new guy on the block

new guy here,,

since I've been kicked off of every tea party site there is you guys are stuck with me.

just wondering is this site full of self important morons like all the other sites or are there rational people that will give an honest debate on the issues of the day

Tea party??? They have been defunct since trump shit on them.

Can you list a half dozen sites that are tea party oriented & still up & running?? thanks & welcome aboard..
but I gave you my opinion and its you that just talked for the sake of it and said nothing,,,

Blades: "I would say thats a very deep topic that goes far beyond just one simple sentence,,,I to a point disagree with being the world police, but unless we keep all citizens here inside the USA close the borders and not let anyone travel abroad then to a point we must deal with issues that arise on a global scale"

Jack; I asked a question. Do YOU want to fight Saudi Arabia's War for them? You answered with jibber-jabber. It's a pretty simple question and pretty simple answer: "Fuck No!"
Let the Sunni Muslims kill the Shia Muslims and let the Shia Muslims kill the Sunni Muslims. Maybe we could sell both sides weapons, other than that ... NO.
Blades: "I would say thats a very deep topic that goes far beyond just one simple sentence,,,I to a point disagree with being the world police, but unless we keep all citizens here inside the USA close the borders and not let anyone travel abroad then to a point we must deal with issues that arise on a global scale"

Jack; I asked a question. Do YOU want to fight Saudi Arabia's War for them? You answered with jibber-jabber. It's a pretty simple question and pretty simple answer: "Fuck No!"
Let the Sunni Muslims kill the Shia Muslims and let the Shia Muslims kill the Sunni Muslims. Maybe we could sell both sides weapons, other than that ... NO.

Another Mason sock:palm:
Blades: "I would say thats a very deep topic that goes far beyond just one simple sentence,,,I to a point disagree with being the world police, but unless we keep all citizens here inside the USA close the borders and not let anyone travel abroad then to a point we must deal with issues that arise on a global scale"

Jack; I asked a question. Do YOU want to fight Saudi Arabia's War for them? You answered with jibber-jabber. It's a pretty simple question and pretty simple answer: "Fuck No!"
Let the Sunni Muslims kill the Shia Muslims and let the Shia Muslims kill the Sunni Muslims. Maybe we could sell both sides weapons, other than that ... NO.

I noticed you edited your first question,,,
"Ask which of the people here want to fight and die for Saudi Arabia. Many here prefer to see Americans die rather than Sunni arabs.

never mind that,,

the problem with your question is it lacked detail and specifics as to why that would be needed,,,

and as I said i feel there may be a time it is needed, but for me to make a decision on that I would need more details,,,

even though I dont like trump he seems to be trying to keep us out of more wars, which I do like
It's very specific. Do YOU support America fighting Saudi Arabia's War with Iran.
It's a Muslim Civil War. The Sunnis against the Shia.

I noticed you edited your first question,,,
"Ask which of the people here want to fight and die for Saudi Arabia. Many here prefer to see Americans die rather than Sunni arabs.

never mind that,,

the problem with your question is it lacked detail and specifics as to why that would be needed,,,

and as I said i feel there may be a time it is needed, but for me to make a decision on that I would need more details,,,

even though I dont like trump he seems to be trying to keep us out of more wars, which I do like
if you are talking about current events then no I dont,,

but if this happened 20 yrs ago both of us would be bitching about gas prices and have no problem doing it