Obama and dem congress cause resurgance of Republican core values.

Social conservatives are unwilling to waver on these issues because they define core values.

They are good solid core values for Judeo/Christians. But this is not a Judeo/Christian nation and our Constitution forbids selecting an official religion.

And if those core values run contrary to the beliefs of other faiths, they should obviously not be made into laws.
Funny, but the shoe was on the other foot six months ago (i.e. before we knew who was going to rule the world for at least the next four years) and for seven years before that.


Yep, more evidence that the parties are the same. Better to figure out what you want and vote accordingly.
Yep, more evidence that the parties are the same. Better to figure out what you want and vote accordingly.

Indeed they are exceedingly similar.

Both are leading us towards socialism. And both want more and more of the money I earn.
FYI - there are Blue Laws in New England because it used to be THE bastion of conservatism in America until gradually in the postwar era things changed.
Indeed they are exceedingly similar.

Both are leading us towards socialism. And both want more and more of the money I earn.

You are getting there. The only real difference now is that the republicans want to give more money to business and the dems still want to give more to the poor. But that has slipped a bit on both sides with both sides leaning towards giving more to businesses.
2. "“Judeo/Christian values that do not espouse the values of all people (like in other religions) are not constitutional.” This sentence makes no sense."

If these "judeo/Christian values" are specific to that faith (as in the 10 commandments) the using them as a basis for laws is unconstitutional. If that is unclear let me know.

3 The gov't should either offer the same benefits for all or should (as I believ) get out of the marriage game all together. The fact that the government is involved in marriage at all is intrusive.

4. Your original statement was "Adult stores should be confined to discrete areas, far from schools and children.Innocent lives should be protected."

To which I replied "As long as there is nothing showing outside, and minors are not allowed inside the store, there is no reason to try and eliminate or restrict adult stores. And in many states there have been efforts to outlaw them altogether. In Alabama they have outlawed them completely and they can only sell "novelties"."

That addressed your remarks and makes perfect sense. If you do not understand, please be more specific about what you do not understand. I am saying that the gov't has no business restricting adult stores to the extent they do, and certainly not eliminating them.

6. 20% of women are molested as children. 90% of molesters are men. That shows that there are an awful lot of straight men molesting young girls.

And it still does not come close to being a rational reason for banning gays from teaching in public schools.

7. Creationism does not fit the standard scientific models. The Scientific Method cannot be applied. It is not science. Any claims that it is scientific can only be laughed at. To say that the entire force behind creation and diversification is an unknown, untestable, unproveable mysterious force would pretty much be the definition of unscientific.

8. Now you are going with something a bit different. Yes, I am probably a social liberal. Fiscally conservative and socially liberal is a perfectly acceptable description to me.
2. These values are common to many religions.
3. That’s fine by me but the government already decided to do that long ago. And once the government gets it hands in anything it never lets go.
4. People don’t have to see what’s inside a place to know what’s going on. And of curse, the clientele that frequents these establishments shouldn’t be within 1000 yards of a school. It’s a simple zoning issue if nothing else.
6. It appears that you are clueless with respect to statistical analysis, since you keep repeating the same mistake over and over again.
7. Scientific methods can be applied to philosophical arguments, of which ID is among them.
8. This entire discussion has been about socially liberal v conservative. Its nice that you finally figured that out.
2. These values are common to many religions.
3. That’s fine by me but the government already decided to do that long ago. And once the government gets it hands in anything it never lets go.
4. People don’t have to see what’s inside a place to know what’s going on. And of curse, the clientele that frequents these establishments shouldn’t be within 1000 yards of a school. It’s a simple zoning issue if nothing else.
6. It appears that you are clueless with respect to statistical analysis, since you keep repeating the same mistake over and over again.
7. Scientific methods can be applied to philosophical arguments, of which ID is among them.
8. This entire discussion has been about socially liberal v conservative. Its nice that you finally figured that out.

2. Except that the other religions do not hold Sunday to be a holy day which should have alcohol sales banned. And the 10 commandments are one of the violations of the US Constitution that social conservatives love to push.

3. So the gov't won't let go? Then they let gays have the same rights and priviledges. Its that simple.

4. So anyone going into an adult store shouldn't be allowed within 1000 yards of a school? lmao Even you cannot justify that sort of nonsense.

And in many states there are constant attempts to ban these stores.

6. The fact that 20% of all women were molested as children, and 90% of all molesters are men is absolutely relevant that gays are not the bulk of molesters.

And the fact that you want to call them molesters, without ANY significant evidence, and thereby ban them from teaching, is evidence of your own bigotry.

7. Reread my post concerning "the entire force behind creation and diversification is an unknown, untestable, unproveable mysterious force..."

It is unscientific. ID design is not science.

8. But you originally called me a liberal democrat, and that is clearly not accurate. I am a fiscal conservative. I am also a constitutional conservative (which you are obviously not). But yes, I am a social liberal.
6. 20% of women are molested as children. 90% of molesters are men. That shows that there are an awful lot of straight men molesting young girls.

And it still does not come close to being a rational reason for banning gays from teaching in public schools.

Well I'd like to point out the pedophilia isn't a sexuality. It's more like a fetish. It just annoys me when people try to equate gays with pedophiles. There are many "straight" men who molest boys - it doesn't have to with their sexuality, because pedophilia isn't a sexuality.
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And where the hell did he get the 1% figure? How does he know the number is "disproportionate"? I don't trust his sources at all. I call bullshit.
Funny, but the shoe was on the other foot six months ago (i.e. before we knew who was going to rule the world for at least the next four years) and for seven years before that.


Wow do some people have short memories (if they have memories at all).
I am hoping that this will return the republican party to its better values and goals.

If they get back to pushing for smaller gov't, lower taxes and less interference in private affairs, they may see a big resurgence.

The key, in my opinion, is to get rid of the extremists and the social conservatives. Get back to core conservative issues.

Remove the "moral majority" idiots from the equation.

I don't think so Sol. It will take more than that. I saw Congressman Pence on TV last week and he was a charachature. Almost every discussion his solution was "less government and cut taxes". He made a joke of himself. The American public is tired of this tired old rhetoric and want real solutions to real problems.
I would argue the opposite, that this country was founded on Judea-Christian values and the "conservative" that ignores that ain't a conservative and has no real chance of winning an election.

I would say that you need to study your history and your politics and maybe learn the difference between a conservative and a reactionary.
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Then why would they make laws like the Alabama Sex Toy Law? Which specifies certain items that the social conservatives were against. They fought for a radical change in the law that would ban items they found offensive from OTHERS bedrooms, as if they get to watch or something and didn't want to have to see the things.


Seriously. Is this what I want my party to be doing? Is it what you want the party to focus on?

I want my party to stop getting into people's lives. Personal responsibility and freedom is what the party was about when I joined, I want it to be there again.

I want my party to be the one that stops the centralized power grab and returns most of the responsibility and power to the individual possible, not one that is worried about Steve and Adam getting "hitched" at some civil ceremony and being able to see each other in a hospital. I don't care about Adam and Steve. I care about the massive debt accumulated under a solely "social conservative" that caused the perfect storm for democrats that will allow them to expand that.

I'm tired of people who think the focus of the party should be Christ. It's against the first Amendment, it spits in the face of the freedoms our forefathers fought for.

I know exactly what you mean. I've often criticized the social conservatives about liberty and freedom just being words to them. I mean their all for them till someone actually practices them and then hear them howl.

Well liberty and freedom required something that seems to be in small supply of with social conservatives. Tolerance.
1. Again I was giving you the benefit of doubt. My mistake. :lol:
Yea, right.

2. Again, Judea-Christian values, not religion.
and how are those differant? You're parsing and Sol is right.
3. There are existing ways for gays to enjoy exclusive relationships without offending 5000 years of tradition.
and how does allowing gays to marry hurt anyone?
4. Adult stores should be confined to discrete areas, far from schools and children.Innocent lives should be protected.
Last I saw there were no porn stores by my Schools and please explain to me, what and who needs to be protected from what? If you're afraid of being damaged by seeing a bare ass....you've got issues son.
5. If you can’t protect innocent life than nothing else matters.
Strawman argument. You misrepresented what Sol said.
6. Studies have shown that pedophilia and homosexuality have a commonality. Again innocent lives should be protected.
what an asinine comment. Who did this study? Liberty College? Bob Jones University? Give me a break.
7. As far as I can tell evolution is just a theory as well. What’s wrong with exposing children to different views?
Where did you learn science? There is no such thing as "just a theory" in science. What different scientific views are there that replace evolution? I'm a biologist and I"m not aware of any? Are you advocating teaching religion in science class?
8. Funny how a liberal democrat is going to tell a conservative how to win elections.
Funny how a reactionary wingnut is going to call a true conservative a liberal as if there was something wrong with being a liberal. Oh..I forgot..."liberal" in the south is code word for niger.
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McCain demonstrated that there was no R that could have won in that particular "perfect storm". It wouldn't have mattered if it was Huckabee, that standard had been tried and there would have been even less votes for the Rs. Mitt may have been able to garner more votes, but not because he was religious, but because he had a record of winning in that "blue" state you keep trying to use as an example of who passed the laws (the laws were passed long ago, and many Ds are socially conservative in certain areas that allow them to continue).

We have a fundamental disconnect in opinion. The main difference is your plan was tried and the religious "conservative" were allowed to have too much power in this party, it has brought upon us one of the worst times our party has had to exist through.

I don't say we should kick them out, but I will maintain and always work that those issues maintain a lower priority to fiscal responsibility and personal freedoms. Actually working towards smaller and less intrusive government rather than some central medical computer that will later allow the government to inform your doctor if you are "eligible" for your next surgery. This should be our focus, not Adam and Steve. I don't care if such things supposedly get the religious out to vote. I prefer to win on the merit of the argument rather than a dogmatic devotion to government intervention to support religious beliefs.

I have to agre with you Damo. McCain would have beaten Al Gore like an old rug in 2000. Instead we had the Bush fiasco. I agree, I don't think any Republican really stood a chance after 8 years of Bush ineptitude and then the economic crisis.
I am hoping that this will return the republican party to its better values and goals.

If they get back to pushing for smaller gov't, lower taxes and less interference in private affairs, they may see a big resurgence.

The key, in my opinion, is to get rid of the extremists and the social conservatives. Get back to core conservative issues.

Remove the "moral majority" idiots from the equation.

No, we need the social conservatives / moral majority folks. If we nominate a libertarian-esque candidate in '12, they will vote for him (or her) because they have nowhere else to go. A coalition based on common ideals is what we need.
No, we need the social conservatives / moral majority folks. If we nominate a libertarian-esque candidate in '12, they will vote for him (or her) because they have nowhere else to go. A coalition based on common ideals is what we need.

I strongly disagree.

I think a fiscal conservative that is focused on a sound economy has the absolute best change in 2012.

A social conservative will be rallied against by too many organizations. Remember the responses to the rumors that Palin was for banning books or that she wanted abstinence to be the only thing taught in schools?

The extremists in each party will vote party lines. The election goes to whomever can gain the favor of the centrists. And I believe most of the nation sits closer to the middle than to either edge.