New Rule Forbidding Banning

So I take it you are STRONGLY against the left wing practice of getting Conservative speakers off of college campuses so they cant speak. You must also hate the other LW practice of beating on drums, blowing loud horns and screaming to drown out conservative speakers. SURELY you must,....right?

Most of us do not like Nazis, fascists, or racists. Deal with it. :laugh:

Speaking of hypocrites, I've been laughing my ass off lately about Musk and the Reichwingers. You all hated him because of Tesla because you fear new things. Now he's your new hero for buying Twitter and restoring Twittler's account. Musk claims to be all about free speech yet bans anyone who criticizes him, along with several journalists, and multitudes of others. The best part though? His own users voted him off the island yesterday. Kamala?

Most of us do not like Nazis, fascists, or racists. Deal with it. :laugh:

Speaking of hypocrites, I've been laughing my ass off lately about Musk and the Reichwingers. You all hated him because of Tesla because you fear new things. Now he's your new hero for buying Twitter and restoring Twittler's account. Musk claims to be all about free speech yet bans anyone who criticizes him, along with several journalists, and multitudes of others. The best part though? His own users voted him off the island yesterday. Kamala?


You are way too early on this. Much of the Musk story to still develop over the next few days. ;) :cool:
He put out the honey. The accounts did what they were programmed to do. Now,....they will be destroyed. :laugh:
I didn't even think of that. Brilliant! :laugh: Once more proving why he is the richest man in the world.

The big thing now is Cyborg accounts. Half human,..half bot. The bot does its thing then every once in a while an actual person takes over the account to give it a Human touch,....then the bot takes over again. Rinse wash repeat.......
Agreed. Elon is clearly loosing his grip on reality. His recent poll indicates he's looking for the exit. Will he honor the results or will he pull a Pedo Don and claim the election was rigged?

In this case, I think he will abide since he's looking for a way out.

Assuming he does honor the promise, who then has oversight? Or does he just walk off and leave it to turn into a RW sludge-filled sewer? He already fired all the moderators/fact-checkers. Can't have facts getting out there, you know. It hurts the Cult.
Assuming he does honor the promise, who then has oversight? Or does he just walk off and leave it to turn into a RW sludge-filled sewer? He already fired all the moderators/fact-checkers. Can't have facts getting out there, you know. It hurts the Cult.
He'll turn it over to the board and wash his hands of it is my best guess.
Look at Craigslist for it to be for sale next week. :laugh:

Elon paid $44B for a $10B business which is now worth $5B(?) If he walks away and turns it over to responsible hands, there's a good chance he'll make a lot of that money back over time.
I think ThatOwlWoman made a good point on this yesterday:

'And if the only point of view you want to hear is your own, you probably don't belong on a political *discussion* forum. Just sayin'.'!&p=5416510#post5416510

That certainly sounds reasonable. A lot of the time, however, the problem isn't so much differing points of view, so much as complete disrespect for differing points of view. The ability to thread ban people to avoid having to deal with those who clearly have little if any respect for those starting the threads does wonders in increasing the signal to noise ratio and can help remind people that speaking with a given individual is a privilege, not a right.