Obama and dem congress cause resurgance of Republican core values.

It's the parents who don't have a choice, or at least the ones who ain't rich enough to send their kids to private school. The libs will shove their agenda down kids throats and it don't include ID.

When there was something lacking in the schools, we parents worked to make sure it was taken care of.

Libs are not shoving anything down anyone's throats any more than neocons are shoving things down people's throats.

Get the parents out and have them work to make the schools what they should be. That does not include teaching something that is nonscientific in a science class, but it certainly should include comparative religion classes.

I took it in the 70s in Alabama, and 2 of my kids took it in the 90s in the same town.
The party of sex with anyone at any age? SM, that is nothing more than a bold-faced lie. No one in the democratic party has pressed for sex with children.....

So please tell us all, exactly what are the areas that the social conservatives focus on?
Nice caricature of my argument, proving your blind devotion to the Democrat Party.

Social conservatives are interested in the sanctity of innocent human life and traditional marriage.
ID can be taught in a philosophy class or (as I suggested in another thread) in a Comparative Religion class.

The motives are simply to keep ID out of science class, and to prevent any single religion from becoming the "state religion".
Yeah. That's their motive. Wow. :rolleyes:
You do know you have exactly the same power to elect a school board that they have? Right? Get a strong group together and start running for the boards, make it work for you instead of telling me how much others will do "to" you.

You can stand by and let things happen. I prefer to be more active.
We don't have a problem with the school board here, but the Lib teachers will do an end-run whenever they can, and because of tenure, can't be fired without an act of God. You know how that works.
Nice caricature of my argument, proving your blind devotion to the Democrat Party.

Social conservatives are interested in the sanctity of innocent human life and traditional marriage.

Caricature? Your exact words were "The Democrats are the party of sex with anyone of any age at anytime...".

I am not blindly devoted to any party. But I also do not make up lies just to maintain the image of rationality behind my own blind devotion, as you do.

If you were not accusing the dems of sex with children, your words "of any age" have absolutely no meaning. If both parties are adults, then what is the problem? At least that is what you claim. You have repeatedly claimed that the social conservatives have no interest in our sex lives.

The sanctity of innocent human life, as long as its unborn innocent human life. Innocent people being executed by mistake and innocent people dying in war doesn't seem to be as much of an issue.

And the "traditions" of marriage are not what the gays want. They want the government benefits that come with it.
When there was something lacking in the schools, we parents worked to make sure it was taken care of.

Libs are not shoving anything down anyone's throats any more than neocons are shoving things down people's throats.

Get the parents out and have them work to make the schools what they should be. That does not include teaching something that is nonscientific in a science class, but it certainly should include comparative religion classes.

I took it in the 70s in Alabama, and 2 of my kids took it in the 90s in the same town.
Several teachers in my kids classes know exactly who I am and what I expect from them, as well as who my wife is. Not all parents have the wherewithal, or especially single parents, the time, to kick ass and take names.
Several teachers in my kids classes know exactly who I am and what I expect from them, as well as who my wife is. Not all parents have the wherewithal, or especially single parents, the time, to kick ass and take names.

The world is run by those who show up. If the libs can get to teacher conferences, school board meetings, and the like, then their opinions will be the one to carry the weight. Thats how things work.

When my kids were in elementary school, I was taking a full-time college course load and working full time. But I never missed a single teacher conference or a PTA meeting. Other parents can do the same. If they don't participate they have no right to whine about how things work.
Caricature? Your exact words were "The Democrats are the party of sex with anyone of any age at anytime..."......
Since you are especially dim today let me spell it out for you:
  • 'sex with anyone': homosexuality;
  • 'any age': sex-ed in elementary school, condoms in middle school;
  • 'any time': Hollywood lifestyles, Movies, TV and literature.
There is another motive? I have seen some extremists from each side, but for the bulk of efforts, yes that has been their motive.
Who the hell is advocating a state sponsored religion? Their motive is the acquisition and holding of power, and in this case, through brainwashing the next generation. If they were concerned with students and learning, then School Choice and vouchers would be wholeheartedly supported.
Since you are especially dim today let me spell it out for you:
  • 'sex with anyone': homosexuality;
  • 'any age': sex-ed in elementary school, condoms in middle school;
  • 'any time': Hollywood lifestyles, Movies, TV and literature.

Then let me spell it out for you:

Homosexuality is not something most democrats participate in. They just do not demonize it as you do.

Sex-ed is not the problem. You want ID to be taught, and yet you do not want kids to be taught about sex. Can you not see a problem there?

Sex in movies, tv, and literature are what scares you? Study after study has shown that there is much more violence than there is sex in our modern movies and tv. Kids are exposed to far more violence than sex. If you look at sex as something to be done in the dark, and only for procreation, I can see why you would think the way you think. But that is not the way the world works. Step into reality.
The world is run by those who show up. If the libs can get to teacher conferences, school board meetings, and the like, then their opinions will be the one to carry the weight. Thats how things work.

When my kids were in elementary school, I was taking a full-time college course load and working full time. But I never missed a single teacher conference or a PTA meeting. Other parents can do the same. If they don't participate they have no right to whine about how things work.

Too many hard working parents don't have the time that freeloading liberals do. And many single parents are time strapped as well. That explains why liberals love to march, hold signs and shout it out at pubic meetings.
Who the hell is advocating a state sponsored religion? Their motive is the acquisition and holding of power, and in this case, through brainwashing the next generation. If they were concerned with students and learning, then School Choice and vouchers would be wholeheartedly supported.

Its funny thatyou claim that many parents cannot get to school to make sure their kids are being taught properly. Butyou think they can get their kids to schools that are farther away on a daily basis?

I have no problem with school vouchers. I do have a problem with tax dollars going to pay for any religious schools. Which is what many voucher programs advocated by the social conservatives would do.
Too many hard working parents don't have the time that freeloading liberals do. And many single parents are time strapped as well. That explains why liberals love to march, hold signs and shout it out at pubic meetings.

SouthernMan, that is as blindly ignorant and full of lies as anything you have posted.

The school board meetings are usually held at night, which allows most people to attend. If conservatives don't attend, then they have to find another way to make their voices heard.

If you expect the world to bow to YOUR beliefs, while you insult everyone else's, you are a bigger fool than I thought.
Then let me spell it out for you:

Homosexuality is not something most democrats participate in. They just do not demonize it as you do.

Sex-ed is not the problem. You want ID to be taught, and yet you do not want kids to be taught about sex. Can you not see a problem there?

Sex in movies, tv, and literature are what scares you? Study after study has shown that there is much more violence than there is sex in our modern movies and tv. Kids are exposed to far more violence than sex. If you look at sex as something to be done in the dark, and only for procreation, I can see why you would think the way you think. But that is not the way the world works. Step into reality.

Man you've got it down so far you don't know it's there.

1. Again with a caricature of my argument. Liberals routinely claim that homosexuality as normal, moral and healthy.
2. Sex at any age- a liberal ethos that you cannot deny.
3. Hollywood culture champions both sex and violence.
Its funny thatyou claim that many parents cannot get to school to make sure their kids are being taught properly. Butyou think they can get their kids to schools that are farther away on a daily basis?

I have no problem with school vouchers. I do have a problem with tax dollars going to pay for any religious schools. Which is what many voucher programs advocated by the social conservatives would do.
You don't know where the kids live nor where the schools are or would be built.

Comparative religion can be taught in public school but the three R's can't be taught in a school associated with a church.

Both woefully inept positions for you.
Man you've got it down so far you don't know it's there.

1. Again with a caricature of my argument. Liberals routinely claim that homosexuality as normal, moral and healthy.
2. Sex at any age- a liberal ethos that you cannot deny.
3. Hollywood culture champions both sex and violence.

Homosexuality is normal moral and healthy. No problem with that. I think that is far better than your claim that homosexuals should not be allowed to teach schools so that we can protect our kids.

Sex at any age? Again you are going with the vague claim that dems are ok with child molesting. If you don't mean "any", then don't use the words. If its not about children, but about consenting adults, what possible problem could you have with it??

I don't see social conservatives working to remove violent movies or tv shows. I see them going after sex almost exclusively.
SouthernMan, that is as blindly ignorant and full of lies as anything you have posted.

The school board meetings are usually held at night, which allows most people to attend. If conservatives don't attend, then they have to find another way to make their voices heard.

If you expect the world to bow to YOUR beliefs, while you insult everyone else's, you are a bigger fool than I thought.
Can't you read, or is your memory as vacant as your morals? As I stated earlier, it usually doesn't matter what the school board's policy is. Liberal teachers will sneak their agenda in, and can't be fired due to tenure and the union. *shrug*
Homosexuality is normal moral and healthy. No problem with that. I think that is far better than your claim that homosexuals should not be allowed to teach schools so that we can protect our kids.

Sex at any age? Again you are going with the vague claim that dems are ok with child molesting. If you don't mean "any", then don't use the words. If its not about children, but about consenting adults, what possible problem could you have with it??

I don't see social conservatives working to remove violent movies or tv shows. I see them going after sex almost exclusively.
Wow I've seen you've once again gone over the deep end here with your ignorance of past positions that you have been unable to defend.
You don't know where the kids live nor where the schools are or would be built.

Comparative religion can be taught in public school but the three R's can't be taught in a school associated with a church.

Both woefully inept positions for you.

Please show me where I said the three R's can't be taught in a school run by a church? Have I said that? No. Its not the three R's that are the problem. Its tax dollars being used for religious purposes. Its the bible classes that are the issue, because you certainly cannot claim that a christian school will teach that all religions are equal.

No I don't know where they are or where they would be built. But then, you don't know where the parents live that they miss the teacher conferences because they are unable instead of just unconcerned.

Your assumptions on both points are wrong.