Nuclear News Thread

Until you look at an actual plant developed on that sort of land like Ivanpah in California. There, they had to do a massive environmental impact study that took years, then had to buy additional land and move hundreds of desert tortoises, an endangered species, etc., etc., etc. Farmland is easier to work with. In Arizona, farmland along the Gila River between Casa Grande and Yuma has become prime real estate for solar for those reasons.

That plant cost $2.2 billion and only has a capacity of a measly 392MW. It provides ZERO power at night. During the day, it is also an aviation hazard (due to intense glare). It is marked on the aviation charts. It also has a problem with hawks and eagles getting literally roasted in seconds in mid flight as they fly over the facility. It is also expensive to maintain, as the mirrors are damaged by fairly common sandstorms and must be replaced.

Coal plants can easily produce ten times the capacity of Ivanpah, take up a lot less space, are a lot cheaper to build, and can produce power 24/7.
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I know. They aren't fossils. Liquids and gases are not fossils.

Fossil fuels are composed of plant and animal remains from millions of years ago. Fossil fuels whether oil. gases or coals are determined by the type of fossil animal or plant, and the heat and pressure it was formed under.
Unlike the Israeli scum the Russians actually do have a case for occupying the Donbas and Crimea.
Also, although occupation and annexation are illegal, occupation is accepted on a temporary basis as a means of self-defense. There is nothing temporary about Israel's occupation - as the ICC is just about to reaffirm.

Russians and towelheads...this is some world that we're stuck on.
No wonder I don't like to leave Boston anymore.
It's a sanctuary city for the mentally functional.
Fossil fuels are composed of plant and animal remains from millions of years ago. Fossil fuels whether oil. gases or coals are determined by the type of fossil animal or plant, and the heat and pressure it was formed under.
A fossils is an image of a plant or animal in stone, dumbass. There are no fossils in a liquid or a gas.
Oil is found well below any fossils layer. So is natural gas.
Coal is also found well below any fossil layer. While coal may have fossils embedded within it, it is not itself a fossil. It is carbon, a chemical element. Impurities may include various other stone, sulfur (another element), mercury (another element), etc. These are removed.

You are ignoring the Fischer-Tropsche process again. No animal or plant is necessary to produce a hydrocarbon. All you need is a source of carbon (such as carbon dioxide), hydrogen, heat, pressure, and an iron catalyst. All naturally occurring conditions underground.
Oh...and oil wells pumped dry can be capped, opened a year or two later, and it's full of oil again.

Oil is not a fossil.
Natural gas is not a fossil.
Coal is not a fossil (though it may have fossils emedded within it). Fossils don't burn.
That is funny since that is what NASCAR uses

NASCAR has all different kinds of races that use different kinds of fuel. Sunoco is not a racing fuel. It is a fuel supplier. They provide a range of fuels. You can drive up to a Sunoco gas station with your car today and buy fuel from them for your car. Sunoco has an exclusive contract to provide fuel for NASCAR and other racing organizations. If you race in NASCAR, you are buying fuel from Sunoco, and you are buying a particular fuel from Sunoco.

Some racing fuels are leaded, others are not. They have several different octane ratings. NASCAR standardized it's octane and moderator.

It's starting to sound like you want Green E15, which has an octane of 98 and is unleaded, using ethanol for it's moderator. This stuff is actually very similar to what you buy at a normal gas pump (other than the green dye)...except you were touting the advantages of leaded fuel, and the Green E15 fuel is not leaded. It is, however, a standard fuel for NASCAR races. The dye is there to help prevent competitors from using a 'funny' fuel in their cars to get an advantage.
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That fuckwit Rashida Tlaib needs to be Khashoggied, is MbS available as for human garbage disposal?

Elon Musk agrees with JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon that it will take 50 years to transition to green energy

Dimon previously clashed with Rep. Rashida Tlaib after she demanded the bank terminate all financing to oil and gas projects

J.P. Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon cautioned policymakers should not rush the transition to green energy and argued that the world will be reliant on oil and gas for another 50 years during an interview on CNBC from Davos Thursday.

"Climate is a serious issue that should be taken seriously. And by the way we're not doing a good job at it," Dimon said.

"We need oil and gas," Dimon continued. "It's a hundred million barrels a day that are used by the world to heat fuel, feed people."

When asked for what length of time, Dimon responded "for 50 years".
Another Trumper advocating the murder of Americans. Color me surprised.
Quote Originally Posted by serendipity View Post
That fuckwit Rashida Tlaib needs to be Khashoggied, is MbS available as for human garbage disposal?

Another Trumper advocating the murder of Americans. Color me surprised.

The Brit terrorist appears to have a preference for foreign assassins to butcher US Congresswomen.
The Brit terrorist appears to have a preference for foreign assassins to butcher US Congresswomen.

He hates Americans from his little Thai shithole on the opposite side of the planet. It wouldn't surprise me if he applauded 9/11 as much as he applauds 1/6.
UK-US partnership for nuclear fusion rockets

UK clean space propulsion systems and services company Pulsar Fusion has formed a partnership with USA-based Princeton Satellite Systems to use artificial intelligence (AI) to design a hyper-fast space rocket capable of reaching Mars in only 30 days.

The collaboration will see the two companies using AI machine learning to study data from the world record holding Princeton field-reverse configuration (PFRC-2) reactor in order to better understand the behaviour of plasma under electromagnetic heating and confinement, when configured as an aneutronic propulsion system.

In a world first, the two companies will use data from plasma shots conducted at the PFRC-2, which was developed in partnership with Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, and the most advanced machine learning technologies to analyse the behaviour of super-hot fusion plasma in a rocket engine configuration.

The research aims to uncover how a nuclear fusion plasma will behave as it exits a rocket engine emitting exhaust particles at hundreds of kilometres per second.

Oxfordshire-based Pulsar Fusion is developing simulations based on gas puffing data from the PFRC-2 to attempt to create predictive simulations of ion and electron behaviour in an FRC plasma. Such simulations are needed for closed-loop control systems, a key component of a future PFRC reactor.

The partners aim to create a deep space rocket engine with a 500,000-mph potential. This would cut the journey time to Mars to just 30 days and make Saturn's moon Titan reachable within two years.

"This is a hugely significant step for Pulsar," said the company's founder and CEO Richard Dinan. "By pooling our own research and resources with those of Princeton Satellite Systems, Pulsar has gained access to behavioural data from the world record holding fusion reactor (PRFC-2) coupled with recent advancements in machine learning. This will supercharge the development of our nuclear fusion rocket systems".

He added: "Fusion propulsion is free from many of the vast infrastructure requirements presented in the development of terrestrial fusion energy for power stations on Earth. Space is the ideal place to do fusion in terms of it being a vacuum and the extremely cold temperatures. Unlike a fusion power station, fusion propulsion doesn't require a giant steam turbine and fuels can be sourced externally rather than needing to be created on site.

"Humanity has a huge need for faster propulsion in our growing space economy and fusion offers 1000 times the power of conventional ion thrusters currently used in orbit. In short, if humans can achieve fusion for energy, then fusion propulsion in space is inevitable.

"Our view is that fusion propulsion will be demonstrated in space decades before we can harness fusion for energy on Earth."
mm, you keep on calculating all of that with the current world population. What if world population gets to 1 third? and so consumption? ;)