NPR Exposed

I want my $1.70 back...

But you don't want the money back that Wall St. stole? What about the tax breaks for millionaires who didn't create the jobs? Or the tax breaks for sending those jobs overseas? But $1.70 is what's burning your wallet? WTF is the matter with you, man?
Take note, Taichi, that not only have you NOT EVER seen me support the bailouts, but I have spoken out against them whenever they have been relevant (LOL) to the thread in question. As I am not a leftist, I can't really relate in any way to your envy of other people's wealth, or belief that to pay fewer taxes is a theft, but do please continue...
First off, stop lying when the chronology of the posts is there for all to see. You stated that NPR was "government owned". I proved you wrong, and now you try to lie about what you stated.

Furthermore, since you either didn't read or can't comprehend what I previously printed:

And as for the CPB:
How much does the federal government spend on public broadcasting?
In 2004, all federal spending for public broadcasting amounted to approximately $500 million. This is about $1.70 per person in the United States. This amount is very small in comparison to what is spent in other countries.

Combine your litany with what I posted, and essentially your willfully ignorant and insipidly stubborn assertion just falls flat. And if $1.70 is too much for you to bear, then I suggest you cut your monthly internet service your contribution here is just a waste of time and space.

Does your attempt to attribute quotes made by others to me indicates a lack of honesty or of comprehensive ability?

Here's my post. A cursory examination conclusively shows you to be disingenuous.

The taxpayers don't need to support a government-owned media. Where is the constitutional authority for CPB? If you want it funded, fund it yourself.

As for your assertion that I "stated that NPR was 'government owned'", where is your evidence?

I stated that "taxpayers don't need to support a government-owned media". That includes NPR, yet I never mentioned NPR until now.

You claim that CPR is not government-owned?

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting is government-owned, according to this source:

"Federal Government chartered and owned corporations are a separate set of corporations enchartered and owned by the Federal Government, which operate to provide public services, but unlike the federal agencies (Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Indian Affairs), or the federal independent commissions (e.g. the Federal Communications Commission, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, etc.), they have a separate legal personality from the Federal Government, providing the highest level of political independence. They sometimes receive Federal budgetary appropriations, but some also have independent sources of revenue. These include:

Florida Virtual School (Florida)
National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak)
Tennessee Valley Authority
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
Millennium Challenge Corporation
St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
Corporation for National and Community Service (Americorps)
Overseas Private Investment Corporation
Legal Services Corporation"

My objection to funding CPB and it's activities is not ideolgical.

There is no discernible constitutional authority for government-owned media. If you know of any, provide a citation.
Take note, Taichi, that not only have you NOT EVER seen me support the bailouts, but I have spoken out against them whenever they have been relevant (LOL) to the thread in question. As I am not a leftist, I can't really relate in any way to your envy of other people's wealth, or belief that to pay fewer taxes is a theft, but do please continue...

And I've NEVER seen you speak out against the forementioned .... period (unless you did it under another screen name I'm not aware of)! I have seen you use the same willfully ignorant mantras that are used by the neocon pundits and teabaggers during your pot shots at my posts, as you've done here. They, as you, do so as a smoke screen to avoid the issue at hand or answering a direct question. So essentially, my breast obsessed friend, you're just full of it. (wouldn't surprise me if this joker now takes a sentence out of context to use in some childish retort, folks....or he'll just continue down his failed dodgy path).
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
First off, stop lying when the chronology of the posts is there for all to see. You stated that NPR was "government owned". I proved you wrong, and now you try to lie about what you stated.

Furthermore, since you either didn't read or can't comprehend what I previously printed:

And as for the CPB:
How much does the federal government spend on public broadcasting?
In 2004, all federal spending for public broadcasting amounted to approximately $500 million. This is about $1.70 per person in the United States. This amount is very small in comparison to what is spent in other countries.

Combine your litany with what I posted, and essentially your willfully ignorant and insipidly stubborn assertion just falls flat. And if $1.70 is too much for you to bear, then I suggest you cut your monthly internet service your contribution here is just a waste of time and space.

Does your attempt to attribute quotes made by others to me indicates a lack of honesty or of comprehensive ability?

Here's my post. A cursory examination conclusively shows you to be disingenuous.

Originally Posted by Rtber
The taxpayers don't need to support a government-owned media. Where is the constitutional authority for CPB? If you want it funded, fund it yourself.

As for your assertion that I "stated that NPR was 'government owned'", where is your evidence?

I stated that "taxpayers don't need to support a government-owned media". That includes NPR, yet I never mentioned NPR until now.

You claim that CPR is not government-owned?

The Corporation for Public Broadcasting is government-owned, according to this source:

"Federal Government chartered and owned corporations are a separate set of corporations enchartered and owned by the Federal Government, which operate to provide public services, but unlike the federal agencies (Environmental Protection Agency, Bureau of Indian Affairs), or the federal independent commissions (e.g. the Federal Communications Commission, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, etc.), they have a separate legal personality from the Federal Government, providing the highest level of political independence. They sometimes receive Federal budgetary appropriations, but some also have independent sources of revenue. These include:

Florida Virtual School (Florida)
National Railroad Passenger Corporation (Amtrak)
Tennessee Valley Authority
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
Millennium Challenge Corporation
St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
Corporation for National and Community Service (Americorps)
Overseas Private Investment Corporation
Legal Services Corporation"

My objection to funding CPB and it's activities is not ideolgical.

There is no discernible constitutional authority for government-owned media. If you know of any, provide a citation.

The subject title is about NPR.....since I proved NPR is not "government owned" you should at least have the maturity to concede that point.

You didn't. Instead, you go the same route as the neocon GOP, you can't directly get at NPR, so you go after the CPB.

As the chronology of the posts shows, I never stated/alluded to/ insinuated that the CPB was not a government agency. For you to say so speaks again towards your dishonesty in this discussion.

Repeating your litany does NOTHING to remove the FACT that essentially you are complaining about contributing roughly $2 to ensure children's educational TV and informative news features that cannot be gotten through commercial TV. To date, NO ONE has provided any proof that the CPB ONLY promotes rabid, anti-conservative programs.

As to the constitutionality of the CPB Act of 1967, I suggest you look at Article ONE, Section 8 of the Constitution, which states, "...The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States".

.... To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

In conjunction with Article 1, Section 9
....No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

But as I alluded to in earlier discussions, what's laughable is how folks like you are all up in arms about this particular gov't involvment regarding media, yet you are either unaware of or hypocritically silent about the following:

I'm not saying that the CPB can't be improved....but this wailing by the Fox friendly right wing Congress reeks of partisanship to the Nth degree.
The subject title is about NPR.....since I proved NPR is not "government owned" you should at least have the maturity to concede that point.

You didn't. Instead, you go the same route as the neocon GOP, you can't directly get at NPR, so you go after the CPB.

As the chronology of the posts shows, I never stated/alluded to/ insinuated that the CPB was not a government agency. For you to say so speaks again towards your dishonesty in this discussion.

Repeating your litany does NOTHING to remove the FACT that essentially you are complaining about contributing roughly $2 to ensure children's educational TV and informative news features that cannot be gotten through commercial TV. To date, NO ONE has provided any proof that the CPB ONLY promotes rabid, anti-conservative programs.

As to the constitutionality of the CPB Act of 1967, I suggest you look at Article ONE, Section 8 of the Constitution, which states, "...The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States".

.... To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

In conjunction with Article 1, Section 9
....No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

But as I alluded to in earlier discussions, what's laughable is how folks like you are all up in arms about this particular gov't involvment regarding media, yet you are either unaware of or hypocritically silent about the following:

I'm not saying that the CPB can't be improved....but this wailing by the Fox friendly right wing Congress reeks of partisanship to the Nth degree.

Are you a congenital liar, or did you have to practice the craft?
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
The subject title is about NPR.....since I proved NPR is not "government owned" you should at least have the maturity to concede that point.

You didn't. Instead, you go the same route as the neocon GOP, you can't directly get at NPR, so you go after the CPB.

As the chronology of the posts shows, I never stated/alluded to/ insinuated that the CPB was not a government agency. For you to say so speaks again towards your dishonesty in this discussion.

Repeating your litany does NOTHING to remove the FACT that essentially you are complaining about contributing roughly $2 to ensure children's educational TV and informative news features that cannot be gotten through commercial TV. To date, NO ONE has provided any proof that the CPB ONLY promotes rabid, anti-conservative programs.

As to the constitutionality of the CPB Act of 1967, I suggest you look at Article ONE, Section 8 of the Constitution, which states, "...The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States".

.... To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.

In conjunction with Article 1, Section 9
....No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.

But as I alluded to in earlier discussions, what's laughable is how folks like you are all up in arms about this particular gov't involvment regarding media, yet you are either unaware of or hypocritically silent about the following:

I'm not saying that the CPB can't be improved....but this wailing by the Fox friendly right wing Congress reeks of partisanship to the Nth degree.

Are you a congenital liar, or did you have to practice the craft?

The chronology of the posts shows our condom happy Rtber is unable to logically or factually fault me on several points, so since he doesn't have the cojones to concede a point or further discuss the matter in a rational way, he just lashes out with a false smoke screen.
Perhaps you are developmentally disabled.

Not only have you not been able to prove your claim that CPB is not government-owned, you continue to lie with the aplomb of the unwitting. Carry on.
GOP Controlled NPR?

Perhaps you are developmentally disabled.

Not only have you not been able to prove your claim that CPB is not government-owned, you continue to lie with the aplomb of the unwitting. Carry on.

Seems our little Rtber condom has outlived his usefulness, as I displayed in Post #27. Rtber is a typical right wing BS artists.....when logically and factually proven wrong on any point, he lies about what has transpired. When the chronology of the posts does not support his claims and accusations, Rtber just compounds his folly by stubbornly repeating his blather to the point of insipidness. I leave the little spent condom Rtber to his fate, as he'll just repeat his nonsense or add new false claims/childish insults...having the last word is more important to intellectually dishonest jokers like Rtber than an honest, rational discussion..
Seems our little Rtber condom has outlived his usefulness, as I displayed in Post #27. Rtber is a typical right wing BS artists.....when logically and factually proven wrong on any point, he lies about what has transpired. When the chronology of the posts does not support his claims and accusations, Rtber just compounds his folly by stubbornly repeating his blather to the point of insipidness. I leave the little spent condom Rtber to his fate, as he'll just repeat his nonsense or add new false claims/childish insults...having the last word is more important to intellectually dishonest jokers like Rtber than an honest, rational discussion..

Your claims are as laughable as they are spurious.
Your man Glenn Beck is suspicious of the tape.

"Glenn Beck-branded website The Blaze may seem an unlikely defender of NPR, but when the site's editor, Scott Baker, and video production specialist, Pam Key, examined the raw footage, they found "questionable editing and tactics" and reported them all out. The observations they make in their analysis include the following:

-- The video "does not explain how the NPR executives would have a basis to believe they were meeting with a Muslim Brotherhood front group," and indeed "includes a longer section of description that seems to downplay connections of the MEAC group to the Muslim Brotherhood as popularly perceived."

-- The video is edited to make it appear that Ron Schiller "is aware and perhaps amused or approving of the MEAC['s]" advocacy for Sharia law, but Schiller's "Really? That's what they said?" remark is actually made in reference to "confusion" involving the "restaurant reservation."

-- Schiller is actually complimentary of Republicans, and prefaces his criticism of the Tea Party by indicating that it's his own opinion, not NPR's. (Plenty of conservatives and Tea Party activists have averred that NPR has treated them fairly.) Baker also finds footage in which Schiller and director of institutional giving Betsy Liley express a hesitancy to disparage the "education of conservatives" and defend "intellects of Fox News viewers."


And there ya go.....:palm:
The taxpayers don't need to support a government-owned media. Where is the constitutional authority for CPB?

If you want it funded, fund it yourself.

First off, stop lying when the chronology of the posts is there for all to see. You stated that NPR was "government owned". I proved you wrong, and now you try to lie about what you stated.
Thats just precious....Rtber catches the dumbass Taichiliberal lying through his fuckin' teeth.....Kudos to you Rtber.....outstanding.....

He can tapdance his ass off to no avail ..... the chronology of the posts? indeed...the chronology proves beyond a shadow of a doubt, TCliberal is a

liar....first we get Onceler and now Taichi....

No wiggle room at all but they will never man up and admit anything.....they never do, they fight and fight and just show themselves to be bigger

assholes than we thought.....

I'm lovin' it.....
The subject title is about NPR.....since I proved NPR is not "government owned" you should at least have the maturity to concede that point.

Whats your point ? NOBODY CLAIMED IT WAS GOVERNMENT OWNED IN THE FIRST PLACE.....(as the previous posts prove)....:palm:

Originally Posted by Rtber
The taxpayers don't need to support a government-owned media. Where is the constitutional authority for CPB?

If you want it funded, fund it yourself.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
First off, stop lying when the chronology of the posts is there for all to see. You stated that NPR was "government owned". I proved you wrong, and now you try to lie about what you stated.

Thats just precious....Rtber catches the dumbass Taichiliberal lying through his fuckin' teeth.....Kudos to you Rtber.....outstanding.....

He can tapdance his ass off to no avail ..... the chronology of the posts? indeed...the chronology proves beyond a shadow of a doubt, TCliberal is a

liar....first we get Onceler and now Taichi....

No wiggle room at all but they will never man up and admit anything.....they never do, they fight and fight and just show themselves to be bigger

assholes than we thought.....

I'm lovin' it.....

:palm: This is why I've stressed for YEARS to willfully ignorant blowhards like Bravo to Read Carefully and Comprehensively. As you can see above, Bravo just picks and chooses what he likes and then brays like an ass (the various sizes and embolden colors is the written version of Bravo's braying).

For those interested in the WHOLE truth, just follow the chronology of the following posts.....10 through 15, #19 and especially post #25.

As for our intellectually impotent Bravo, just look at post #16 and #20....and you see why Bravo's most recent shot is just another blank.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
The subject title is about NPR.....since I proved NPR is not "government owned" you should at least have the maturity to concede that point

Whats your point ? NOBODY CLAIMED IT WAS GOVERNMENT OWNED IN THE FIRST PLACE.....(as the previous posts prove)....:palm:

:palm: Once more for our intellectually impotent Bravo: Rbter's first response is to a post that is discussing the defunding of NPR. His two sentences address two points, one general and one specific. If Rbter wanted to solely discuss CPB, then he should learn to structure his sentences better as to leave no doubt as to what's being discussed. Post #10 through 15, posts #19 and 25 essentially clear the air, and reduce Rbter to the dishonest BS artist that he is.

YOU, my intellectually impotent Bravo, were put in your place during the exchanges on Post #16 and 20. But due try to live vicariously through your wrongly perceived victory by your useless condom buddy. Now Bravo, repeat your disproven and deconstructed point in various ways ad nauseum. "Bravo" indeed. ;)
:palm: Once more for our intellectually impotent Bravo: Rbter's first response is to a post that is discussing the defunding of NPR. His two sentences address two points, one general and one specific. If Rbter wanted to solely discuss CPB, then he should learn to structure his sentences better as to leave no doubt as to what's being discussed. Post #10 through 15, posts #19 and 25 essentially clear the air, and reduce Rbter to the dishonest BS artist that he is.

YOU, my intellectually impotent Bravo, were put in your place during the exchanges on Post #16 and 20. But due try to live vicariously through your wrongly perceived victory by your useless condom buddy. Now Bravo, repeat your disproven and deconstructed point in various ways ad nauseum. "Bravo" indeed. ;)

Repeating disproven and deconstructed points ad nauseam by prefacing them with the pathetic catchphrase "chronology of the posts" seems to be the modus operandi of Taichiliberal.

The "chronology of the posts" in this instance shows the dis-ingenuousness of his intellectual makeup.

CPB is a government-owned corporation, despite Taichiliberal's repeated attempts to deny that fact.

The CPB and all government-funded boondoggles are no longer viable in an era of debt and deficits.

The political winds are about to sweep away many sacred cows that feed at the taxpayer's trough, and not before time.