New here. Reluctantly red-pilled

I wondered if she was a sock but she has a website and a FB page and other Internet presence. She claims to be an expert on narcissism and is also an ardent Trumpanzee.

I don't think she groks narcissism, do you? :laugh:
Cool. Another for the list. The FB page can't be real. Probably Russian
I think her (the noob) husband ran off with his Secretary and she has now come here looking for a shoulder to cry on and some accompanying 'Man Hate'. (Thank God 'ThatOwlWoman' is here to take her in)

I'm thinking Grajonca's mail order wife. I'll ask her to send me nudes. That's the only way to tell.

Whose is it?
I wondered if she was a sock but she has a website and a FB page and other Internet presence. She claims to be an expert on narcissism and is also an ardent Trumpanzee.

I don't think she groks narcissism, do you? :laugh:

Expert on narcissism? Wow, trump and the WH, a target-rich environment! :rofl2:
Welcome! This place is the last refuge for the internet's castoffs.
It's an older site with a lot of freedom. I kinda like it! Wish it got more traffic.
There's leftists and rightists here alike, each have their own flavor.
Hello Everyone,

I found this site through seeing it on Google Analytics. I've only recently developed a real interest in politics after being red-pilled by my husband. I went kickin' and screamin' but the truth will set you free.

Glad to be here. Looking forward to reading and sharing as well.

Take care!

- Lenora Thompson, Writer

Ignore 90% of what you read here and verify the remaining 10%. Welcome aboard.
I think when you take the red pill, you see the wisdom of Conservative politics. I'm still not sure where the noob sits.

That's the irony; all Trump fans take the Blue pill. They live in a fantasy world what hasn't existed since Leave It to Beaver.

Red Pill is reality, it allowed the character in the movie to break free of the virtual world he was unknowingly living inside of a cocoon. The Blue Pill allows them the bliss of continuing to dream and live in the fantasy world.

On another thread the Garden of Eden was discussed. Eve swallowed the Red Pill and asked Adam to do the same even though God told them not to do so. IMO, Red Pill good, Blue Pill is the waste of an opportunity.
That's the irony; all Trump fans take the Blue pill. They live in a fantasy world what hasn't existed since Leave It to Beaver.

Red Pill is reality, it allowed the character in the movie to break free of the virtual world he was unknowingly living inside of a cocoon. The Blue Pill allows them the bliss of continuing to dream and live in the fantasy world.

On another thread the Garden of Eden was discussed. Eve swallowed the Red Pill and asked Adam to do the same even though God told them not to do so. IMO, Red Pill good, Blue Pill is the waste of an opportunity.
Well that's interesting. I think they have the colors mixed up. Should be the ORANGE pill
Well that's interesting. I think they have the colors mixed up. Should be the ORANGE pill

The movie was released April 1999. The Millennial New Year and Y2K were still 8 months in the future....much less 9/11 and the 2000 election fiasco.