Obama has been the first Black president before

Forget it. In the world of today's liberal, reaching across the aisle means agreeing 100% with their opinion. A good reacher gets the opposition to agree with the liberals. Anyone who disagrees at any time is a partisan neocon hack.

I dont remember you being a Big McCain fan.
cant find a list.

The point is the whole McCain as maverik thing is not very real.

He has voted for Bush anything the majority of the time .

Desh, how many times do we have to say McCain (and everybody else in the Senate) voted with their party a majority of the time? You don't need to keep repeating it as no one is claiming otherwise.

I didn't support McCain in 2000 and while I have always respected him I have never been his biggest supporter. One of the reasons has been his going across the isle working with Democrats on what I felt were Democratic issues, McCain-Feingold being the biggest and then not supporting the tax cuts (that wasn't a proposal of course).

McCain got the Maverick label because the media loved that he would buck the Republican Party. Who else in the Senate has crossed over more?

I'll even help you. Ted Kennedy worked with Bush on No Child Left Behind. Ted Kennedy also worked with McCain on immigration reform.