Now what?

Newsflash for ya, Damo. The Dems DID NOT have the 60 vote margin from 2006 to 2009 in the Senate.....they came close though. If you recall, that was were the GOP put up an effective stone wall.
Here is a news flash for you Pinny....the Dems didn't have the 60 vote margin in 1940 or 1950 or 1960 or 1970, etc. either...
Yet when the Senate passed health care reform on Christmas Eve without a single Republican vote, the power of 60 was on display.

“We’re left with party line votes in the middle of the night, a couple of sweetheart deals to get it over the finish line and a public that’s outraged.

Only a majority was needed to pass the final bill, but the tally was 60-39
The bill passed by a party-line vote of 60–39 on December 24, 2009, with one senator (Jim Bunning) not voting
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Newsflash for ya, Damo. The Dems DID NOT have the 60 vote margin from 2006 to 2009 in the Senate.....they came close though. If you recall, that was were the GOP put up an effective stone wall.

Here is a news flash for you Pinny....the Dems didn't have the 60 vote margin in 1940 or 1950 or 1960 or 1970, etc. either...
Yet when the Senate passed health care reform on Christmas Eve without a single Republican vote, the power of 60 was on display.

“We’re left with party line votes in the middle of the night, a couple of sweetheart deals to get it over the finish line and a public that’s outraged.

Only a majority was needed to pass the final bill, but the tally was 60-39
The bill passed by a party-line vote of 60–39 on December 24, 2009, with one senator (Jim Bunning) not voting

Once again, Bravo displays his blazing ignorance: there were 58 Dems for that vote in 2009.....they needed 2 Independents to tip the scales.
Once again, Bravo displays his blazing ignorance: there were 58 Dems for that vote in 2009.....they needed 2 Independents to tip the scales.
Asinine, the only independents in the Senate caucused with the Ds. They had the 60 vote majority and it is disingenuous to suggest otherwise. They lost the 60 vote majority (by one whole vote) and knew they couldn't pass a changed bill through the Senate at all, hence the forced passage in the House of the Senate Bill although there was little support for it and why it took so much arm-twisting to get it done.

Why is it that the D party so consistently attempts to rewrite even the most recent history in attempts to justify bad results?
Once again, Bravo displays his blazing ignorance: there were 58 Dems for that vote in 2009.....they needed 2 Independents to tip the scales.
It must really suck to be so fucking desperate as to claim their is a difference....the news talked about the 60 vote majority for the Democrats for days and days and along comes TCpinhead to claim it just didn't happen....
Yeah, it must suck to be what, indeed.....
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Once again, Bravo displays his blazing ignorance: there were 58 Dems for that vote in 2009.....they needed 2 Independents to tip the scales.

Asinine, the only independents in the Senate caucused with the Ds. They had the 60 vote majority and it is disingenuous to suggest otherwise. They lost the 60 vote majority (by one whole vote) and knew they couldn't pass a changed bill through the Senate at all, hence the forced passage in the House of the Senate Bill although there was little support for it and why it took so much arm-twisting to get it done.

Why is it that the D party so consistently attempts to rewrite even the most recent history in attempts to justify bad results?

The only thing that is assinine is your consistently trying to push your interpretation over the facts. Please show me were from 2006-2009 there were 60 Senators officially registered as Democrats.....because if you can't, then that PROVES that there wasn't as much "caucusing" as you allege.....because if there was then Obama would have gotten a HELL of a lot more done.

They didn't have the raw numbers, period. Add to this Lieberman, blue dog Dems and Independents, and the Party of NO logging record filibusters and it's no small wonder that things didn't get done in the Dems favor.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Once again, Bravo displays his blazing ignorance: there were 58 Dems for that vote in 2009.....they needed 2 Independents to tip the scales.

It must really suck to be so fucking desperate as to claim their is a difference....the news talked about the 60 vote majority for the Democrats for days and days and along comes TCpinhead to claim it just didn't happen....
Yeah, it must suck to be what, indeed.....

Once again, Bravo mentally deteriorates to the level of a 7th grader when faced with facts that he can't BS his way past. Suddenly, the "liberally biased" MSM that Bravo detests becomes his rock of general reference. Pity the little stupe forgets that it was the LACK of the 60 votes that was consistently discussed.

I'll give our intellectually impotent Bravo the same answer I gave Damo...and then watch them both try to push their supposition and conjecture over the facts:
If you can acknowledge the facts I put forth that proved Damo and Bravo wrong, I sure can.


WASHINGTON — Al Franken was officially sworn in to the Senate on Tuesday, giving Democrats a 60-vote majority

The Minnesota Democrat's (Al Franken) swearing-in marked the end of an eight-month political and legal struggle and drew thunderous applause in the Senate chamber. His presence gives Democrats 60 votes, enough to thwart possible Republican filibusters.

When he is seated, Franken will become the magic 60th vote for the Democrats, which means, if party affiliation holds, a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate

Once Al Franken is sworn in as the Dems' 60th vote (probably sometime in late summer), the administration will have less need for Collins and Snowe when it comes to getting around a filibuster.

Once Al Franken officially becomes a member of the Senate next week, Senate Democrats will hold a powerful majority. But even with 60 votes

FYI.....the Dems DID NOT have the majority voting numbers in the Senate for a slam dunk vote (even with Lieberman). And unlike the Shrub era, the Dems DID NOT control the legislative, judicial and the executive.....or are you so damned stupid that you missed the Citizens United decision by the SCOTUS and WHO were the yay votes on that?
"The Dems DID NOT have the 60 vote margin from 2006 to 2009 in the Senate"
So when the pinhead, that is TCLiberal, says, "the Dems DID NOT have the majority voting numbers in the Senate"..

And when the pinhead, that is TCLiberal, says,"The Dems DID NOT have the 60 vote margin from 2006 to 2009 in the Senate"

Then, when the pinhead, that is TCLiberal, says, "Dems DID NOT control the legislative, judicial and the executive"..

The claim, "Democrats control the government was correct"...undeniably correct....

Then, the pinhead that is TCLiberal changes his tune to..."Please show me were from 2006-2009 there were 60 Senators officially registered as Democrats"...

Notice now its "registered as Democrats" and not "majority voting numbers in the Senate"...

Hes nothing more than a "willfully ignorant hypocrite"., and desperate to prove (unsuccessfully) hes smarter that a
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WASHINGTON — Al Franken was officially sworn in to the Senate on Tuesday, giving Democrats a 60-vote majority

The Minnesota Democrat's (Al Franken) swearing-in marked the end of an eight-month political and legal struggle and drew thunderous applause in the Senate chamber. His presence gives Democrats 60 votes, enough to thwart possible Republican filibusters.

When he is seated, Franken will become the magic 60th vote for the Democrats, which means, if party affiliation holds, a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate

Once Al Franken is sworn in as the Dems' 60th vote (probably sometime in late summer), the administration will have less need for Collins and Snowe when it comes to getting around a filibuster.

Once Al Franken officially becomes a member of the Senate next week, Senate Democrats will hold a powerful majority. But even with 60 votes

So when the pinhead, that is TCLiberal, says, "the Dems DID NOT have the majority voting numbers in the Senate"..

And when the pinhead, that is TCLiberal, says,"The Dems DID NOT have the 60 vote margin from 2006 to 2009 in the Senate"

Then, when the pinhead, that is TCLiberal, says, "Dems DID NOT control the legislative, judicial and the executive"..

The claim, "Democrats control the government was correct"...undeniably correct....

Then, the pinhead that is TCLiberal changes his tune to..."Please show me were from 2006-2009 there were 60 Senators officially registered as Democrats"...

Notice now its "registered as Democrats" and not "majority voting numbers in the Senate"...

Hes nothing more than a "willfully ignorant hypocrite"., and desperate to prove (unsuccessfully) hes smarter that a

First off, someone needs to school this blithering idiot Bravo on how to use words and their proper definitions: a hypocrit is someone who tells people to follow rules that he himself does not. The discussion here is about who is right about a specific historical fact.

Interesting that Bravo usually REFUSES to read any offered information from news services when they criticize his neocon ideology and icons...yet he jumps like a tick to a dog's ass for ANY information that will convey his beliefs.

But I digress: The news sources that Bravo is having an orgasm about made the common mistake/supposition of lumping in the two Independent Senators with the Democrats to reach that magic 60 number. Also, missing is the information about Kennedy's death and his REPUBLICAN replacement in August.AS HISTORY and the Senate record shows, the Democrats did NOT have a solid 60 registered member rep in Congress during 2009. The independents DID NOT give the Dems the votes they needed. If Bravo or Damo can show me the SENATE count/record that states otherwise, then please do.

Bravo tries to split a hair to call me a liar, but no matter how hard he tries the results are the can't claim that the Democrats had the majority vote power when they did NOT have the raw numbers to do so, as the RECORD shows. Bravo won't accept that, but history and the facts couldn't give a damn what he thinks.

And as the chronology of the record shows, I put forth the FACT that the Dems never had control of the 3 branches like the GOP recently did in order to demonstrate the fallacy of Dem control for since 2006.

But Bravo will do what he usually does...contradict himself, lie about what others write, ignore all the facts, take things out of context, and generally make a neocon ass of himself. Bravo indeed. :palm:
First off, someone needs to school this blithering idiot Bravo on how to use words and their proper definitions: a hypocrit is someone who tells people to follow rules that he himself does not. The discussion here is about who is right about a specific historical fact.

Interesting that Bravo usually REFUSES to read any offered information from news services when they criticize his neocon ideology and icons...yet he jumps like a tick to a dog's ass for ANY information that will convey his beliefs.

But I digress: The news sources that Bravo is having an orgasm about made the common mistake/supposition of lumping in the two Independent Senators with the Democrats to reach that magic 60 number. Also, missing is the information about Kennedy's death and his REPUBLICAN replacement in August.AS HISTORY and the Senate record shows, the Democrats did NOT have a solid 60 registered member rep in Congress during 2009. The independents DID NOT give the Dems the votes they needed. If Bravo or Damo can show me the SENATE count/record that states otherwise, then please do.

Bravo tries to split a hair to call me a liar, but no matter how hard he tries the results are the can't claim that the Democrats had the majority vote power when they did NOT have the raw numbers to do so, as the RECORD shows. Bravo won't accept that, but history and the facts couldn't give a damn what he thinks.

And as the chronology of the record shows, I put forth the FACT that the Dems never had control of the 3 branches like the GOP recently did in order to demonstrate the fallacy of Dem control for since 2006.

But Bravo will do what he usually does...contradict himself, lie about what others write, ignore all the facts, take things out of context, and generally make a neocon ass of himself. Bravo indeed. :palm:
Every news source and media outlet in the country "made the common mistake"?
In reality, Every new source and media outlet in the country got it right....Dems had the 60 vote majority ......not 60 Senators, but 60 VOTERS that would vote along with them.

Pwning Number 1....

Sorry pinhead...
YOU'RE the one that used the term..majority voting numbers...
YOU'RE the one that used the term...60 vote margin

We're talking about VOTES you ass, not SENATORS....
even in your own posts...

Pwning Number 2....

And no one was claiming Dems controlled the Judicial Branch of Gov.
Just the 2 branches that run the government on a day to day basis and make the laws and regulations and rules and control the money, etc....
So you throwing "judicial" in the game was bullshit

Pwning number 3....

And then to come back with a new phrase..."registered as Democrats" in an attempt to correct your look like the fool we all know are.

"Kennedy's death and his REPUBLICAN replacement in August"/

How irrelevant....
Is that another joke? Did someone claim the Dems had those 60 votes for years? For one year? For a certain number of months?
Your desperation is actually laughable...

"now what" indeed? Go lick your wounds like the beaten pinhead you are. Its time you learn to respect you superiors....
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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
First off, someone needs to school this blithering idiot Bravo on how to use words and their proper definitions: a hypocrit is someone who tells people to follow rules that he himself does not. The discussion here is about who is right about a specific historical fact.

Interesting that Bravo usually REFUSES to read any offered information from news services when they criticize his neocon ideology and icons...yet he jumps like a tick to a dog's ass for ANY information that will convey his beliefs.

But I digress: The news sources that Bravo is having an orgasm about made the common mistake/supposition of lumping in the two Independent Senators with the Democrats to reach that magic 60 number. Also, missing is the information about Kennedy's death and his REPUBLICAN replacement in August.AS HISTORY and the Senate record shows, the Democrats did NOT have a solid 60 registered member rep in Congress during 2009. The independents DID NOT give the Dems the votes they needed. If Bravo or Damo can show me the SENATE count/record that states otherwise, then please do.

Bravo tries to split a hair to call me a liar, but no matter how hard he tries the results are the can't claim that the Democrats had the majority vote power when they did NOT have the raw numbers to do so, as the RECORD shows. Bravo won't accept that, but history and the facts couldn't give a damn what he thinks.

And as the chronology of the record shows, I put forth the FACT that the Dems never had control of the 3 branches like the GOP recently did in order to demonstrate the fallacy of Dem control for since 2006.

But Bravo will do what he usually does...contradict himself, lie about what others write, ignore all the facts, take things out of context, and generally make a neocon ass of himself. Bravo indeed.
Every news source and media outlet in the country "made the common mistake"? Yes, that's why there's such a thing as "retractions".In reality, Every new source and media outlet in the country got it right....Dems had the 60 vote majority ......not 60 Senators, but 60 VOTERS that would vote along with them.

Pwning Number 1....

Sorry pinhead...
YOU'RE the one that used the term..majority voting numbers...
YOU'RE the one that used the term...60 vote margin

We're talking about VOTES you ass, not SENATORS....
even in your own posts...

:palm: You're not making sense....originally Damo and I were talking about a political party's representation...the original claim by you and Damo was that the Dems had the majority of 60 votes (as the chronology of the posts shows). But AS THE SENATE RECORD SHOWS, there were NEVER 60 Democratic senators in the time period discussed. So now, YOU try to dodge the facts by stating (yet again) that the 60 votes were there because of the two Independent voters, who were to be considered shoo-ins for the Dem vote. Also, You and Damo DID NOT take into account the death of Sen. Kennedy and his GOP replacement....which LOWERED the Dem Senatorial numbers, and would NOT have the 60 vote margin EVEN IF THE TWO INDEPENDENT SENATORS VOTED WITH THEM.

BUT HISTORY SHOWS US THAT WAS NOT THE CASE. Ergo, the claim that the Dems had the 60 vote margin was in error. So the only thing you "pwned" is a lack of understanding of the facts.

Pwning Number 2....

And no one was claiming Dems controlled the Judicial Branch of Gov.
Just the 2 branches that run the government on a day to day basis and make the laws and regulations and rules and control the money, etc....
So you throwing "judicial" in the game was bullshit

:palm: Again, as the chronology of the posts shows, when Damo or you were claiming that the Dems had carte blanche for 2 years, I merely pointed out that it was the GOP who had control of the Executive, Legislative and the Judicial (via appointments). The Dems DID NOT have control of the Senate, as the record shows. And as we've seen with the recent Citizens United decision, the GOP friendly members of the SCOTUS had NO problem with political judicial activism. I used this example to FURTHER solidify how absurd Damos and yours claims are....I don't need you to prompt a thought or to discuss a relative fact. Once again, the only thing you "pwned" seem to be your inability to grasp facts and to critically think.
Pwning number 3....

And then to come back with a new phrase..."registered as Democrats" in an attempt to correct your look like the fool we all know are.

:palm: As the chronology of the posts shows, I was ALWAYS discussing the FACT of the numbers of DEMOCRAT SENATORS in the time frame discussed. Now, any fool knows that Democrat Senators and "senators registered as Democrats" means the same thing.....but obviously your limited intelligence only allows you to process one description.

"Kennedy's death and his REPUBLICAN replacement in August"/

How irrelevant....
Is that another joke? Did someone claim the Dems had those 60 votes for years? For one year? For a certain number of months?
Your desperation is actually laughable...

:palm: Folks, this is why rational discussion with Bravo becomes almost impossible....he's just not too bright.

As the chronology of the post shows, I point out how the Dems were NOT of a 60 count BEFORE Kennedy died, and surely were not AFTER. This means that the PRESUMPTION of the 2 Independent senators giving the Dems a 60 vote count could NOT have happened from 2006-2009.

Only a complete and utter fool like Bravo would argue about the importance of the number of Dem senators being important, and then dismiss the FACT that one of those senators DIED and was replaced by a GOP senator. Again, the only thing Bravo has "pwned" is being a dishonest and irrational neocon parrot.

"now what" indeed? Go lick your wounds like the beaten pinhead you are. Its time you learn to respect you superiors....

:palm: Nothing is sadder than watching Bravo bray like a jackass in the face of logic and facts that contradict him at every turn. Now he'll just go berserk and use large, bold Fonts to repeat his already disproven mantras and childish insults. "Bravo" indeed.
Wow.....thats a new record.....

FOUR, count 'em, F O U R.....
"As the chronology of the post shows" in one post...
:lolup: .................................. :lolup:

Now thats about as fuckin' desperate as it gets...and about as funny.....

Wow.....thats a new record.....

FOUR, count 'em, F O U R.....
"As the chronology of the post shows" in one post...
:lolup: .................................. :lolup:

Now thats about as fuckin' desperate as it gets...and about as funny.....


:palm: And the fool Bravo goes right ahead and does exactly what I said he would do! He can't logically or factually refute what the thread/post has, this is what he does. This is why I call Bravo intellectually impotent folks. I'll leave Bravo to squawk his stupidity, lies and delusions over and over...seeking solace in maudlin exchanges with intellectually bankrupt neocon parrots like himself (some who don't even realize they are on IA).

Meanwhile, the GOP leadership flip-flops away even before they are officially sworn into their new positions. Now what, my oather/birther/teabagger/Libertarian/neocon friends?
Well, in reality, your pathetic, irrational responses and absurd use of inane pet phases over and over, and subtle wording changes in a vain attempt to avoid humiliation and embarrassment just highlight your bizarre, obsessive, compulsive personality disorder,
as everyone can see for themselves, the chronology of posts clearly show you've been handed your ass several times, in several posts....

and're dismissed.
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Well, in reality, your pathetic, irrational responses and absurd use of inane pet phases over and over, and subtle wording changes in a vain attempt to avoid humiliation and embarrassment just highlight your bizarre, obsessive, compulsive personality disorder,
as everyone can see for themselves, the chronology of posts clearly show you've been handed your ass several times, in several posts....

and're dismissed.