Nixon , right to work laws and the current R strategy

asshat unions will excellarate the outsourcing with excessive wages. It really on worksin assemby on monkey dumb task. That bourse is out the barn.
Usged only has bittter complaints, don't hold your breath on him providing solutions.

It's true that low skill jobs will be exported (and I'm not just referring to the US. I'm not even sure that workers in those countries which will see their jobs offshored can do a thing about it, as in agreeing to lower wages, the jobs will go anyway. The unions might start - if they haven't already - start looking at upskilling especially in manufacturing.
It's true that low skill jobs will be exported (and I'm not just referring to the US. I'm not even sure that workers in those countries which will see their jobs offshored can do a thing about it, as in agreeing to lower wages, the jobs will go anyway. The unions might start - if they haven't already - start looking at upskilling especially in manufacturing.

But high skilled and white collar jobs are having it done to them too. The arguments of "get better trained" used to hold water when when that actually helped.
It is all about getting more profit. for the short term anyway.
But businneses have no long term vision. heck 4 months ago the economy was fantastic, to hear the "experts" talk.
fools can't even see one quarter out.
It's a scary world and it must suck to be asshat shaking in your boots 24/7.
I bet asshat doesn't even know the unemployment rate in his own profession.
How bad must it be in other countries that don't have unlimited upside in opportunities.
Here's a union blurd for you. NO smart investor for year have favord auto companies!!! why? Unions
Airlines have been dogs for years!!! yet a again Unions.:clink:
It's a scary world and it must suck to be asshat shaking in your boots 24/7.
I bet asshat doesn't even know the unemployment rate in his own profession.
How bad must it be in other countries that don't have unlimited upside in opportunities.
Here's a union blurd for you. NO smart investor for year have favord auto companies!!! why? Unions
Airlines have been dogs for years!!! yet a again Unions.:clink:

It must suck to be a giant asshole like you, convincing himself it's fine to decimate the lives of other citizens for his own personal gain.
College-grad wages stuck in a slump
By Molly Hennessy-Fiske
Los Angeles Times
WASHINGTON — The U.S. economy has been steadily growing, with unemployment low and corporate profits at historic highs.

So, why can't David Lewis get a decent raise?

Lewis worked his way up through technology companies around San Jose, Calif., finally landing a $77,000-a-year Web design position. But in five years, he received only a single 5 percent pay increase.

That was troubling for someone facing the rising costs of rent, food, gasoline, and raising a newborn daughter. But Lewis, 36, found it especially troubling because he had done what has traditionally helped Americans share in a growing economy: He had earned a four-year college degree.

Wage stagnation, long the bane of blue-collar workers, is now hitting people with bachelor's degrees for the first time in 30 years. Earnings for workers with four-year degrees fell 5.2 percent between 2000 and 2004 when adjusted for inflation, according to White House economists.

It is a setback for workers, and it may explain why surveys show that many Americans think President Bush has not managed the economy well.
unions won't work until union morons realize the company's first objective is to make a profit. Your life would be 1,000 times less stressfull had you taken a business management class or economis you tool.:pke:
unions won't work until union morons realize the company's first objective is to make a profit. Your life would be 1,000 times less stressfull had you taken a business management class or economis you tool.:pke:

But a governments first objective should be to protect the well being of all people in society, not merely become another conduit of corporate value propagation. Business should be conducted within a moral framework, and historically it has been. Stabbing everyone else in the back for short term gain is not only immoral, its stupid as well, kind of like you. Don't make me come over there and shit in your mouth.
unions won't work until union morons realize the company's first objective is to make a profit. Your life would be 1,000 times less stressfull had you taken a business management class or economis you tool.:pke:

I attended a collective bargaining course in Austin, Tx a few years ago now. Examining the finances of the employer and working out the agreement with that knowledge in hand was stressed.

Some corporations don't like unions simply because unions will increase the cost of labour to the employing corporation. Some corporations realise unions can be a benefit to their business.
asshat my children could beat you like a rented mule (2 college wrestlers) why would I even bother with you.

Not many companies are imbracing unions unless out of necessity like auto's. Don't get me wrong I'd take union benefits in finance in a heart beat. It's a fantasy world. you live and die in the 21st century on your skill set not begging with a moral twist.
asshat my children could beat you like a rented mule (2 college wrestlers) why would I even bother with you.

Not many companies are imbracing unions unless out of necessity like auto's. Don't get me wrong I'd take union benefits in finance in a heart beat. It's a fantasy world. you live and die in the 21st century on your skill set not begging with a moral twist.

Skills sets don't even matter anymore. You simply cannot compete with slave laborers and sweatshops who are paid cents a day, not living in the u.s.

Companies don't embrace unions? No shit sherlock.

Globalization is simply the destruction of all loyalites and all morality, a worship of selfishness, and a race to the bottom, morally and financially for most. You're a shitty human being.
Skills sets don't even matter anymore. You simply cannot compete with slave laborers and sweatshops who are paid cents a day, not living in the u.s.

Companies don't embrace unions? No shit sherlock.

Globalization is simply the destruction of all loyalites and all morality, a worship of selfishness, and a race to the bottom, morally and financially for most. You're a shitty human being.

It is so true, except for the shitty human being part.
Can't we all be at one time or another in our lives.
If I think real hard I could probably come up with an example or two.
Yeah, but we should try to recover Froggie..
It a societial thing someone is always trying to take advantage of someone else.
The PC term is competition I suppose.
Oh, don't I know, I think it becomes more evident with age!

I become less competitive as time goes by.