No props, no notes, no audience – but Trump-Biden debate will have ad breaks


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“Will you shut up, man?” Joe Biden’s primal plea in the face of relentless interruptions and heckling from Donald Trump provided a defining soundbite of the 2020 presidential debates.

The debates are also the first in decades to be held entirely by commercial TV networks – including two advertising breaks – and without the oversight of the Commission on Presidential Debates, the long-established, independent, non-partisan body that has long governed the debate rules.

“Will you shut up, man?” Joe Biden’s primal plea in the face of relentless interruptions and heckling from Donald Trump provided a defining soundbite of the 2020 presidential debates.

The debates are also the first in decades to be held entirely by commercial TV networks – including two advertising breaks – and without the oversight of the Commission on Presidential Debates, the long-established, independent, non-partisan body that has long governed the debate rules.

No doubt there will be an IV standing by to pump Cocaine and Adderall into Quid Pro during the breaks.
My experience with dealing with drug addicts is they are not the best political debaters. They tend to say wild things like trump.

We ALL know they will pump Quid Pro full of speed to revive him for the debates.

So why would Biden not agree to a drug test? Trump was all for it - but oddly the Biden camp was adamant that Bought and Paid for would not submit.

Look, I really want Trump to run against Biden - because there is no question Trump wins in that case.

BUT Michelle Obama came out of the wings yesterday (SURPRISE) and it's clear that if Biden fucks this up tonight, the party is pulling him and putting her in.

So given that Biden is not going to be the Communist party candidate - what I would LOVE to see happen is for the Cocaine/Adderall cocktail they are shooting him up with to cause a grabber - while the senile fool starts yapping about cannibals eating his son Bo in Afghanistan where he defeated the Viet Cong, he just drops over dead.

Come on, the memes would be SPECTACULAR. Trump is going to have to run against Michelle Obama either way - Might as well get some entertainment out of it.
We ALL know they will pump Quid Pro full of speed to revive him for the debates.

So why would Biden not agree to a drug test? Trump was all for it - but oddly the Biden camp was adamant that Bought and Paid for would not submit.

Look, I really want Trump to run against Biden - because there is no question Trump wins in that case.

BUT Michelle Obama came out of the wings yesterday (SURPRISE) and it's clear that if Biden fucks this up tonight, the party is pulling him and putting her in.

So given that Biden is not going to be the Communist party candidate - what I would LOVE to see happen is for the Cocaine/Adderall cocktail they are shooting him up with to cause a grabber - while the senile fool starts yapping about cannibals eating his son Bo in Afghanistan where he defeated the Viet Cong, he just drops over dead.

Come on, the memes would be SPECTACULAR. Trump is going to have to run against Michelle Obama either way - Might as well get some entertainment out of it.
They could wring Biden's Depends out after the debate and sample them.
BUT Michelle Obama came out of the wings yesterday (SURPRISE) and it's clear that if Biden fucks this up tonight, the party is pulling him and putting her in.
So if there is no magical way to pull Biden, and have Michelle Obama(who has shown zero interest in running for office) run in his place, you will have to rethink your predictions?
Amazing they say Trump is too weak to negotiate rules for a debate.
trump had half the power in setting up the debate. he had half the votes on the Presidential Debate Commission, and could have ridden roughshod over most of Biden's demands. he gave all that up... And ended up in a weak negotiating position.

Whatever else you can say about trump, he is just incompetent. We all know it.
Here's Ronny Jackson (or is it Johnson?), the guy that turned the white house into a PILL MILL during Trump's presidency talking about what medications it would take to make someone with dementia perform well. He speaks as if he has firsthand knowledge. Every accusation is a confession from Trump

So if there is no magical way to pull Biden, and have Michelle Obama(who has shown zero interest in running for office) run in his place, you will have to rethink your predictions?


No way? You forgot about the convention - which is conveniently virtual. Barack Obama will run whomever he pleases.

The prediction is from Axios - implied - not from me.

Look, Biden loses against Trump - period. Barack knows this as well as I do. The party is going to have to do something - and the party is Barack Obama.
Against my better judgement- I'm actually going to watch it.

Biden will have been schooled in 60s/70s vernacular, I guess. ' Man '- ' cool ' - and ' hassle ' are likely to feature.

Haw, haw...........................................haw.
So if he loses it was rigged, where have I heard that before?

If Biden can somehow stay upright - you'll demand he was brilliant - as will the party propaganda corps.

But no one believes you, or your corrupt press. America will see a maniacal, raving Biden, pumped full of amphetamines, with Tapper and Bash pinch hitting for him.
Against my better judgement- I'm actually going to watch it.

Biden will have been schooled in 60s/70s vernacular, I guess. ' Man '- ' cool ' - and ' hassle ' are likely to feature.

Haw, haw...........................................haw.
You prefer the fascism of Trump?