilt, or even of anything specific to his trial, but because of statistics that purport to show statewide racial bias in the selection of juries over the decades.

What we are left with is a convicted murderer who will live out his natural life, and an innocent boy of 17 who was gunned down before he could live his. Now Erik Tornblom and his family have been victimized twice — once by the murderer and a second time by the state of North Carolina. We should not forget the victims, especially at a time when all of the publicity is going to the murderer.

As for Robinson, he supposedly is now imprisoned for life. Yet a question lingers: How can the state impose a new sentence on a convict after the trial? Robinson beat one punishment; can he dodge another?

And his story isn’t the end of it. According to news reports, almost all of the 157 prisoners on North Carolina’s death row have filed appeals under the RJA.
So stop having racially biased juries. Is that so hard?

He's not "free". He's in jail for the rest of his life. Not exactly a fun place.

This is the book that DY loves to read when he is having one of his special, "I imagine this is just as good as a blowjob" moments alone in his barcalounger.

I can't help noting the pattern of "projection" from you here. First, your lynching reference, and we all know which political party created its own terrorist wing, and second your perverted sexual fantasies...
I can't help noting the pattern of "projection" from you here. First, your lynching reference, and we all know which political party created its own terrorist wing, and second your perverted sexual fantasies...

No projection at all. I'm not the married guy who doesn't get any head.... That would be you.
So stop having racially biased juries. Is that so hard?

He's not "free". He's in jail for the rest of his life. Not exactly a fun place.

It's up to the case attorneys to select the jury, repeal of this act assures that they are not the ones on trial.

In my state we prefer to execute vicious criminals, not house and feed them for their entire lives...
Again... No fantasy at all. i have no need of Jergens....

You, "in" the other hand, do.

Do you tell your priest about your dreams?