New Modification...

Just an Fyi - there are also add-ons and built in functionality to prevent double posting. This would prevent anyone from making post after post after post after post all in the same thread. If they continue to make repeated posts, it will just add them onto the last one. This is good for those who like to make a million posts to increase their post count. Maybe you don't have anyone here that makes flood posts in the same thread? :)

Damo please add this. This would corral Desh aka Jade
I hope it works out as planned.

I just wish I could comment on any thread .

It makes it really unfun when you try to answer someone only to find they blocked you from speaking in their thread.

It makes me go elsewhere at times

That's the point Jade.

Stop your crap flooding and you will be off threadban.

You and Zappas are no different. You keep being told what you have to do but you insist that it is EVERYONE else. It couldn't possibly be you. No. Your just a misunderstood genius right?
Damo please add this. This would corral Desh aka Jade

The amount of time between "floods" can be set, and it can have them timestamped as well. Overall good for the entire board. Of course everyone makes a double post every now and again, but this is geared towards those who do it consistently.
big money is the one this rule was made for honeybun

You too Jade. You just lack the self awareness to realize it.

Maybe Damo could create a Martyr Forum

That way misunderstood geniuses like you and Zappas can go and vent your frustrations at how stupid the rest of the world is for not recognizing your sheer brilliance and the suffering you endure on out behalf.

You truly are misunderstood Jade
The amount of time between "floods" can be set, and it can have them timestamped as well. Overall good for the entire board. Of course everyone makes a double post every now and again, but this is geared towards those who do it consistently.

And we should name it the Anti Desh or AntiJade

I think Desh would leave if they imposed it

They should make it at least 60 seconds between posts and definitely turn on the double posting thing.

There are two things Desh aka Jade does that annoys the shot out of everyone and that is her crap flooding and her lack if the use of quotes. You never know who the dumb old bag is talking to
jimny wants this board run like he used to run a board.

Damo has class asshole unlike you

Nope, I don't even have it turned on at my board, dolt. Why? Because YOU don't post there. I don't know of a single other member who makes flood posts like you.
jimny wants this board run like he used to run a board.

Damo has class asshole unlike you

Yeah that sucks when people tell Damo how to run his board. It isn't like you lefties ever do it. I mean Howard NEVER did it.


Don't be surprised to see the double posting change. You brought it on yourself with your crapflodding.
Could someone start a poll about the double posting functionality?

Since Desh is the prime offender and claims to love democracy we should make it a democratic process.

I would but I am on Tapatalk and can't start a poll.
Damo, I know you recently upgraded, so in case you haven't seen it yet:

Settings > Options > Message Posting Doublepost Options
Let's see how that works. I like that they take some of the best mods and make them part of the software... I like to be able to add and remove tabs without having to code, etc. It's getting better, but I get sick of each time I upgrade it breaks like 5 mods...
Let's see how that works. I like that they take some of the best mods and make them part of the software... I like to be able to add and remove tabs without having to code, etc. It's getting better, but I get sick of each time I upgrade it breaks like 5 mods...

I'll give them that much, they are cool about feedback. If enough clients ask for an add-on to become part of a future release, often they do just that. The tabs are a pain in the ass and I just gave up. The worst mistake they made is the activity stream being the default page after installation. You would think someone would have corrected that by now. The doublepost option is one of those that members asked for. It used to only be available via an add-on.
I'll give them that much, they are cool about feedback. If enough clients ask for an add-on to become part of a future release, often they do just that. The tabs are a pain in the ass and I just gave up. The worst mistake they made is the activity stream being the default page after installation. You would think someone would have corrected that by now. The doublepost option is one of those that members asked for. It used to only be available via an add-on.

I fixed that by making the inactive CMS the default screen, it auto defaults to the forum.php page if that is the setting. I changed my tabs above quite easily. The Navigation Manager was easy to use...
I fixed that by making the inactive CMS the default screen, it auto defaults to the forum.php page if that is the setting. I changed my tabs above quite easily. The Navigation Manager was easy to use...

Yeah, I saw it had you for a bit too. Took me about an hour to get the index page to load after my upgrade. I personally don't like the new navigation manager. I'm one of those that expects new upgrades and features, but don't break what I like!
Yeah, I saw it had you for a bit too. Took me about an hour to get the index page to load after my upgrade. I personally don't like the new navigation manager. I'm one of those that expects new upgrades and features, but don't break what I like!

I had no idea that it was even doing it until I went to ask some question about some other setting on
I had no idea that it was even doing it until I went to ask some question about some other setting on

That's what I did, I couldn't figure it out and went there for help. Actually, I ended up going there like 9 times after the upgrade!

But whatever you do, don't pony up for 5.x!! What do you think of the latest on their site? I think it's horrible, and now I know 4.x is as far as I go with them.
That's what I did, I couldn't figure it out and went there for help. Actually, I ended up going there like 9 times after the upgrade!

But whatever you do, don't pony up for 5.x!! What do you think of the latest on their site? I think it's horrible, and now I know 4.x is as far as I go with them.

Yeah, I should have stuck with 3.x... I had a good set of mods and could write my own easily. The "upgraded" variables just made modifications suck so hard... It took me forever to figure out how to write the Thanks/Groans... Then wouldn't let me publish them.