New to this board.

I stumbled upon this forum while searching for some material. I see we have a few conservatives and a few nitwit libtards on this board and thought it would be nice to join in the conversation.

I believe that most conservatives are to nice and get butt raped by libtards who will not stop at anything to get their thoughts on the ideal socialist society across.

So if your evil enough I will add you to my friends list, otherwise stop playing in the middle of the road.

I can understand your frustration considering you are a Conservative. The best advice I can offer is to gracefully accept the coming changes.

ObamaCare passed notwithstanding all the howling and doom-saying of the Republicans and will gradually change the face of medical care. Also, regardless of the debt ceiling negotiation outcome social programs are here to stay.

Odds are taxes will rise and Obama will win in '12.

In the most consolatory tone I can muster please be informed the "old ways" are coming to an abrupt end. At the expense of uttering a trite expression "you ain't seen nothing yet". A post Obama win in '12 will usher in the long overdue, necessary overhaul of a number of society's currently accepted norms.

Be at peace. The universe is unfolding as it should. :)

And welcome to JPP! :cheer:
Damo don't you think a minimum standard (say Yurt's I.Q. of 90) should required to post here?

Yurt, I realize you are not really as smart as someone with an I.Q. of 90, but figure you deserve to be grandfathered in. think people "pass" iq tests....if you want an iq of 90 as the minimum for this board....ban yourself :)
I'm use to punks like the dead blind Poet, I monitor on another political board. Guys like Poet have been sold on a bunch of pipe dreams from their socialist professors while going through school it doesn't really suprise me. ignore is the only way they can function in life, because anything else causes them to consider ideas that don't conform to their world view and they can't have that

i will say this about christie...we disagree vehemently on many issues and it often degrades into insults, but at least she tries to debate the issues
Interesting. You're not here for a quick minute, and you already have distinguished yourself as a moron. You're a liar, up front, because you're not interested in you immediately launched into ad hominem attacks, on me, if no one else. Why the fuck would you believe, off the cuff, that most conservatives "are nice"? I haven't found that to be true, or realistic. They tend to be complete assholes who only care about themselves, money, and power...and not necessarily in that order. So, stop pretending you're here for anything more than stretching your mojo and stroking your ego, which the former is so miniscule as to require a microscope to view it. Evil? Well, you finally told the truth about yourself. There isn't a conservative worth his salt, that I've ever found. Least of all, you.

And yet he didn't find it necessary to designate his race or sexual preference, as you did; but you label him a moron and this still puts him above your level.
Interesting. You're not here for a quick minute, and you already have distinguished yourself as a moron. You're a liar, up front, because you're not interested in you immediately launched into ad hominem attacks, on me, if no one else.

He didn't mention any names.

Why the fuck would you believe, off the cuff, that most conservatives "are nice"?

Because, we are!

I haven't found that to be true, or realistic.

Because you're not truthful or realistic.

They tend to be complete assholes who only care about themselves, money, and power...and not necessarily in that order.

Oh no, it's INDEED in that order! It does no good to care about money if you don't care about yourself... it's pointless to care about power if you have no money... so yeah, it's that order exactly... Self, money, power! This is opposed to Libtards who only care about self, handouts, and victim-hood....oh, and RACE.

So, stop pretending you're here for anything more than stretching your mojo and stroking your ego, which the former is so miniscule as to require a microscope to view it. Evil? Well, you finally told the truth about yourself. There isn't a conservative worth his salt, that I've ever found. Least of all, you.

Well at least he isn't stroking his mojo... that might get messy!
He didn't mention any names.

Because, we are!

Because you're not truthful or realistic.

Oh no, it's INDEED in that order! It does no good to care about money if you don't care about yourself... it's pointless to care about power if you have no money... so yeah, it's that order exactly... Self, money, power! This is opposed to Libtards who only care about self, handouts, and victim-hood....oh, and RACE.

Well at least he isn't stroking his mojo... that might get messy!

Thank you....not one of you conservatives have proven that you are any match for me. This is supposed to be representative of your debating skills? LOL.
And you're supposed to be his "white knight", in shining armor, come to defend the fair maiden? LOLOLOLOL. I'm placing you on ignore as well....give me somebody who can dialogue, intelligently and honestly. How disappointing.
He didn't mention any names.

Because, we are!

Because you're not truthful or realistic.

Oh no, it's INDEED in that order! It does no good to care about money if you don't care about yourself... it's pointless to care about power if you have no money... so yeah, it's that order exactly... Self, money, power! This is opposed to Libtards who only care about self, handouts, and victim-hood....oh, and RACE.

Well at least he isn't stroking his mojo... that might get messy!

Money is and always has been a power substitute.
I can understand your frustration considering you are a Conservative. The best advice I can offer is to gracefully accept the coming changes.

ObamaCare passed notwithstanding all the howling and doom-saying of the Republicans and will gradually change the face of medical care. Also, regardless of the debt ceiling negotiation outcome social programs are here to stay.

Odds are taxes will rise and Obama will win in '12.

In the most consolatory tone I can muster please be informed the "old ways" are coming to an abrupt end. At the expense of uttering a trite expression "you ain't seen nothing yet". A post Obama win in '12 will usher in the long overdue, necessary overhaul of a number of society's currently accepted norms.

Be at peace. The universe is unfolding as it should. :)

And welcome to JPP! :cheer:

Are you smoking dope?
T, you've yet to answer my question. As I said, I'm rather curious.

1) Combination of the words Liberal and retard (see also: Libterd, libturd, libnerd, libsurd, libdiot, libored) 2) The result when a tree hugger successfully mates with a tree and the offspring is born with an extra chromosome. 3) Any helpless society that must always be liberated by the blood and sweat of others yet are too arrogant and stupid to realize that they owe their entire existance to others.(see also: French-tard, French-Tarded, Retarded-Frenchmen).

Example: Hillary clinton and her husband, you know what's his face. You know that libtard that got impeached for going down on that fat chick in the beret that looked like Rosie Odonnel.

Pretty much a libtard is a tool for the progressive party. These morons cannot think for themselves.
1) Combination of the words Liberal and retard (see also: Libterd, libturd, libnerd, libsurd, libdiot, libored) 2) The result when a tree hugger successfully mates with a tree and the offspring is born with an extra chromosome. 3) Any helpless society that must always be liberated by the blood and sweat of others yet are too arrogant and stupid to realize that they owe their entire existance to others.(see also: French-tard, French-Tarded, Retarded-Frenchmen).

Example: Hillary clinton and her husband, you know what's his face. You know that libtard that got impeached for going down on that fat chick in the beret that looked like Rosie Odonnel.

Pretty much a libtard is a tool for the progressive party. These morons cannot think for themselves.
You realize America owes its very existence to the French right?
And I'm aware of the etymology of the word, what I am unclear on is how it relates to politics. Liberal is an ever changing word, as is conservative. So I asked, quite simply, and I shall ask again, what positions would a libtard hold in the modern political arena?
You realize America owes its very existence to the French right?
And I'm aware of the etymology of the word, what I am unclear on is how it relates to politics. Liberal is an ever changing word, as is conservative. So I asked, quite simply, and I shall ask again, what positions would a libtard hold in the modern political arena?

I understand that the meanings of words have changed over the years.
Maybe a few pics will help identify a libtard.

Thank you....not one of you conservatives have proven that you are any match for me. This is supposed to be representative of your debating skills? LOL.
And you're supposed to be his "white knight", in shining armor, come to defend the fair maiden? LOLOLOLOL. I'm placing you on ignore as well....give me somebody who can dialogue, intelligently and honestly. How disappointing.

And disappointment is what you're used to, huh? One failed thing after another and here you are, propped up ego, chocolate man wannabe trying to show people he will never meet, and who couldn't care less, that he's the big man he thinks he is. The anonymity of the interwebs is good, huh? Keeps that huge ego bubbling and the dream alive.


If you weren't so damn entertaining, you'd be pathetic. 58 year old man making an idgit of himself daily. What does your wifehusband have to say about this Skip?