Obama and dem congress cause resurgance of Republican core values.


Villified User
With The Dems rise to power in congress and President Obama the Republicans are now back at the only thing they are any good at. Critisizing and and obstructionist behaviour against Dems.

The world is back in it's groove.

Repubs are happily whining away.
With The Dems rise to power in congress and President Obama the Republicans are now back at the only thing they are any good at. Critisizing and and obstructionist behaviour against Dems.

The world is back in it's groove.

Repubs are happily whining away.
I myself and giving back all the grief that the Democrats gave Bush. I prefer to call it "bitterness" though, not "whining". :)
Sure dems in congress and govt are call all those who critisise Obama unpatriotic and unamerican.

Republicans are such good complainers and whiners.
With The Dems rise to power in congress and President Obama the Republicans are now back at the only thing they are any good at. Critisizing and and obstructionist behaviour against Dems.

The world is back in it's groove.

Repubs are happily whining away.

Funny, but the shoe was on the other foot six months ago (i.e. before we knew who was going to rule the world for at least the next four years) and for seven years before that.

this is a beautifull thing,
Repubs doing more of what gave them crushing defeats 4yrs ago, they had 2 years to lick they wounds. And they choose the same, another crushing defeat.
Shit Is Ohio State coaching republicans.
I am hoping that this will return the republican party to its better values and goals.

If they get back to pushing for smaller gov't, lower taxes and less interference in private affairs, they may see a big resurgence.

The key, in my opinion, is to get rid of the extremists and the social conservatives. Get back to core conservative issues.

Remove the "moral majority" idiots from the equation.
I am hoping that this will return the republican party to its better values and goals.

If they get back to pushing for smaller gov't, lower taxes and less interference in private affairs, they may see a big resurgence.

The key, in my opinion, is to get rid of the extremists and the social conservatives. Get back to core conservative issues.

Remove the "moral majority" idiots from the equation.
Social conservatism is a core conservative issue. Duh.
Social conservatism is a core conservative issue. Duh.
It's a bit further down on the list for some of us than others. And the last President showed what it would be like if it was the only "conservative" value held.

In reality, urging laws to be made on the religion of a specific group is radical and against what the founders started here. It shouldn't be done for Sharia law, nor for Christian. This is something that the conservatives allowed to usurp the party until whether gays would get "married" became the focus that got people elected. It won't work long-term and needs to be placed a bit lower on the importance spectrum if the party wishes to maintain any viability.
It's a bit further down on the list for some of us than others. And the last President showed what it would be like if it was the only "conservative" value held.

In reality, urging laws to be made on the religion of a specific group is radical and against what the founders started here. It shouldn't be done for Sharia law, nor for Christian. This is something that the conservatives allowed to usurp the party until whether gays would get "married" became the focus that got people elected. It won't work long-term and needs to be placed a bit lower on the importance spectrum if the party wishes to maintain any viability.

I would argue the opposite, that this country was founded on Judea-Christian values and the "conservative" that ignores that ain't a conservative and has no real chance of winning an election.
It's a bit further down on the list for some of us than others. And the last President showed what it would be like if it was the only "conservative" value held.

In reality, urging laws to be made on the religion of a specific group is radical and against what the founders started here. It shouldn't be done for Sharia law, nor for Christian. This is something that the conservatives allowed to usurp the party until whether gays would get "married" became the focus that got people elected. It won't work long-term and needs to be placed a bit lower on the importance spectrum if the party wishes to maintain any viability.

Well said, Damo.

One of the most obvious signs that social conservatism is against the core conservative values is that conservatives have long claimed to be for LESS gov't intrusion into our lives. And yet, social conservatives are all about intrusion into places the gov't should not, and was never intended, to go.
Well said, Damo.

One of the most obvious signs that social conservatism is against the core conservative values is that conservatives have long claimed to be for LESS gov't intrusion into our lives. And yet, social conservatives are all about intrusion into places the gov't should not, and was never intended, to go.

Nice suck-up to the board owner. :)

Actually, social conservatives have no desire to intrude on you and your male lover's bedroom, as you insinuate.
Nice suck-up to the board owner. :)

Actually, social conservatives have no desire to intrude on you and your male lover's bedroom, as you insinuate.

Nice attempt at hostile insults.

But this is the same position I have espoused since before I came to this site.

But its good to see you are sticking to the issue and debating with facts.

Also, I guess your insults are points for me, huh?

Nice attempt at hostile insults.

But this is the same position I have espoused since before I came to this site.

But its good to see you are sticking to the issue and debating with facts.

Also, I guess your insults are points for me, huh?

No insult intended. To a liberal democrat, having a male lover is normal, moral, healthy and cool. I am simply addressing an issue that you brought up. Again, social conservatives have no desire to intrude on you and your male lover's bedroom, as you insinuate.
Nice suck-up to the board owner. :)

Actually, social conservatives have no desire to intrude on you and your male lover's bedroom, as you insinuate.
Then why would they make laws like the Alabama Sex Toy Law? Which specifies certain items that the social conservatives were against. They fought for a radical change in the law that would ban items they found offensive from OTHERS bedrooms, as if they get to watch or something and didn't want to have to see the things.


Seriously. Is this what I want my party to be doing? Is it what you want the party to focus on?

I want my party to stop getting into people's lives. Personal responsibility and freedom is what the party was about when I joined, I want it to be there again.

I want my party to be the one that stops the centralized power grab and returns most of the responsibility and power to the individual possible, not one that is worried about Steve and Adam getting "hitched" at some civil ceremony and being able to see each other in a hospital. I don't care about Adam and Steve. I care about the massive debt accumulated under a solely "social conservative" that caused the perfect storm for democrats that will allow them to expand that.

I'm tired of people who think the focus of the party should be Christ. It's against the first Amendment, it spits in the face of the freedoms our forefathers fought for.
No insult intended. To a liberal democrat, having a male lover is normal, moral, healthy and cool. I am simply addressing an issue that you brought up. Again, social conservatives have no desire to intrude on you and your male lover's bedroom, as you insinuate.

I have insinuated nothing. I have stated that the social conservatives want to intrude on private lives.

They have continually worked to bring (or maintain) christianity as an official part of the gov't.

They have worked to deny gays the ability to marry and enjoy the SAME rights that straight couples enjoy. (the gov't should not be involved in marriage anyway)

They have worked to outlaw adult stores in several states.

They have worked to outlaw abortion in any situation.

They have worked to deny the ability of gays to teach in public schools.

They have worked to have creationism taught in science classes in public schools.

They have worked to ban certain books in public school libraries.

And none of this is what is going to get any republicans elected. Getting away from the social issues and back to the core values of smaller gov't, lower taxes, and less intrusion is what will bring the party back.

Failure to do so is what cost them so many votes in 2008.
Then why would they make laws like the Alabama Sex Toy Law? ....
I don't have any details on the run-up to this proposal, so I can't comment on it. There are busy-bodies in all political factions, including my own. You can't use these extreme examples to describe an entire political movement and still be intellectually honest.