Obama and dem congress cause resurgance of Republican core values.

Where have I said this? :readit:

When I made theaccusation that social conservatives have worked to deny gays the ability to teach in public schools, you responded with:

"6. Studies have shown that pedophilia and homosexuality have a commonality. Again innocent lives should be protected."

You never did show a link to the study, but you were clear that your idea of protecting innocent lives involved preventing gays from teaching.
When I made theaccusation that social conservatives have worked to deny gays the ability to teach in public schools, you responded with:

"6. Studies have shown that pedophilia and homosexuality have a commonality. Again innocent lives should be protected."

You never did show a link to the study, but you were clear that your idea of protecting innocent lives involved preventing gays from teaching.
Again, you've made a baseless assumption, proving yourself the fool. *shrug*
Again, you've made a baseless assumption, proving yourself the fool. *shrug*

When I say that social conservatives have tried to ban gays from teaching, and you reply with a mythical connection between homosexuality and pedophilia, and then make the statement that our children should be protected, I am most certainly not making a baseless assumption.

It is the logical assumption to make. In the context of our discussion, you compared homosexuality and pedophilia, and then talk about protecting children. That is a clear connection to what you were trying to say.
When I say that social conservatives have tried to ban gays from teaching, and you reply with a mythical connection between homosexuality and pedophilia, and then make the statement that our children should be protected, I am most certainly not making a baseless assumption.

It is the logical assumption to make. In the context of our discussion, you compared homosexuality and pedophilia, and then talk about protecting children. That is a clear connection to what you were trying to say.
The logical assumption is that I want to protect children from pedophiles.
A defect? You talk like its an overbite or clubfoot.

This is about who they are. You, like so many others, see this as about sex. That is why you think the Dems are the party of sex with anyone, at any age and at any time.

This is about who they are and who they love.

I love my kids. I love my Mom & Dad. I love my brothers and my sister. But the love I feel for my wife is a very different sort of love. And if I were unable to have sex at all, I would still feel the same way. It would be impossible for me to feel that kind of love for a man. I cannot even imagine feeling it.

That is the way a gay man or a lesbian is. They cannot love the opposite gender in the way I love my wife. It just isn't in them to do so.

What you want them to do is to not have sex. That is the easy part. But what you expect is for them to never know true love. And you want them to do so because their love makes you uncomfortable? And because of some ancient taboo from a book?

And you expect them to never teach, work with children, or do any of the things that you or I could be called to do. And you do so with no evidence that they would harm anyone. You do so out of your own discomfort.

And you call them unhealthy and immoral? You expectations and your demands are far more immoral and unhealthy than theirs.

I have to admit that having a gay brother and a lesbian sister I find Southernmans comments not only offensive but deeply disturbing.

Good God all mighty! If the biggest problem we have is two people of the same gender loving each other then we are damned fortunate indeed!
Again, I don't, nor does any social conservative that I know, care about what consenting adults do in private. And again, if someone chooses be abnormal, immoral and unhealthy, then so be it, but don't expect society to give them special rights or accept lies.

You're a sick twisted unconsciencenable and pathetic bigot. I'd rather be gay then be a ignorant inhuman bigot like you.

The only one who is abnormal, immoral and unhealthy here is you.
You're a sick twisted unconsciencenable [sic] and pathetic bigot. I'd rather be gay then be a ignorant inhuman bigot like you.

The only one who is abnormal, immoral and unhealthy here is you.
A string of ad-homs from you is a grand slam fro me. The misspelling simply adds to my satisfaction.
The logical assumption is that I want to protect children from pedophiles.

And you had just claimed that there was a commonality between homosexuality and pedophilia.

But what you are claiming is that you claimed there was a commonality, and then just decided to make the unconnected comment that children should be protected from pedophiles??

That is ridiculous.

You are backtracking. I made the accusation and you answered with that absurd claim and then said kids should be protected.

In the context of our discussion, you may as well have said it outright. Or you should have corrected my accusation.
A string of ad-homs from you is a grand slam fro me. The misspelling simply adds to my satisfaction.

SM, the fact that you try and claim some victory or points from being called names, after all the names you have called me is about as hypocritical as it gets.

You have made so many claims without evidence (or basis in facts) that it boggles my mind.

Your claims about homosexuality is ridiculous and goes against what has been said by both the APA and the AMA.

Your dodges to avoid topics have become laughable.
You mean like being a bigot, like you have exposed yourself to be?

He is not being a bigot if he calls you names for you (as an individual) doing something he sees as reprehensible.

He is using a slur, yes. But his verbal assault in you was based on your own stance and what you want to happen in this country.

A bigot would be.......oh lets see.........calling someone immoral, unhealthy, and abnormal for living as they were born. And for calling something a defect based on your own beliefs, while the overwhelming majority of qualified people say different.

Yep, that would be about a perfect example.
the sad thing is there are a huge percentage of southerners that are dumbass rednecks like southern man.
You mean there are a huge percentage of Americans who know the truth, very few who dare to tell it, most of whom reside in The South.
You mean there are a huge percentage of Americans who know the truth, very few who dare to tell it, most of whom reside in The South.

What truth would that be, SM?

No dancing around or giving links to debate sites. Give us this grand truth.

Tell us about gay teachers or whatever truth you have.
Cum hoc ergo propter hoc.

I did not make the connections, you did. You made the connection and then made the statement about protecting kids.

You have argued that homosexuals are more likely to be pedophiles.

You are just dodging the topic again.