New to this board.

Mr. T

Verified User
I stumbled upon this forum while searching for some material. I see we have a few conservatives and a few nitwit libtards on this board and thought it would be nice to join in the conversation.

I believe that most conservatives are to nice and get butt raped by libtards who will not stop at anything to get their thoughts on the ideal socialist society across.

So if your evil enough I will add you to my friends list, otherwise stop playing in the middle of the road.
I stumbled upon this forum while searching for some material. I see we have a few conservatives and a few nitwit libtards on this board and thought it would be nice to join in the conversation.

I believe that most conservatives are to nice and get butt raped by libtards who will not stop at anything to get their thoughts on the ideal socialist society across.

So if your evil enough I will add you to my friends list, otherwise stop playing in the middle of the road.

Interesting. You're not here for a quick minute, and you already have distinguished yourself as a moron. You're a liar, up front, because you're not interested in you immediately launched into ad hominem attacks, on me, if no one else. Why the fuck would you believe, off the cuff, that most conservatives "are nice"? I haven't found that to be true, or realistic. They tend to be complete assholes who only care about themselves, money, and power...and not necessarily in that order. So, stop pretending you're here for anything more than stretching your mojo and stroking your ego, which the former is so miniscule as to require a microscope to view it. Evil? Well, you finally told the truth about yourself. There isn't a conservative worth his salt, that I've ever found. Least of all, you.
And the Poet weeps.

I'm playing my violin for you. You should change your screen name to "The Blind Poet".

I have been reading your shit for 2 days now and you have to be the biggest hate monger paranoid liberal that I have ever seen. Your fear of the real conservatives scares you. You despise the Tea party and anyone who is not the same color of skin that you are so I will presume that you are a rasict.

conservatard A person who is politically conservative to an extreme degree, often with no sound intellectual basis for his or her beliefs.

Conservatards believe that loud volume, beligerence, and personal attacks trump logic and reasoning in any argument. In a conservatard's eyes, logic and reasoning are used by communists and hippies to warp the minds of the innocent young, and therefore must be avoided at all costs. When engaged in political discourse, conservatards change subjects often; preferring to point out unrelated (or even fabricated) examples of liberal folly rather than directly addressing the topic at hand. Some conservatards like to use large words like "misunderestimate" and "nukular" to impress others with their advanced grasp of English vocabulary, and by extension, their intelligence.

Conservatards generally have no concept of history, and in fact, may not even be able to read above a third grade level. Most of their belief structure is dictated to them by a television.
(i.e. See Fox News) LOL.
I over typed again I meant The Blind Poet is a racist. So if you want to spell check me... go for it.
I stumbled upon this forum while searching for some material. I see we have a few conservatives and a few nitwit libtards on this board and thought it would be nice to join in the conversation.

I believe that most conservatives are to nice and get butt raped by libtards who will not stop at anything to get their thoughts on the ideal socialist society across.

So if your evil enough I will add you to my friends list, otherwise stop playing in the middle of the road.

Did you ever pass an I.Q. test?
And the Poet weeps.

I'm playing my violin for you. You should change your screen name to "The Blind Poet".

I have been reading your shit for 2 days now and you have to be the biggest hate monger paranoid liberal that I have ever seen. Your fear of the real conservatives scares you. You despise the Tea party and anyone who is not the same color of skin that you are so I will presume that you are a rasict.

Uh, as I'm in the process of putting you on permanent ignore, I leave you with parting passages. You're obviously a high school, if not grade school dropout. Hate monger? Hardly. You, being a conservatard, are afraid of "reason" and 'the truth". You run from it, like a vampire from the sun. I do despise all things Republican, racist, Tea Party, conservative and "white privileged".
And if you had been reading my posts , you would have realized that I distinguish between classless, uneducated low life whites and the rest. I have many many white friends, associates and clients, that are near and dear to the black racist thing doesn't fly. They would laugh you under the table. And shockingly...I even have some white relatives. Oh, the horror. Don't you feel stupid? Don't answer that. I leave you to argue with yourself. Better to be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and have removed all doubt. LOL.....Ciao.
Uh, as I'm in the process of putting you on permanent ignore, I leave you with parting passages. You're obviously a high school, if not grade school dropout. Hate monger? Hardly. You, being a conservatard, are afraid of "reason" and 'the truth". You run from it, like a vampire from the sun. I do despise all things Republican, racist, Tea Party, conservative and "white privileged".
And if you had been reading my posts , you would have realized that I distinguish between classless, uneducated low life whites and the rest. I have many many white friends, associates and clients, that are near and dear to the black racist thing doesn't fly. They would laugh you under the table. And shockingly...I even have some white relatives. Oh, the horror. Don't you feel stupid? Don't answer that.

Why wouldn't you ignore me, you are blind.
Uh, as I'm in the process of putting you on permanent ignore, I leave you with parting passages. You're obviously a high school, if not grade school dropout. Hate monger? Hardly. You, being a conservatard, are afraid of "reason" and 'the truth". You run from it, like a vampire from the sun. I do despise all things Republican, racist, Tea Party, conservative and "white privileged".
And if you had been reading my posts , you would have realized that I distinguish between classless, uneducated low life whites and the rest. I have many many white friends, associates and clients, that are near and dear to the black racist thing doesn't fly. They would laugh you under the table. And shockingly...I even have some white relatives. Oh, the horror. Don't you feel stupid? Don't answer that. I leave you to argue with yourself. Better to be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and have removed all doubt. LOL.....Ciao.

waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....poet is going to put you on ignore

he puts anyone who is smarter than him on ignore...he uses the ignore function to avoid uncomfortable thoughts
Damo don't you think a minimum standard (say Yurt's I.Q. of 90) should required to post here?

Yurt, I realize you are not really as smart as someone with an I.Q. of 90, but figure you deserve to be grandfathered in.
I stumbled upon this forum while searching for some material. I see we have a few conservatives and a few nitwit libtards on this board and thought it would be nice to join in the conversation.

I believe that most conservatives are to nice and get butt raped by libtards who will not stop at anything to get their thoughts on the ideal socialist society across.

So if your evil enough I will add you to my friends list, otherwise stop playing in the middle of the road.

Welcome to the board.
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....poet is going to put you on ignore

he puts anyone who is smarter than him on ignore...he uses the ignore function to avoid uncomfortable thoughts

I'm use to punks like the dead blind Poet, I monitor on another political board. Guys like Poet have been sold on a bunch of pipe dreams from their socialist professors while going through school it doesn't really suprise me.