New to this board.

I understand that the meanings of words have changed over the years.
Maybe a few pics will help identify a libtard.


Told you this shitbag couldn't debate.
Thank you....not one of you conservatives have proven that you are any match for me. This is supposed to be representative of your debating skills? LOL.
And you're supposed to be his "white knight", in shining armor, come to defend the fair maiden? LOLOLOLOL. I'm placing you on ignore as well....give me somebody who can dialogue, intelligently and honestly. How disappointing.

LMFAO.. If my jockstrap were holding auditions for a sniffer, you would have been sent home in the first round.
Words sir, we need words in order to articulate.

Read my replies on different topics and soon you will be able to paint the picture that you are searching for.

As you may have already seen I do not care to much for liberal vermin. They are the maggots eating away at our freedoms.
Read my replies on different topics and soon you will be able to paint the picture that you are searching for.

As you may have already seen I do not care to much for liberal vermin. They are the maggots eating away at our freedoms.

You are one dumb fucker.
I'm use to punks like the dead blind Poet, I monitor on another political board. Guys like Poet have been sold on a bunch of pipe dreams from their socialist professors while going through school it doesn't really suprise me.
Socialist processors, ahahahahah...
We are socialist in Alaska and you would have a very hard time taking it away from us...people bash socialism, but when you think of how much it benefits people and when they realize their form of socialism, they don't want it taken away, just the other guys socialism! Ahahahahahaha, Bill Maher is right we are stupid, that is the USA way!