Obama Begins VP Search....

... of course.....

If Obama wanted to be true to his core constituency, he should pick Rev. Al Sharpton. I mean, they share the same beliefs and ideas, and are on the same page politically. Why not Rev. Al? Former Presidential Candidate, very popular in the South... why hasn't his name been mentioned for VP? ...Curious, ain't it?

If you were true to your "constituency" .. you'd be posting on a neo-confederate site instead of spewing your incredible ignorance here.

You underestimate McCaskill... take a look at where she if from. Then take a look at her popularity there. Not to mention the fact she would help with the female vote.


Any female picked, other than Hillary, it will HURT the elder female vote for him.

If any female is picked for the spot, it would be considered a slap in the face, a major one, to someone who they believe worked very, very, very hard to win half of America's vote.

I hope he is not foolish enough to do such....there's a rumble out there.....could be a volcanic explosion, if not careful imho.

Picking any old "female" off the Street to satisfy the female Hillary voters would be a huge mistake....what he should do is court these voters himself, with his own charm...


Any female picked, other than Hillary, it will HURT the elder female vote for him.

If any female is picked for the spot, it would be considered a slap in the face, a major one, to someone who they believe worked very, very, very hard to win half of America's vote.

I hope he is not foolish enough to do such....there's a rumble out there.....could be a volcanic explosion, if not careful imho.

Picking any old "female" off the Street to satisfy the female Hillary voters would be a huge mistake....what he should do is court these voters himself, with his own charm...


I disagree, though being a man, perhaps my perception on how women would react is off. McCaskill may not be well known nationally, but she is hardly just "someone off the street". She would be a strategic pick. She would put Misery instantly in Obamas camp. She is also well liked and respected in KS, NE, IA etc... She would put the lower midwest into play and force McCain to spend money in states he shouldn't have to.

Again, I may be underestimating the reaction of women. But if women are actually pissed that he chooses another woman over Clinton after the way she and Billy have acted during this campaign, then well... there is nothing Obama can do to win them over. (with the exception of giving her the VP nod.... which to me would be a reward for the foul Clinton behavior).
I disagree, though being a man, perhaps my perception on how women would react is off. McCaskill may not be well known nationally, but she is hardly just "someone off the street". She would be a strategic pick. She would put Misery instantly in Obamas camp. She is also well liked and respected in KS, NE, IA etc... She would put the lower midwest into play and force McCain to spend money in states he shouldn't have to.

Again, I may be underestimating the reaction of women. But if women are actually pissed that he chooses another woman over Clinton after the way she and Billy have acted during this campaign, then well... there is nothing Obama can do to win them over. (with the exception of giving her the VP nod.... which to me would be a reward for the foul Clinton behavior).

I don't disagree that you are unfamiliar with this groups sentiment regarding this subject! :D

It would be a mistake to even think that he would satisfy the female voter that supported Hillary by just "giving them" another female ....that, to them would be a "sexist" remark and "sexist" kind of thinking...in the manner that it trivialized the support they gave Hillary because of her qualifications, NOT because she was just a "female"..... It would be "pandering" that her female voters would recognize in a heartbeat and take it as a slap in the face, to them and their intelligence and to Hillary, by not at least offering the position to her.

Now, I don't want her to be vp....but many of her supporters do, and feel and KNOW she deserves the offer.... and yes, this IS HOW the political game is played....the President to be, rarely picks his vp, all on his own, without all political ramifications taken in to consideration.

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I don't disagree that you are unfamiliar with this groups sentiment regarding this subject! :D

It would be a mistake to even think that he would satisfy the female voter that supported Hillary by just "giving them" another female voter....that, to them would be a "sexist" remark and "sexist" kind of thinking...in the manner that it trivialized the support they gave Hillary because of her qualifications, NOT because she was just a "female"..... It would be "pandering" that her female voters would recognize in a heartbeat and take it as a slap in the face, to them and their intelligence and to Hillary, by not at least offering the position to her.

Now, I don't want her to be vp....but many of her supporters do, and feel and KNOW she deserves the offer.... and yes, this IS HOW the political game is played....the President to be, rarely picks his vp, all on his own, without all political ramifications taken in to consideration.


Clinton doesn't "deserve" anything. That is her problem and the problem of her supporters. Clinton felt entitled to the nomination, now she feels entitled to being on the ticket.

Obama should NOT have her on the ticket under any circumstances.

Obama's campaign is about change, not more of the same .. AND the Democratic Party NEEDS to wreste control of the party away from the Clintons and the DLC.
Clinton doesn't "deserve" anything. That is her problem and the problem of her supporters. Clinton felt entitled to the nomination, now she feels entitled to being on the ticket.

Obama should NOT have her on the ticket under any circumstances.

Obama's campaign is about change, not more of the same .. AND the Democratic Party NEEDS to wreste control of the party away from the Clintons and the DLC.

If Obama's campaign is really about change BAC, then why does he have Kerry and Kennedy and Richardson and Edwards all of on the stage with him....?

I wouldn't grasp on to just a "word or two" if I were you and I would WATCH what he does that SHOWS this CHANGE....that you speak about....as being him.

Kerry and Edwards voted for the Iraq resolution, just as Hillary did...yet Obama and his followers welcome THEM with opened arms and they probably will get positions in his cabinet....so, just a tad wee bit of hypocrisy, could be peeping through, no???

Obama also claims that he will take us out of Iraq immediately....NOW he is changing his mind and stance and his mimicking Hillary's stance, but in the beginning of his campaign it was all about getting us out of iraq immediately, that's how he won over so many from Hillary, by touting over and over again that he was different.....and would bring the troops home....

Then there is him not even taking the time to VOTE on bringing the troops home on the last bill on this....?

Require U.S. combat troops to withdraw from Iraq by June 30, 2008. (vote taken) October 3. (28-68; 60 votes required because of a unanimous consent agreement) C-2

Barak Obama-
Did not vote

So how do you guys really KNOW where Obama stands on this issue, other than what he tells you? Or on any controversial issue that would make him the Candidate of Change....I WANT TO KNOW, where is the CHANGE in him verses any other politician? He's got Kerry and Edwards, who also voted for the Iraq resolution, up on the stage with him.....who did the same thing he criticizes Hillary for....

PLEASE, don't get your hopes up that Obama is any different than any other politician out there....he would not be where he is today, if he were not considered "an Insider" like everyone else that has succeeded in politics, for the most part....that's all I'm saying, as an old dog, that's been around...

If Obama's campaign is really about change BAC, then why does he have Kerry and Kennedy and Richardson and Edwards all of on the stage with him....?

Because even a candidate of change has to be a politician to get elected. Dividing his party and pointing fingers would not be wise if he wants to beat McCain. That's just reality. I think he should choose an Independent like David Walker...
If Obama's campaign is really about change BAC, then why does he have Kerry and Kennedy and Richardson and Edwards all of on the stage with him....?

I wouldn't grasp on to just a "word or two" if I were you and I would WATCH what he does that SHOWS this CHANGE....that you speak about....as being him.

Kerry and Edwards voted for the Iraq resolution, just as Hillary did...yet Obama and his followers welcome THEM with opened arms and they probably will get positions in his cabinet....so, just a tad wee bit of hypocrisy, could be peeping through, no???

Obama also claims that he will take us out of Iraq immediately....NOW he is changing his mind and stance and his mimicking Hillary's stance, but in the beginning of his campaign it was all about getting us out of iraq immediately, that's how he won over so many from Hillary, by touting over and over again that he was different.....and would bring the troops home....

Then there is him not even taking the time to VOTE on bringing the troops home on the last bill on this....?

So how do you guys really KNOW where Obama stands on this issue, other than what he tells you? Or on any controversial issue that would make him the Candidate of Change....I WANT TO KNOW, where is the CHANGE in him verses any other politician? He's got Kerry and Edwards, who also voted for the Iraq resolution, up on the stage with him.....who did the same thing he criticizes Hillary for....

PLEASE, don't get your hopes up that Obama is any different than any other politician out there....he would not be where he is today, if he were not considered "an Insider" like everyone else that has succeeded in politics, for the most part....that's all I'm saying, as an old dog, that's been around...


You’re making some interesting points Care. I don’t want her on the ticket, I think long-term it could prove disastrous. But last night my bf said to me, you know, when bush ran against mccain and won in 2000 nobody said you have to give mccain the vp slot because he came close.

And I was like yeah, that was two white guys. The democratic party has the first very possible black president and the first very possible woman president, and guess what? Some shit comes along with that and you are smart enough to know it. And he said…yeah, I know.

Very dangerous to pretend otherwise. I think that if the situation were reversed, you would see a lot of demanding that Obama be put on the ticket.

The problem is…she’s just not a good choice. The whole thing really sucks.
If Obama's campaign is really about change BAC, then why does he have Kerry and Kennedy and Richardson and Edwards all of on the stage with him....?

Because every one of them recognize the hold the Clintons have on the party and the incredible losses the party has suffered because of it.

I wouldn't grasp on to just a "word or two" if I were you and I would WATCH what he does that SHOWS this CHANGE....that you speak about....as being him.

That's advice that you should take my friend. I've been watching him and I like what I see, hear, and what he has accomplished.

Kerry and Edwards voted for the Iraq resolution, just as Hillary did...yet Obama and his followers welcome THEM with opened arms and they probably will get positions in his cabinet....so, just a tad wee bit of hypocrisy, could be peeping through, no???


Kerry and Edwards have apologized and regretted their vote .. Hillary has not, and even gone a step further by sounding like Bush on Iran.

Obama also claims that he will take us out of Iraq immediately....NOW he is changing his mind and stance and his mimicking Hillary's stance, but in the beginning of his campaign it was all about getting us out of iraq immediately, that's how he won over so many from Hillary, by touting over and over again that he was different.....and would bring the troops home....

I don't hear any mimicking of Clinton by Obama .. in fact, I hear the opposite.

Hillary, McCain, and Bush all talked negatively about Obama's position on going after terrorists in Pakistan .. until it worked .. and Iraq is a curious position for you to trumpet for Clinton given that she thinks invading Iraq was a goiod idea in the first place .. AND .. most specifically AND .. Hillary has dumped all pretense of siding with the antiwar activists and has taken to courting the conservative wing of the party. Do the ressrach and determine for yourself which candidate the antiwar activists support.

Then there is him not even taking the time to VOTE on bringing the troops home on the last bill on this....?

So how do you guys really KNOW where Obama stands on this issue, other than what he tells you? Or on any controversial issue that would make him the Candidate of Change....I WANT TO KNOW, where is the CHANGE in him verses any other politician? He's got Kerry and Edwards, who also voted for the Iraq resolution, up on the stage with him.....who did the same thing he criticizes Hillary for....

PLEASE, don't get your hopes up that Obama is any different than any other politician out there....he would not be where he is today, if he were not considered "an Insider" like everyone else that has succeeded in politics, for the most part....that's all I'm saying, as an old dog, that's been around...


He didn't support the war from the very beginning, Clinton did. What else do you need to know?

Your other questions have already been answered.

Obama is very different than Clinton which is the reason that he's going to be the nominee, not Clinton. The battle you don't appear to recognize is between the democratic and republican wings of the party. The DLC is the wing of failure and capitulation to evil and Hillary Clinton is its poster child.
By the way ... just in ...

Obama Gets New Supers, With A Switcher From Hillary

After a relative lull in super-del movement yesterday, Obama has picked up some new momentum this morning with two new endorsements -- including a defection from Hillary Clinton's column.

The two new supporters are Congressmen Jim Costa and Dennis Cardoza, both of California. Cardoza used to be a Hillary backer.

According to the Obama camp's numbers, he only needs 59 more delegates to clinch the nomination, not counting Michigan and Florida.

Even after Clintons 40-point win in WV, Robert Byrd of WV, for christs sake, has endorsed Obama.
I don't disagree that you are unfamiliar with this groups sentiment regarding this subject! :D

It would be a mistake to even think that he would satisfy the female voter that supported Hillary by just "giving them" another female ....that, to them would be a "sexist" remark and "sexist" kind of thinking...in the manner that it trivialized the support they gave Hillary because of her qualifications, NOT because she was just a "female"..... It would be "pandering" that her female voters would recognize in a heartbeat and take it as a slap in the face, to them and their intelligence and to Hillary, by not at least offering the position to her.

Now, I don't want her to be vp....but many of her supporters do, and feel and KNOW she deserves the offer.... and yes, this IS HOW the political game is played....the President to be, rarely picks his vp, all on his own, without all political ramifications taken in to consideration.


Care, if he chose McCaskill solely because she was a woman, I would agree that it would be pandering. But McCaskill would also be strategic... it would open up the lower midwest/plains states for Obama.
By the way ... just in ...

Obama Gets New Supers, With A Switcher From Hillary

After a relative lull in super-del movement yesterday, Obama has picked up some new momentum this morning with two new endorsements -- including a defection from Hillary Clinton's column.

The two new supporters are Congressmen Jim Costa and Dennis Cardoza, both of California. Cardoza used to be a Hillary backer.

According to the Obama camp's numbers, he only needs 59 more delegates to clinch the nomination, not counting Michigan and Florida.

Even after Clintons 40-point win in WV, Robert Byrd of WV, for christs sake, has endorsed Obama.

hmmmmm, wasn't it the Obama supporters that were crying in the beginning that the Super Delegates BETTER go with their States on their vote, and better not be giving their votes to Hillary if their state went with Barak?

What about Byrd, what about Kerry and Kennedy whose states went near 70% to Hillary? How come these super delegates do not need to go with the voters and pledged delegates of their states when Pelosi herself said that super delegates SHOULD BE VOTING with how there states go and she would highly reccommend such?

What is good for the goose...is still, in this day and age, NOT good for the gander....it seems.

Care, if he chose McCaskill solely because she was a woman, I would agree that it would be pandering. But McCaskill would also be strategic... it would open up the lower midwest/plains states for Obama.

NOT if the female Hillary voters shut down her advantage in those regions....there will be backlash... I think that he would be better off if he did not pick her, just a gut feeling....even though your reasoning on picking her are solid Super... under any NORMAL circumstances....just not certain if this is really "normal" circumstances.

NOT if the female Hillary voters shut down her advantage in those regions....there will be backlash... I think that he would be better off if he did not pick her, just a gut feeling....even though your reasoning on picking her are solid Super... under any NORMAL circumstances....just not certain if this is really "normal" circumstances.


Personally, I don't think Obama would choose McCaskill. I think he goes with Biden. Though BACs suggestion of Nunn would make a lot of sense as well, assuming Obama could get Nunn on the ticket.
hmmmmm, wasn't it the Obama supporters that were crying in the beginning that the Super Delegates BETTER go with their States on their vote, and better not be giving their votes to Hillary if their state went with Barak?

What about Byrd, what about Kerry and Kennedy whose states went near 70% to Hillary? How come these super delegates do not need to go with the voters and pledged delegates of their states when Pelosi herself said that super delegates SHOULD BE VOTING with how there states go and she would highly reccommend such?

What is good for the goose...is still, in this day and age, NOT good for the gander....it seems.


Wasn't it the Clintons who suggested that superdelegates aren't beholden to anybody and should chose whomever they think the best candidate is?

Talk about goose and gander.
Wasn't it the Clintons who suggested that superdelegates aren't beholden to anybody and should chose whomever they think the best candidate is?

Talk about goose and gander.

That was when she was convinced beyond doubt that she would win. I am among those who feel that choosing her as Obama's running mate would be disastrous and in conflict with the ideals he represents.
That was when she was convinced beyond doubt that she would win. I am among those who feel that choosing her as Obama's running mate would be disastrous and in conflict with the ideals he represents.

Yep, just as she did about Michigan and Florida counting.

She didn't give a damn about Mi and Fl until she smelled the coffee.