New here. Reluctantly red-pilled

Hello Everyone,

I found this site through seeing it on Google Analytics. I've only recently developed a real interest in politics after being red-pilled by my husband. I went kickin' and screamin' but the truth will set you free.

Glad to be here. Looking forward to reading and sharing as well.

Take care!

- Lenora Thompson, Writer
Hello Everyone,

I found this site through seeing it on Google Analytics. I've only recently developed a real interest in politics after being red-pilled by my husband. I went kickin' and screamin' but the truth will set you free.

Glad to be here. Looking forward to reading and sharing as well.

Take care!

- Lenora Thompson, Writer

Hello. This place is full of chinese shills and just plain stupid democrats. Take care.
Hello Everyone,

I found this site through seeing it on Google Analytics. I've only recently developed a real interest in politics after being red-pilled by my husband. I went kickin' and screamin' but the truth will set you free.

Glad to be here. Looking forward to reading and sharing as well.

Take care!

- Lenora Thompson, Writer
Aloha! I recently took the blue pill. Reality sucks.
Hello Everyone,

I found this site through seeing it on Google Analytics. I've only recently developed a real interest in politics after being red-pilled by my husband. I went kickin' and screamin' but the truth will set you free.

Glad to be here. Looking forward to reading and sharing as well.

Take care!

- Lenora Thompson, Writer

Red pill refers to (becoming enlightened to) the truth about reality, especially a truth that is difficult to accept or exposes disillusions.
Online, red pill is especially used among anti-feminist and white supremacist groups to refer to "waking up" to the truth that women and liberal politics are oppressing men and white people."

You were suffocating your husband by not letting him fuck his girlfriend and participate in 3-ways. Wake Up! STOP trying to Road Boss your husband.
I'll bite. What is red-pilled? I've heard of Moose's blue pills but I don't think that's what you mean. lol

It's from the movie Matrix. You have two choices. Red pill will get you deeper into rabbit hole and see the reality. Blue pill will send you back to where you were, hiding from reality.

I'll bite. What is red-pilled? I've heard of Moose's blue pills but I don't think that's what you mean. lol
I think when you take the red pill, you see the wisdom of Conservative politics. I'm still not sure where the noob sits.
Red pill refers to (becoming enlightened to) the truth about reality, especially a truth that is difficult to accept or exposes disillusions.
Online, red pill is especially used among anti-feminist and white supremacist groups to refer to "waking up" to the truth that women and liberal politics are oppressing men and white people."

You were suffocating your husband by not letting him fuck his girlfriend and participate in 3-ways. Wake Up! STOP trying to Road Boss your husband.
I think when you take the red pill, you see the wisdom of Conservative politics. I'm still not sure where the noob sits.

I wondered if she was a sock but she has a website and a FB page and other Internet presence. She claims to be an expert on narcissism and is also an ardent Trumpanzee.

I don't think she groks narcissism, do you? :laugh:
I think when you take the red pill, you see the wisdom of Conservative politics. I'm still not sure where the noob sits.

I think her (the noob) husband ran off with his Secretary and she has now come here looking for a shoulder to cry on and some accompanying 'Man Hate'. (Thank God 'ThatOwlWoman' is here to take her in)

Desh used to call "groans" being red-pilled......

welcome.....don't let Jack scare you away......if you go to his profile page and click the ignore button on the left side of page you will never have to be bothered by him again......