New here

Old fart that is tired of fake this, fake that, and fake you's.

I don't give a shit who is new here; but if you are a lying leftist who is full of shit all the time, we already have plenty of those so you will feel right at home. If you are a conservative who thinks for himself and has a brain, welcome! ;)
my stick too. I also consented to the ban. We never have just one mod ban someone here. Each and every ban comes with a mod vote. Short term bans are usually 2 mods minimum, though preferably 3. Permabans take all 4 of us active mods to agree to

Thanks. I'm glad it wasn't just Phantasmal that beat me down. :)
Different account, same "people"..... all 4 mods saw your "handiwork"....;)
Who said GR has nothing to do with JPP?
Welcome FESTUS,

Old fart that is tired of fake this, fake that, and fake you's.

Nice little play on words.

We are politically opposed; but can have great discussions as long as they stay clean.

I will give you all the respect in the world if you respect me. Flame on me, or express overt racism, you go on my Ignore List. Zero tolerance. Please be aware: My rules are more strict than the site rules. My Ignore List is PERMANENT.

If you agree, I welcome a good adversary. If not, we won't be talking.
Different account, same "people"..... all 4 mods saw your "handiwork"....;)
Who said GR has nothing to do with JPP?

Wasn't my work!First time I heard of MAGAt is when you brought it up.
Both of my bans all my accounts got banned.And the last time only Shallon returned with me.
I have no idea what name MAGAt used at GR.
For someone who lives and dies,getting people banned,and a supposed teacher.This dumb cunt doesn't realize that if MAGAt was me,I would have been perm-banned that same day!
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Different accounts...same banned for linking to your moderated thread...That was easy....mods saw your ‘‘Handiwork"...if you didn't create it, you supported it for hundreds of posts...same thing;)
Different accounts...same banned for linking to your moderated thread...That was easy....mods saw your ‘‘Handiwork"...if you didn't create it, you supported it for hundreds of posts...same thing;)

This blockhead dumb cunt gets dumber by the day.
FYI you spent more time reading GR,then I ever did.
It all comes down to WHO describes the term 'Children'. Phantasmal says anyone younger that 25 she considers a 'child' since their brains aren't fully developed. I think most people think of 'children' as being under 13. You know, just the general common usage. I agree, staying away is probably the safest option.

that was me knot head

I'm not a mod

I turned down the offer