new guy on the block

Tea party??? They have been defunct since trump shit on them.

Can you list a half dozen sites that are tea party oriented & still up & running?? thanks & welcome aboard..

Hey I drink iced tea. Does that make me a Tea Party member?
Welcome blades,

new guy here,,

since I've been kicked off of every tea party site there is you guys are stuck with me.

just wondering is this site full of self important morons like all the other sites or are there rational people that will give an honest debate on the issues of the day

We've got a bit of everything here. Some very shallow posters, others rather thoughtful.

I'll be happy to mix it up with you as long as a mutual respect is maintained.

I wrote my PIP and I stand behind it. I mean every word of it. I think it's pretty clear.

I hope we can have some great discussions!
I totally agree,,,the problem is dems and repubes turn every little thing into lifetime events,

get in kick the shit out of them and come home,,, and before you leave you get the highest ranking official still alive and stand on his head look him in the eye and say...


trying to reduce our response to a simplicity is a fools task

grow the fuck up