NPR Exposed


Loyal to the end

A National Public Radio executive was captured on hidden camera calling the tea party movement racist and xenophobic and said NPR would be better off without federal funding, an embarrassment likely to fuel the latest round of conservative attacks on public broadcasting.

The video was posted Tuesday by James O'Keefe, the same activist whose undercover videos have targeted other groups opposed by conservatives, groups such as ACORN and Planned Parenthood.

It drew swift reaction from Republicans in Congress, who are renewing efforts to cut funding to public broadcasters. NPR and PBS long have been targets of conservatives who claim their programming has a left-wing bias. Similar efforts in the 1990s and 2005 were not successful, although public broadcasters take the threat seriously.

National Public Radio said it was "appalled" by comments from Ron Schiller, head of NPR's fundraising arm and a senior vice president for development.

Schiller informed NPR that he was resigning from his position before the video was shot, NPR spokeswoman Dana Davis Rehm said Tuesday. He was expected to depart in May but has been placed on administrative leave.
It's his own words, in context.

Your man Glenn Beck is suspicious of the tape.

"Glenn Beck-branded website The Blaze may seem an unlikely defender of NPR, but when the site's editor, Scott Baker, and video production specialist, Pam Key, examined the raw footage, they found "questionable editing and tactics" and reported them all out. The observations they make in their analysis include the following:

-- The video "does not explain how the NPR executives would have a basis to believe they were meeting with a Muslim Brotherhood front group," and indeed "includes a longer section of description that seems to downplay connections of the MEAC group to the Muslim Brotherhood as popularly perceived."

-- The video is edited to make it appear that Ron Schiller "is aware and perhaps amused or approving of the MEAC['s]" advocacy for Sharia law, but Schiller's "Really? That's what they said?" remark is actually made in reference to "confusion" involving the "restaurant reservation."

-- Schiller is actually complimentary of Republicans, and prefaces his criticism of the Tea Party by indicating that it's his own opinion, not NPR's. (Plenty of conservatives and Tea Party activists have averred that NPR has treated them fairly.) Baker also finds footage in which Schiller and director of institutional giving Betsy Liley express a hesitancy to disparage the "education of conservatives" and defend "intellects of Fox News viewers."

PBS and the Tea Party
The taxpayers don't need to support a government-owned media. Where is the constitutional authority for CPB?

If you want it funded, fund it yourself.
The taxpayers don't need to support a government-owned media. Where is the constitutional authority for CPB?

If you want it funded, fund it yourself.

Pity folk like you don't feel the same about federally subsidized nuke industry.....or corporate welfare in general. Your hypocrisy or lack of knowledge regarding just what the federal gov't funds/subsidizes and why is appalling.
Pity folk like you don't feel the same about federally subsidized nuke industry.....or corporate welfare in general. Your hypocrisy or lack of knowledge regarding just what the federal gov't funds/subsidizes and why is appalling.

Since you have absolutely no idea how I feel about those issues, where did you get your assumptions?
Since you have absolutely no idea how I feel about those issues, where did you get your assumptions?

Well for starters, NPR is NOT "government-owned" as you falsely believe/assert. Based on this ignorance on your part, it's safe to deduce that while you are jumping on the neo-conservative band wagon here, you are not really concerned about the forementioned of which is MUCH more pressing in the news with relations to the general public's well being.

But I could be wrong....are you NOW stating that you are against the nuke industry being subsidized on your tax dollar? And are you still maintaining your erroneous assertions regarding NPR?
Well for starters, NPR is NOT "government-owned" as you falsely believe/assert. Based on this ignorance on your part, it's safe to deduce that while you are jumping on the neo-conservative band wagon here, you are not really concerned about the forementioned of which is MUCH more pressing in the news with relations to the general public's well being.

But I could be wrong....are you NOW stating that you are against the nuke industry being subsidized on your tax dollar? And are you still maintaining your erroneous assertions regarding NPR?

"The Federal Government chartered and owned corporations are a separate set of corporations enchartered and owned by the Federal Government, which operate to provide public services, but unlike the federal agencies (Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Indian Affairs), or the federal independent commissions (e.g. the Federal Communications Commission, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, etc.), they have a separate legal personality from the Federal Government, providing the highest level of political independence. They sometimes receive Federal budgetary appropriations, but some also have independent sources of revenue. These include:

Florida Virtual School (Florida)
National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak)
Tennessee Valley Authority
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
Millennium Challenge Corporation
St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
Corporation for National and Community Service (Americorps)
Overseas Private Investment Corporation
Legal Services Corporation
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Well for starters, NPR is NOT "government-owned" as you falsely believe/assert. Based on this ignorance on your part, it's safe to deduce that while you are jumping on the neo-conservative band wagon here, you are not really concerned about the forementioned of which is MUCH more pressing in the news with relations to the general public's well being.

But I could be wrong....are you NOW stating that you are against the nuke industry being subsidized on your tax dollar? And are you still maintaining your erroneous assertions regarding NPR?

"The Federal Government chartered and owned corporations are a separate set of corporations enchartered and owned by the Federal Government, which operate to provide public services, but unlike the federal agencies (Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Indian Affairs), or the federal independent commissions (e.g. the Federal Communications Commission, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, etc.), they have a separate legal personality from the Federal Government, providing the highest level of political independence. They sometimes receive Federal budgetary appropriations, but some also have independent sources of revenue. These include:

Florida Virtual School (Florida)
National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak)
Tennessee Valley Authority
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
Millennium Challenge Corporation
St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
Corporation for National and Community Service (Americorps)
Overseas Private Investment Corporation
Legal Services Corporation

You should do a better job of research....observe and learn:

The national NPR that Ms. Schiller headed until today doesn't directly receive dedicated government funds. It gets 2% of its revenue from grants from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting -- a federally funded private corporation -- and agencies like the Department of Education. And it gets 36% of its revenue from member stations, which in turn get 10.1% of their revenue from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and 5.8% from local, state and federal government.
Read more:

And as for the CPB:

How much does the federal government spend on public broadcasting?
In 2004, all federal spending for public broadcasting amounted to approximately $500 million. This is about $1.70 per person in the United States. This amount is very small in comparison to what is spent in other countries.

So all this BS hand wringing by right wing idealogues over NPR is just that....BS. And to date I yet to hear a list of what NPR produces that is so outrageously "left wing"?

So now that it's proven that NPR is NOT "government owned", are YOU adult enough to admit your error? And do you have an honest answer to my previous questions. I'll wait.
You should do a better job of research....observe and learn:

The national NPR that Ms. Schiller headed until today doesn't directly receive dedicated government funds. It gets 2% of its revenue from grants from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting -- a federally funded private corporation -- and agencies like the Department of Education. And it gets 36% of its revenue from member stations, which in turn get 10.1% of their revenue from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and 5.8% from local, state and federal government.
Read more:

And as for the CPB:

How much does the federal government spend on public broadcasting?
In 2004, all federal spending for public broadcasting amounted to approximately $500 million. This is about $1.70 per person in the United States. This amount is very small in comparison to what is spent in other countries.

So all this BS hand wringing by right wing idealogues over NPR is just that....BS. And to date I yet to hear a list of what NPR produces that is so outrageously "left wing"?

So now that it's proven that NPR is NOT "government owned", are YOU adult enough to admit your error? And do you have an honest answer to my previous questions. I'll wait.

Non sequitur.

I said CPB, not NPR.

You claimed that CPB is not government owned. It clearly is, according to the link above.

The amount of funding is irrelevant.

My question is; why should the government fund broadcasting at all?

"CPB was created on November 7, 1967 when U.S. president Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967.

The new organization initially collaborated with the pre-existing National Educational Television network.

In 1969 CPB talked to private groups to start the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS).

In 1970, CPB formed National Public Radio (NPR), a network of public radio stations."
You should do a better job of research....observe and learn:

The national NPR that Ms. Schiller headed until today doesn't directly receive dedicated government funds. It gets 2% of its revenue from grants from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting -- a federally funded private corporation -- and agencies like the Department of Education. And it gets 36% of its revenue from member stations, which in turn get 10.1% of their revenue from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and 5.8% from local, state and federal government.
Read more:

And as for the CPB:

How much does the federal government spend on public broadcasting?
In 2004, all federal spending for public broadcasting amounted to approximately $500 million. This is about $1.70 per person in the United States. This amount is very small in comparison to what is spent in other countries.

So all this BS hand wringing by right wing idealogues over NPR is just that....BS. And to date I yet to hear a list of what NPR produces that is so outrageously "left wing"?

So now that it's proven that NPR is NOT "government owned", are YOU adult enough to admit your error? And do you have an honest answer to my previous questions. I'll wait.

Thats just peachy....If NPR and CPB don't receive but a pittance of their funding from the taxpayer then they won't miss it....they don't need it....and IT MUST STOP...

Thanks TC....
The taxpayers don't need to support a government-owned media. Where is the constitutional authority for CPB?

If you want it funded, fund it yourself.

This taxpayer doesn't think we should have an office of faith-based initiatives but bush didn't listen to me when I complained about it. :(
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You should do a better job of research....observe and learn:

The national NPR that Ms. Schiller headed until today doesn't directly receive dedicated government funds. It gets 2% of its revenue from grants from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting -- a federally funded private corporation -- and agencies like the Department of Education. And it gets 36% of its revenue from member stations, which in turn get 10.1% of their revenue from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and 5.8% from local, state and federal government.
Read more:

And as for the CPB:

How much does the federal government spend on public broadcasting?
In 2004, all federal spending for public broadcasting amounted to approximately $500 million. This is about $1.70 per person in the United States. This amount is very small in comparison to what is spent in other countries.

So all this BS hand wringing by right wing idealogues over NPR is just that....BS. And to date I yet to hear a list of what NPR produces that is so outrageously "left wing"?

So now that it's proven that NPR is NOT "government owned", are YOU adult enough to admit your error? And do you have an honest answer to my previous questions. I'll wait.

Non sequitur.

I said CPB, not NPR.

You claimed that CPB is not government owned. It clearly is, according to the link above.

The amount of funding is irrelevant.

My question is; why should the government fund broadcasting at all?

"CPB was created on November 7, 1967 when U.S. president Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967.

The new organization initially collaborated with the pre-existing National Educational Television network.

In 1969 CPB talked to private groups to start the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS).

In 1970, CPB formed National Public Radio (NPR), a network of public radio stations."

First off, stop lying when the chronology of the posts is there for all to see. You stated that NPR was "government owned". I proved you wrong, and now you try to lie about what you stated.

Furthermore, since you either didn't read or can't comprehend what I previously printed:

And as for the CPB:
How much does the federal government spend on public broadcasting?
In 2004, all federal spending for public broadcasting amounted to approximately $500 million. This is about $1.70 per person in the United States. This amount is very small in comparison to what is spent in other countries.

Combine your litany with what I posted, and essentially your willfully ignorant and insipidly stubborn assertion just falls flat. And if $1.70 is too much for you to bear, then I suggest you cut your monthly internet service your contribution here is just a waste of time and space.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
You should do a better job of research....observe and learn:

The national NPR that Ms. Schiller headed until today doesn't directly receive dedicated government funds. It gets 2% of its revenue from grants from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting -- a federally funded private corporation -- and agencies like the Department of Education. And it gets 36% of its revenue from member stations, which in turn get 10.1% of their revenue from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and 5.8% from local, state and federal government.
Read more:

And as for the CPB:

How much does the federal government spend on public broadcasting?
In 2004, all federal spending for public broadcasting amounted to approximately $500 million. This is about $1.70 per person in the United States. This amount is very small in comparison to what is spent in other countries.

So all this BS hand wringing by right wing idealogues over NPR is just that....BS. And to date I yet to hear a list of what NPR produces that is so outrageously "left wing"?

So now that it's proven that NPR is NOT "government owned", are YOU adult enough to admit your error? And do you have an honest answer to my previous questions. I'll wait.

Thats just peachy....If NPR and CPB don't receive but a pittance of their funding from the taxpayer then they won't miss it....they don't need it....and IT MUST STOP...

Thanks TC....

Damn, Bravo is such a sorry, cheap POS that $1.70 to provide educational and childrens broadcasting just burns his ass. Better he use that $1.70 to keep up his internet server fees, as he's such an honest and intellectual contributor to the global/community discussion. Then Bravo can lick his masters shoes as they send jobs overseas and get tax breaks for it, or give themselves massive bonuses for screwing up the economy.

Once again folks, our intellectually impotent Bravo shoots a blank!