Obama Begins VP Search....


Staff member

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Barack Obama is quietly beginning his search for a running mate, according to a veteran Democratic activist in Washington.

The activist told CNN that former Fannie Mae CEO Jim Johnson has accepted Obama's request to begin a screening and selection process for the No. 2 spot.

Johnson performed the same role in 2004 and 1984 for then-Democratic presidential nominees John Kerry and Walter Mondale.

The activist, a party operative who has been involved in Democratic presidential campaigns and conventions for more than 20 years, said the process is "at a very early point" but that campaign workers "have been informally thinking about it for a while."

More at link...

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Barack Obama is quietly beginning his search for a running mate, according to a veteran Democratic activist in Washington.

The activist told CNN that former Fannie Mae CEO Jim Johnson has accepted Obama's request to begin a screening and selection process for the No. 2 spot.

Johnson performed the same role in 2004 and 1984 for then-Democratic presidential nominees John Kerry and Walter Mondale.

The activist, a party operative who has been involved in Democratic presidential campaigns and conventions for more than 20 years, said the process is "at a very early point" but that campaign workers "have been informally thinking about it for a while."

More at link...

So the guy who helped pick a racist and a trial liar as running mates for Mondale and Kerry is going to help pick Obama's VP?


One led to a landslide win for Reagan, the second did nothing to help Kerry beat the "worst President ever".
WTF is up with Pelosi? She can’t stop bush, she can’t stop the war, she can’t stop Hillary. WTF are we paying her and Reid for?

"I think, though, that Hillary Clinton and Sen. Obama, both having a good chance to win the nomination, probably started thinking about who his or her running mate might be, what transition teams they might have, whether they should be briefed by the White House ... on issues of concern to our country," Pelosi said.
WTF is up with Pelosi? She can’t stop bush, she can’t stop the war, she can’t stop Hillary. WTF are we paying her and Reid for?

"I think, though, that Hillary Clinton and Sen. Obama, both having a good chance to win the nomination, probably started thinking about who his or her running mate might be, what transition teams they might have, whether they should be briefed by the White House ... on issues of concern to our country," Pelosi said.

The phrase that comes to mind.... "not a leader"... which also applies to Reid.
WTF is up with Pelosi? She can’t stop bush, she can’t stop the war, she can’t stop Hillary. WTF are we paying her and Reid for?

"I think, though, that Hillary Clinton and Sen. Obama, both having a good chance to win the nomination, probably started thinking about who his or her running mate might be, what transition teams they might have, whether they should be briefed by the White House ... on issues of concern to our country," Pelosi said.

Pelosi is weak as shit .. which is why she isn't even considered for a run for the presidency .. ever.

She claimed that she would endorse as soon as one candidate got the majority of pledged delegates, but she's too weak to follow through.
This list is also missing the most important name. How could you possibly list VP candidates without Damocles?
Sam Nunn? I don't think he will accept, but it would be a huge plus for Obama.
Clare? Ya, maybe, but a really weak choice and a minus for Obama.

To bring back an old word from a former campaign, Obama needs someone with "Gravitas." Nunn certainly fits the bill, and would pull some moderates back into play for Obama. But... I happen to kinda know Sam Nunn personally, not that well, and I haven't spoken to him in years, but the last time we talked, he said he had no intentions of ever going back to Washington D.C., he was done with politics!

Obama needs someone who can carry the rural vote, as this is his weakest demographic. In that regard, Edwards would be more likely. I think it will be Edwards if Hillary somehow manages to win the nomination. Another one to watch is Gore, I don't think he is out of possibility for either candidate, and it's not like he doesn't know the job.

Biden? I can't really see it being Biden, he is too different politically... might be a good VP for Hill, but not Obama. Of course, he could pick Teddy and go for the sympathy vote....hmmm?
... of course.....

If Obama wanted to be true to his core constituency, he should pick Rev. Al Sharpton. I mean, they share the same beliefs and ideas, and are on the same page politically. Why not Rev. Al? Former Presidential Candidate, very popular in the South... why hasn't his name been mentioned for VP? ...Curious, ain't it?
... of course.....

If Obama wanted to be true to his core constituency, he should pick Rev. Al Sharpton. I mean, they share the same beliefs and ideas, and are on the same page politically. Why not Rev. Al? Former Presidential Candidate, very popular in the South... why hasn't his name been mentioned for VP? ...Curious, ain't it?
Because all other names are worthless once you throw Damocles into the mix.
Sam Nunn? I don't think he will accept, but it would be a huge plus for Obama.
Clare? Ya, maybe, but a really weak choice and a minus for Obama.

To bring back an old word from a former campaign, Obama needs someone with "Gravitas." Nunn certainly fits the bill, and would pull some moderates back into play for Obama. But... I happen to kinda know Sam Nunn personally, not that well, and I haven't spoken to him in years, but the last time we talked, he said he had no intentions of ever going back to Washington D.C., he was done with politics!

Obama needs someone who can carry the rural vote, as this is his weakest demographic. In that regard, Edwards would be more likely. I think it will be Edwards if Hillary somehow manages to win the nomination. Another one to watch is Gore, I don't think he is out of possibility for either candidate, and it's not like he doesn't know the job.

Biden? I can't really see it being Biden, he is too different politically... might be a good VP for Hill, but not Obama. Of course, he could pick Teddy and go for the sympathy vote....hmmm?

You underestimate McCaskill... take a look at where she if from. Then take a look at her popularity there. Not to mention the fact she would help with the female vote.
You underestimate McCaskill... take a look at where she if from. Then take a look at her popularity there. Not to mention the fact she would help with the female vote.

I'm not underestimating McCaskill, you are underestimating the VP spot. She is from Missouri, so? It's not like being from NY or CA, or even FL. It's nice the people of MO like her, but no one else really knows her. Obama needs someone people can connect with, someone who is familiar and comfortable. He also needs someone who is somewhere in the ballpark of his political ideology, or there will be trouble in paradise.

I keep seeing it being Edwards. He would bring some Southern vote, and his political compass is fairly near Obama's, it wouldn't be a stretch for him to adopt Obama's positions and campaign on them. He's a nice looking guy, speaks well, has a track record and experience, has run for VP before, but that maybe a political no-no these days, to run the same guy again. I think Obama will need a running-mate who is not a woman or black, one minority seems to be enough for Democrats, given the Hillary polls in KY.

He may fool us all and pick someone not even on the radar, but I really think he needs someone with name recognition and a familiar face.