NO 1 Question on Obama's site

I didn't twist anything. You said "I'll fight the "legalization" of pot, based on the fact that smoking is bad for your health". Now please show me where I did anything except comment on your statement.

Its funny that you want to babysit only certain parts and the rest should be left alone.

There are criminals acts, like drunk driving, that our laws are used to protect our citizens. Smoking pot does not make someone a criminal any more than drinking does.

This standard of "if its bad and already legal is different than if its bad and illegal" is just a dodge, and you know it.

Yes, you are twisting "not making it legal because it is hazardous to health" into "making things illegal that are hazardous to health" and these are two entirely different things. One thing I said, the other I didn't say. That is how you are twisting my argument.

I didn't say a damn word about "babysitting" anything, I don't know where the fuck that came from. I just don't think it is very principled of government to be making things legal that are hazardous to your health. Things that are hazardous to your health, that are already legal, don't have a damn thing to do with that position. One is not the same as the other, or can you not fucking comprehend that?
fault yes, BIG FING TIME. Sole fault not by a long shot the spineless dems have let all this shit go on for at least 8 yrs
I can show you a lot more studies that recommend it for cancer patients, anxiety, anorexia etc than you can produce that show it's bad.

It may be practical for medical use, I am not arguing that. I watched an episode of House one time, where he prescribed cigarettes to his patient, because this would cause some effect which would benefit the patient. Of course, his staffers were outraged that he would prescribe cigarettes, with all the health risks associated, but his argument was, the guy was dying... what difference did it make?

My father was diabetic and had terrible problems with his blood sugar, but when he was in his final weeks, his doctor told him to eat anything he wanted, don't worry about the sugar. Why? Because it didn't matter at that point. You are constructing a straw man argument to legalize pot, and it doesn't apply across the board. Yes, it can be beneficial for many things, Queen Elizabeth (the first, i think) used it for menstrual cramps. I understand your point, but that doesn't make it okay to legalize it for the general population to access like it does with cigarettes, it is a health risk because ingesting smoke into your lungs is dangerous and not good for you. Now, maybe it's not as bad for you to smoke pot as cigarettes, but that is not the point, it is still not healthy, it's still not good.
strawman, your fing kiding me right. You watch an episode of House, is that where you got your adverse affects from.
Please your sinking fast.
What's the benefit of prohibition?:pke:
You didn't, Topspin did, and Solitary agreed. You blamed it on Nixon. My only point was, it wasn't "Nazi Republicans" who made pot illegal in America. Let's keep some honest perspective here, and not resort to lying about this. Nixon didn't make pot illegal, FDR did.

You were linking my post and I never mentioned Nixon!

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He has already said he would stop federal raids on states that have medical MJ. That's hundreds of thousands of raid in Cali alone. Like your state many more will pass it once the feds say they were wrong.
P.S. 2 things he wouldn't want his daughters going to jail for something he joked about doing many times. Also, it's the biggest civil rights issue out there 800,000 mostly black youth in jail for possession of a medical plant.
MJ it's the healing of da Nation

Here's your clue .. and why this is on the minds of so many .. Eric Holder

That and Obama's love of kissing the asses of the right-wing.

And Obama doesn't give a shit about black youth languring in jail
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The war on drugs was started by Ronald Reagan. Sure pot was illegal before that, but it did not carry the same enforcement or punishment as it does now. Do you realize here in Florida conviction for any amount of pot requires a mandentory two year drivers liscense suspension.

It was started by reagan but Bill Clinton took it to the discrimintory level it is today. Clinton is the greatest incarceration president in American history and the prison/industrial complex BOOMED under Clinton.
Legalize it completely and tax the hell out of it. Let the people out of jail, let peopl euse it for medicinal OR recreational reasons, and cure the deficit in one move.

taxing the hell out of it isn't going to work any more than illegalizing it did. Do you know the history of the war on drugs?
taxing the hell out of it isn't going to work any more than illegalizing it did. Do you know the history of the war on drugs?

I did not intend the taxation to cut the useage of the drugs. Whether people get stoned or not does not matter to me.

I am talking about the revenue it would generate.

Legalize pot, and tax it at about 15%. Then add a 10% tax on pizza and twinkies. We could pay the deficit off in about 2 weeks.
This is all very funny from toppy, it is all because his friends smoke pot :D

USC, I cannot believe that you would even think that, let alone post it on the board.

You think Toppy posts all this because his friends smoke pot? No Way!!!

I am not going to start believing Toppy has friends.