No lie too big for Harris

T. A. Gardner

Thread Killer
In the last few days, Harris has come out in favor of a border wall, and now she's against EV mandates. She 180'd on fossil fuels, and it appears that she doesn't even know what her campaign people are putting out.

She's now saying that all her gun control positions were wrong and that she's against a nationwide gun buy back program. She now doesn't want "Medicare for all" and a national healthcare program run by the government.

In fact, she's basically reneged on every policy position she's had for years and suddenly become a Centrist rather than the radical Leftist she has ALWAYS BEEN.

I can't imagine a candidate less trustworthy than one that lies to you on EVERYTHING right to your face, changing her policy positions overnight because the majority of the electorate HATES the ones she's had for decades. It's say anything, do anything, to get elected with Harris. If she does win, we are royally and totally fucked!
It's positions changing overnight. Harris has had radical Leftist positions for decades and suddenly, overnight, she has centrist ones. Sure. She's a lying sack of shit that will say anything, do anything, to get elected.

I mean, Tulsi Gabbard just got all kinds of praise from the right. Have you checked her positions on the issues? And Trump has been all over the place in his career.

You should be happy she's moving toward the center, since it's likely she'll win.
I mean, Tulsi Gabbard just got all kinds of praise from the right. Have you checked her positions on the issues? And Trump has been all over the place in his career.

You should be happy she's moving toward the center, since it's likely she'll win.
Who gives a shit what Gabbard's positions are? She isn't running for President, Harris is. Same with Trump. All over the place over a career is massively different from being a radical Leftist to overnight--literally in a couple of days--saying you are suddenly a Centrist, even a Conservative.
She reads the scripts she is handed....what she says has nothing to do with her and what she believes.

You fucks who still think in terms of Constitutional America....which was murdered....need to update your brains.
In the last few days, Harris has come out in favor of a border wall, and now she's against EV mandates. She 180'd on fossil fuels, and it appears that she doesn't even know what her campaign people are putting out.

She's now saying that all her gun control positions were wrong and that she's against a nationwide gun buy back program. She now doesn't want "Medicare for all" and a national healthcare program run by the government.

In fact, she's basically reneged on every policy position she's had for years and suddenly become a Centrist rather than the radical Leftist she has ALWAYS BEEN.

I can't imagine a candidate less trustworthy than one that lies to you on EVERYTHING right to your face, changing her policy positions overnight because the majority of the electorate HATES the ones she's had for decades. It's say anything, do anything, to get elected with Harris. If she does win, we are royally and totally fucked!
How ironic.

Suddenly the Trumper Republiclowns are no longer okay with flip-flopping.... 🙄

Trump’s abortion flip-flops.... demonstrate that he is willing to say and do just about anything to get elected.

In 1999, when he was a Democrat, Trump declared that although he personally hated abortion, “I am strongly pro-choice.” Asked whether he would ban “partial-birth abortions” (rarely used procedures, performed late in pregnancies when a woman’s life is in danger or there’s an extreme fetal abnormality), Trump replied, “I am pro-choice in every respect, as far as it goes.” He also maintained he wanted abortion “removed from politics. I believe it is a personal decision that should be left to the women and their doctors.”

A year later, in his book “The America We Deserve,” Trump asserted, “I support a woman’s right to choose, but I am uncomfortable with the procedures.”

In 2011, as he contemplated a run for the Republican presidential nomination, Trump told attendees of CPAC that he was pro-life. His position had “evolved,” he subsequently explained, when friends of his decided not to abort a pregnancy and the child turned out to be “a total superstar.”

In 2015, Trump said he would permit abortion if the life of the mother was in danger, but not if she had “a cold.”

In March 2016, during the GOP primaries, Chris Matthews asked Trump if he supported criminal penalties for women who had abortions. “I would say it’s a serious problem,” Trump replied, “and it’s a problem we have to decide on. Are you going to send them to jail?” But “there has to be some form of punishment for the woman.” When Matthews pressed him on what the punishment should be, Trump acknowledged he took positions “on everything else,” but said, “That I don’t know.”

A few hours later, he walked it back. The doctor, not the woman, he maintained, should be legally responsible: “The woman is a victim in the case, as is the life in the womb.”

In October 2016, during a debate with Hillary Clinton, Trump denounced partial-term abortions: “you can rip the baby out of the womb in the ninth month or the final day. And that’s not acceptable.”

As president, Trump signed a memorandum blocking federal government funding for organizations providing abortion services, including counseling.

Following the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision in 2022, Trump bragged that his appointments justified his “proud” claim of responsibility for overturning Roe v. Wade. He has also falsely asserted that “all legal scholars, both sides, wanted and in fact demanded” the end of Roe, and that Democrats want “babies executed after birth.”

Since then, however, the political landscape has changed. More than 60 percent of Americans think abortion should be legal in all or most cases. An even larger percentage favor federal legislation granting women a right to abortion. Pro-choice candidates and referendums were successful in red and blue states at the polls.

And so Trump no longer treats protecting unborn babies as a moral imperative. “It wasn’t my fault that the Republicans didn’t live up to expectations in the midterms,” he insisted. “It was the abortion issue, poorly handled by many Republicans, especially those that firmly resisted exceptions.” And Florida’s six-week ban “is a terrible thing and a terrible mistake.” Trump didn’t know what Gov. Ron DeSantis, then his opponent for the GOP nomination, “really believes because you never know with a politician.”

That said, he emphasized that “we have to win elections,” refused to specify a time frame for abortion restrictions, but promised he’d “sit down with both sides and I’d negotiate something, and we’ll end up with peace on that issue for the first time in 52 years.”

A couple of months ago, Trump privately expressed support for a nationwide abortion ban at 16 weeks. As one critic put it, the former president made abortion sound like a real estate transaction, telling associates he liked 16 because it was an even number, “it’s four months.” He didn’t mention that nearly 94 percent of abortions take place before pregnancies reach 13 weeks.

In March, Trump announced “the number of weeks now, people are agreeing on is 15, and I’m thinking in terms of that and it’ll come out to something that’s very reasonable.”

This month, Trump declared that he would veto any federal ban on abortion. Any and all restrictions should be left to the states: “Many states will be different, many will have a different number of weeks, or some will be more conservative than others and that’s what they will be.” He predicted that the near-total Arizona ban, passed in 1864, “would be straightened out” and Florida’s six-week ban “was probably, maybe going to change.”

Trump praised state autonomy on abortions as “a perfect system” — even if, he implied, some states allowed no exceptions for rape, incest or to save the life of the mother and mandated criminal penalties for women and abortion providers. Deeply disappointed for different reasons, anti-abortion activists reminded the former president that “state lines should never mean the beginning or end of human rights.”

Trump’s self-serving, politically expedient abortion flip-flops provide an invitation to learn from the proverb “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.”

How ironic.

Suddenly the Trumper Republiclowns are no longer okay with flip-flopping....🙄

The medical information has changed a lot since 1999. And abortion is the most controversial issue because it involves 2 lives in one body. Pres. Trump does listen to the people which is why he wanted the States to decide.

The vast majority of animal cruelty laws are at State level. The individual States give voice to those that have none.

The Declaration of Independence says gov'ts are created to protect these rights ... "all people are created equal and given certain unalienable rights by their Creator, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." ... human life is "created" at the moment of conception.

Germany and Italy have 12 week abortion restrictions. Others are 14 and 24. Different strokes for different folks. Even the EU doesn't agree on one size fits all.

Will Harris repeal the 2003 national Partial Birth abortion ban?

National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov) › articles › PMC8935428

by B Thill · 2022 · Cited by 16 — Current neuroscientific evidence indicates that the onset of fetal pain perception is possible during the first trimester. At the center of the ...

In the last few days, Harris has come out in favor of a border wall, and now she's against EV mandates. She 180'd on fossil fuels, and it appears that she doesn't even know what her campaign people are putting out.

She's now saying that all her gun control positions were wrong and that she's against a nationwide gun buy back program. She now doesn't want "Medicare for all" and a national healthcare program run by the government.

In fact, she's basically reneged on every policy position she's had for years and suddenly become a Centrist rather than the radical Leftist she has ALWAYS BEEN.

I can't imagine a candidate less trustworthy than one that lies to you on EVERYTHING right to your face, changing her policy positions overnight because the majority of the electorate HATES the ones she's had for decades. It's say anything, do anything, to get elected with Harris. If she does win, we are royally and totally fucked!
She flip flops more than Simone Biles