No lie too big for Harris

The medical information has changed a lot since 1999. And abortion is the most controversial issue because it involves 2 lives in one body. Pres. Trump does listen to the people which is why he wanted the States to decide.

The vast majority of animal cruelty laws are at State level. The individual States give voice to those that have none.

The Declaration of Independence says gov'ts are created to protect these rights ... "all people are created equal and given certain unalienable rights by their Creator, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." ... human life is "created" at the moment of conception.

Germany and Italy have 12 week abortion restrictions. Others are 14 and 24. Different strokes for different folks. Even the EU doesn't agree on one size fits all.

Will Harris repeal the 2003 national Partial Birth abortion ban?
National Institutes of Health (NIH) (.gov) › articles › PMC8935428

by B Thill · 2022 · Cited by 16 — Current neuroscientific evidence indicates that the onset of fetal pain perception is possible during the first trimester. At the center of the ...
The anti-vaxxer nuts were posting all kinds of outlandish nonsense about things like how there were supposedly microscopic tracking chips in the vaccine so the dang ol'lib'rul gub'mint could spy on you, that it was a population control scheme and more.

False information, including intentional disinformation and conspiracy theories, about the scale of the COVID-19 pandemic and the origin, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of the disease has been spread through social media, text messaging, and mass media. False information has been propagated by celebrities, politicians, and other prominent public figures. Many countries have passed laws against "fake news", and thousands of people have been arrested for spreading COVID-19 misinformation. The spread of COVID-19 misinformation by governments has also been significant.

Commercial scams have claimed to offer at-home tests, supposed preventives, and "miracle" cures. Several religious groups have claimed their faith will protect them from the virus. Without evidence, some people have claimed the virus is a bioweapon accidentally or deliberately leaked from a laboratory, a population control scheme, the result of a spy operation, or the side effect of 5G upgrades to cellular network

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared an "infodemic" of incorrect information about the virus that poses risks to global health. While belief in conspiracy theories is not a new phenomenon, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, this can lead to adverse health effects. Cognitive biases, such as jumping to conclusions and confirmation bias, may be linked to the occurrence of conspiracy beliefs. Uncertainty among experts, when combined with a lack of understanding of the scientific process by laypeople, has likewise been a factor amplifying conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to health effects, harms resulting from the spread of misinformation and endorsement of conspiracy theories include increasing distrust of news organizations and medical authorities as well as divisiveness and political fragmentatio
Anyone who'd define that as free speech, has a misinformation agenda of their own.

You people want lies and propaganda called free speech because you know lies are the only way to spread your views to the ignorant masses.
That's not lying - that's positions changing over time.
...changing....over time.....
I mean, Tulsi Gabbard just got all kinds of praise from the right. Have you checked her positions on the issues? And Trump has been all over the place in his career.

We know where Tulsi Gabbard stands, unlike Komrade Harris who hasn't even bothered to state her policy positions on her website.

Why do you think that is?

You should be happy she's moving toward the center, since it's likely she'll win.
So having the same policies as Trump is now moving to the center? Fascinating.

So where are Komrade Harris's policy announcements? I can't seem to find them on her web site.
I love how the trumptard cult gets all up in arms about any Democrat who changes positions, but Trump can talk about grabbing guns and change his views on abortion and that's a-ok with the cult. Fuck them.
.....changes positions....
Democrats are all going full MAGA now!
Kamala Harris is running against Donald Pigfucker Trump.
She could advocate for cannibalism, and she still has my vote.

Every sane person in the electorate, without exception, will vote for Kamala Harris.
We just have far too many Americans who are completely fucking insane,
so it will probably be close.
:lolup: This, is the definition of stupid. Don't be stupid. :laugh:
No he has not.

He's changed positions in the same sentence before.

He's a sleazy con man who'll say anything he thinks it takes to get someone on his side.

You people are dupes, rubes, tools and fools.
Then what the hell were they doing the last 3 1/2 years?

Not on policies, he hasn't. Try again.

Harris is an incompetent fool, unfit for any leadership role whatsoever.
Her and Biden were a disaster for this country, allowing millions of
illegals into this country, got 13 service members killed in the Afgan
withdrawal debacle, increased daily living expenses by 20% and has
been in hiding for months.

You are a complete idiot, led mindlessly by idiots. You are a disgrace to this great country.
The anti-vaxxer nuts were posting all kinds of outlandish nonsense about things like how there were supposedly microscopic tracking chips in the vaccine so the dang ol'lib'rul gub'mint could spy on you, that it was a population control scheme and more.

Anyone who'd define that as free speech, has a misinformation agenda of their own.

You people want lies and propaganda called free speech because you know lies are the only way to spread your views to the ignorant masses.
The anti vax and micro chip narratives have been around for decades, ... pushed by both sides. What's your point? ... my body my choice ... to take a vax? What else do you want to censor ... 9/11 conspiracies? the grassy knoll? fake moon landing? Fauci's 6 ft. social distancing? Fauci's masks don't work? ... that humans can switch their gender via surgery? :palm:

Secrets and censorship breed conspiracy theories.
Last edited:
Kamala Harris is running against Donald Pigfucker Trump.
She could advocate for cannibalism, and she still has my vote.

Every sane person in the electorate, without exception, will vote for Kamala Harris.
We just have far too many Americans who are completely fucking insane,
so it will probably be close.
You and Quentin...;)
The anti vax and micro chip narratives have been around for decades, ... pushed by both sides. What's your point? ... my body my choice ... to take a vax? What else do you want to censor ... 9/11 conspiracies? the grassy knoll? fake moon landing? Fauci's 6 ft. social distancing? Fauci's masks don't work? ... that humans can switch their gender via surgery? :palm:

Secrets and censorship breed conspiracy theories.
They went from COVID vax will prevent you from contracting COVID (Nope) to COVID will stop transmission (nope) to The Vaccine will make your case of COVID less severe (maybe but unproven) . Thank you very much I will do what I think is best for my health.
Kamala Harris is running against Donald Pigfucker Trump.
She could advocate for cannibalism, and she still has my vote.

Every sane person in the electorate, without exception, will vote for Kamala Harris.
We just have far too many Americans who are completely fucking insane,
so it will probably be close.
The anti vax and micro chip narratives have been around for decades, ... pushed by both sides. What's your point? ... my body my choice ... to take a vax? What else do you want to censor ... 9/11 conspiracies? the grassy knoll? fake moon landing? Fauci's 6 ft. social distancing? Fauci's masks don't work? ... that humans can switch their gender via surgery? :palm:
More false equivalence born of desperation.

No 9/11 conspiracy, JFK assassination, fake moon landing, blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda conspiracy theory ever caused people to increase their risk of dying, and in millions of cases actually dying, from a virulent bacterial strain that was infecting people worldwide.

The COVID-19 goofball nonsense was putting people at risk and even killing people.

When the best science we have at our disposal tells us the best way to minimize the risk to the public at large, especially today in the age of the internet and social media... spreading agenda driven, self interested bullshit is not only irresponsible, but it damn well should be illegal, not wrapped in or hidden behind the false banner of "free speech".

The kind of scum that backs Trump are the champions of lying, underhandedness, cheating and criminality in the pursuit of getting what they want, even and especially at the expense of others.

If you turds really wanted to MAGA, you'd drop dead en masse.
In the last few days, Harris has come out in favor of a border wall, and now she's against EV mandates. She 180'd on fossil fuels, and it appears that she doesn't even know what her campaign people are putting out.

She's now saying that all her gun control positions were wrong and that she's against a nationwide gun buy back program. She now doesn't want "Medicare for all" and a national healthcare program run by the government.

In fact, she's basically reneged on every policy position she's had for years and suddenly become a Centrist rather than the radical Leftist she has ALWAYS BEEN.

I can't imagine a candidate less trustworthy than one that lies to you on EVERYTHING right to your face, changing her policy positions overnight because the majority of the electorate HATES the ones she's had for decades. It's say anything, do anything, to get elected with Harris. If she does win, we are royally and totally fucked!
As I’ve said before, and merits repetition, anytime you see a Trumpkin label another a liar it is comparable to a Bernie Madoff loyalist calling someone else a thief, the hypocrisy couldn’t be anymore visible
Kamala Harris is running against Donald Pigfucker Trump.
She could advocate for cannibalism, and she still has my vote.

Every sane person in the electorate, without exception, will vote for Kamala Harris.
We just have far too many Americans who are completely fucking insane,
so it will probably be close.
Eat a bag of dicks commie.
In the last few days, Harris has come out in favor of a border wall, and now she's against EV mandates. She 180'd on fossil fuels, and it appears that she doesn't even know what her campaign people are putting out.

She's now saying that all her gun control positions were wrong and that she's against a nationwide gun buy back program. She now doesn't want "Medicare for all" and a national healthcare program run by the government.

In fact, she's basically reneged on every policy position she's had for years and suddenly become a Centrist rather than the radical Leftist she has ALWAYS BEEN.

I can't imagine a candidate less trustworthy than one that lies to you on EVERYTHING right to your face, changing her policy positions overnight because the majority of the electorate HATES the ones she's had for decades. It's say anything, do anything, to get elected with Harris. If she does win, we are royally and totally fucked!

KAMALA HARRIS is a fully - Blown MARXIST (like her father). This is no secret, its a simple fact. Yet White (European) seem strangely complacent about it (??). A hard - wired (and stupid) Marxist is currently an American Presidential candidate, but no one seems all that concerned (??).

Harris is totally bereft of any Western (Judeo - Christian) moral principles. From a young age, lying, deceiving, cheating, prostituting herself, etc; for political advancement have always been nothing more than a means to an end.

MARXIST hate America because it is a capitalist nation. Marxists are obsessed with destroying capitalism.

Being a Black raised in the US, Harris also hates White Americans with a passion (because they are all "racists" who have exploited, discriminated against oppressed, lynched, enslaved, etc; Blacks.

MARXISTS are sick, envious, resentful human beings. That goes double for Black Marxists who reside in America. The prime objective of the later is to destroy EVERYTHING...every belief and value upon which the republic was founded., its Western culture, its history and monuments, its traditions, its religion, its customs, its institutions, it manners and mores...EVERYTHING .And make no mistake, given the opportunity this is exactly what they would do. This is not hyperbole - just take a glance back over the past 3 1/2 years and check out Vice President Harris' handiwork for yourself.

You are dead right. If Harris does win: "...we are royally and totally fucked."

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!