NPR Exposed

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal
Rbter, grow the fuck up, would you please? First you lied about my statements regarding CPB, and it took a direct challenge for you to admit it after repeating that lie a few times. Now pissed, you're just rehashing already discussed points, because you just don't have the courage and honesty to acknowledge your parallel mindset with the neocon politicos and punditry...and how that mindset just doesn't stand up under scrutiny.

Is this your way of admitting that I didn't say NPR is government-owned, and confessing that you have no corroborating evidence for your repeated assertions that I'm I'm a neo-con?

It's all there in Post #59, folks. Rbter is just being a petulant child. I leave him to have the last word/lie/dodge/rehash/whatever.
It's all there in Post #59, folks. Rbter is just being a petulant child. I leave him to have the last word/lie/dodge/rehash/whatever.

TCL accused me of stating that NPR is government-owned, can't substantiate his false claim, and refuses to acknowledge his error.
Thank you for owning up to the truth. And, as the chronology of the posts shows, I also PROVED that NPR is NOT government owned. To date, no one has contested the facts that lead to that conclusion.
Why would anyone contest the fact that NPR is not government one ever said they were did they ?....certainly I didn't....and that makes you a pinhead....and a liar....

But then, we all know that too.....
TCL accused me of stating that NPR is government-owned, can't substantiate his false claim, and refuses to acknowledge his error.
Clarabell says its in Post 59....must be in invisible typing , I can't find it.....
But then its more likely TC is just a liar and insists on proving it over and over just in case there is one person left on the board that isn't convinced yet.....
Since I've been trying to make everyone happy today...

TCL, I would support using the US Attorneys General office to slap lawsuits on all of the major commercial entities who have been guilty of dodging taxes, committing fraud, and any other illegal financial activites which may come to light. Are we clear, now?
Since I've been trying to make everyone happy today...

TCL, I would support using the US Attorneys General office to slap lawsuits on all of the major commercial entities who have been guilty of dodging taxes, committing fraud, and any other illegal financial activites which may come to light. Are we clear, now?

Since I've had no prior discussions with you that I remember, I don't see why I wouldn't be "clear" on your statement here. However, the subject title of this thread was proven to be erroneous, and that's the major point of contention some folk have with my factually proving such, as the chronology of the posts shows.
nally Posted by Taichiliberal
Well for starters, NPR is NOT "government-owned" as you falsely believe/assert. Based on this ignorance on your part, it's safe to deduce that while you are jumping on the neo-conservative band wagon here, you are not really concerned about the forementioned of which is MUCH more pressing in the news with relations to the general public's well being.

But I could be wrong....are you NOW stating that you are against the nuke industry being subsidized on your tax dollar? And are you still maintaining your erroneous assertions regarding NPR?

TCL accused me of stating that NPR is government-owned, can't substantiate his false claim, and still refuses to acknowledge his error.

It's all there in Post #59 on this thread, folks. Rbter is just being a petulant child (note his new avatar). I leave our mentally spent condom Rbter to have his meltdown of dodges, half truths, distortions, repetitive lies, etc.
Thats hes gonna give us the old, "If you don't believe me, just ask me".....routine.....
Is that an early Abbot and Costello routine ?...
Well, no matter....its.....:lol: funny.....If you don't believe me just check post 59...duh.....:palm: