NO 1 Question on Obama's site

Ahem, excuse me, but Republicans are not solely responsible for pot being illegal. I know you want to just blame the fuck out of them for every damn thing you can come up with, but pot being illegal is the result of totally bipartisan effort.
Ahem, excuse me, but Republicans are not solely responsible for pot being illegal. I know you want to just blame the fuck out of them for every damn thing you can come up with, but pot being illegal is the result of totally bipartisan effort.

The war on drugs was started by Ronald Reagan. Sure pot was illegal before that, but it did not carry the same enforcement or punishment as it does now. Do you realize here in Florida conviction for any amount of pot requires a mandentory two year drivers liscense suspension.
Ok, then lets call it a Bipartisan Nazi like policy.

Is that better?

Although, the conservatives out there are far more likely to fight the legalizations of marijuana.

Just like the conservatives would be more likely to try and legislate a medical procedure they dislike. You have only to look at Terri Schiavo's plight to see that.
Beer is hard for teens to get ?
More difficult than MJ.

When I was in school it was easier to get cocaine than alcohol. You didn't need to find somebody with ID or get a fake one and convince somebody else that you were of age. You just walked up to the right friend and simply asked for it.
The war on drugs was started by Ronald Reagan. Sure pot was illegal before that, but it did not carry the same enforcement or punishment as it does now. Do you realize here in Florida conviction for any amount of pot requires a mandentory two year drivers liscense suspension.

1937 -- Marijuana Tax Act --Signed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

This effectively outlawed marijuana on a federal level.

As for the laws of today, I have already stated my position, did you not read my posts? I think the laws are absurd and pot should be decriminalized. So, I can't argue with you about that, but to just outright lie about why pot is illegal in the first place, and to blame it on "Nazi Republicans" is absurd, and I can't allow it to stand. It was actually a "Nazi Democrat" who made it illegal.
Ok, then lets call it a Bipartisan Nazi like policy.

Is that better?

Although, the conservatives out there are far more likely to fight the legalizations of marijuana.

Just like the conservatives would be more likely to try and legislate a medical procedure they dislike. You have only to look at Terri Schiavo's plight to see that.

I'll fight the "legalization" of pot, based on the fact that smoking is bad for your health. I support "decriminalization" of pot, based on the fact that people should be able to grow and possess a fucking weed, and that shouldn't be a felony.
back in the 70's pot was 10x easier than beer for the reasons damo says.
There is NO educated response supporting the current NAZI prohabition.
1937 -- Marijuana Tax Act --Signed by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

This effectively outlawed marijuana on a federal level.

As for the laws of today, I have already stated my position, did you not read my posts? I think the laws are absurd and pot should be decriminalized. So, I can't argue with you about that, but to just outright lie about why pot is illegal in the first place, and to blame it on "Nazi Republicans" is absurd, and I can't allow it to stand. It was actually a "Nazi Democrat" who made it illegal.

Where and how did I lie about who made it illegal in the first place?
I'll fight the "legalization" of pot, based on the fact that smoking is bad for your health. I support "decriminalization" of pot, based on the fact that people should be able to grow and possess a fucking weed, and that shouldn't be a felony.

You belive its the government position to legislate things based on if they are good for you or not? Do you think Big Mac's should be illegal, they are clearly bad for you!
I'll fight the "legalization" of pot, based on the fact that smoking is bad for your health. I support "decriminalization" of pot, based on the fact that people should be able to grow and possess a fucking weed, and that shouldn't be a felony.

So the grand federal government should make anything that is bad for your health illegal?

Somehow that doesn't sound like a very conservative mindset. What happened to less government interference?

You want to keep it illegal because its bad for your health? So we are going to outlaw red meat, sugar, tobacco, fast food, and the long list of other things that are bad for your health?
Where and how did I lie about who made it illegal in the first place?

You didn't, Topspin did, and Solitary agreed. You blamed it on Nixon. My only point was, it wasn't "Nazi Republicans" who made pot illegal in America. Let's keep some honest perspective here, and not resort to lying about this. Nixon didn't make pot illegal, FDR did.
So the grand federal government should make anything that is bad for your health illegal?

Somehow that doesn't sound like a very conservative mindset. What happened to less government interference?

You want to keep it illegal because its bad for your health? So we are going to outlaw red meat, sugar, tobacco, fast food, and the long list of other things that are bad for your health?

You're twisting my position. A familiar tactic for you, but very dishonest.

Our government should NEVER make something legal that is BAD for public health! It actually defies the fundamental purpose and principle of a federal government to do that. This is quite different from making things illegal that are bad for public health. In some cases, the government certainly has an obligation to act, such as drunk driving... bad for public health... should be illegal... heroin and opium... bad for public health... should be illegal... pot, should not be legalized, but should be decriminalized. Red meat and tobacco... already legal, shouldn't be made criminal.
Well, we have a democrat majority, should pass with flying colors, right?

My best guess is that Reid is not the only wussy democrat, therefore it'll get some votes but won't pass.
More dems will vote yes but that's little consolation for ending the continued retardation of our government:cof1:
You're twisting my position. A familiar tactic for you, but very dishonest.

Our government should NEVER make something legal that is BAD for public health! It actually defies the fundamental purpose and principle of a federal government to do that. This is quite different from making things illegal that are bad for public health. In some cases, the government certainly has an obligation to act, such as drunk driving... bad for public health... should be illegal... heroin and opium... bad for public health... should be illegal... pot, should not be legalized, but should be decriminalized. Red meat and tobacco... already legal, shouldn't be made criminal.

I didn't twist anything. You said "I'll fight the "legalization" of pot, based on the fact that smoking is bad for your health". Now please show me where I did anything except comment on your statement.

Its funny that you want to babysit only certain parts and the rest should be left alone.

There are criminals acts, like drunk driving, that our laws are used to protect our citizens. Smoking pot does not make someone a criminal any more than drinking does.

This standard of "if its bad and already legal is different than if its bad and illegal" is just a dodge, and you know it.
I can show you a lot more studies that recommend it for cancer patients, anxiety, anorexia etc than you can produce that show it's bad.
My best guess is that Reid is not the only wussy democrat, therefore it'll get some votes but won't pass.
More dems will vote yes but that's little consolation for ending the continued retardation of our government:cof1:

Well if this thing is the sole fault of "Nazi Republicans" it seems a Democrat-controlled congress could right the injustice of it, I mean WTF? Are you now backing off your earlier assertion that this is the fault of "Nazi Republicans?" It seems you may be! Republicans are in the minority now, by a bunch, not just a little... if the Democrats wanted to legalize pot, they certainly could do that! So, don't blame it on "Nazi Republicans" when it doesn't happen, cast the blame where the blame is due, on your majority party who COULD pass it, if they wanted to!