Obama & Hillary have crossed that line


New member
You know, that one where supporters of either could enthusiastically throw their support behind the other, should their candidate not get the nod.

The "Wal-Mart/slumlord" exchange was the defining moment on that. There is so much acrimony now, I just don't see how either candidate will be able to unify the party at this point.

It's kinda too bad Edwards didn't eke out a win earlier, because, with a little more strength, he would be poised to step in & fill the void, especially with the latest economic news. He's just too far behind at this point.

Bad luck for the Dems, great news for (probably) McCain.
that slumlord comment was over the top.

But, do you really think an old guy who wants to stay in Iraq "for a thousand years" can win a general election?

that slumlord comment was over the top.

But, do you really think an old guy who wants to stay in Iraq "for a thousand years" can win a general election?

Yeah, I do.

It's easy for us to ridicule the guy & dismiss his chances, but this is America we're talking about. I can't remember the last time a Democrat won a Presidential election with over 50% of the vote (wasn't Clinton below that in each of his wins?)

A Hillary candidacy in particular would drive up GOP turnout, regardless of who their nominee is. If the Dems aren't united, they're sunk.
that slumlord comment was over the top.

But, do you really think an old guy who wants to stay in Iraq "for a thousand years" can win a general election?

i think Hillary will get destroyed in general against McCain. allot more people are paying attention to dirty Clinton politics in this primary then normal.
I could be wrong, but here's the thing oncelear:

Saint McCain has been cannonized by The Very Serious people in DC punditry. He's never faced a critical analysis of his positions. He's been Knighted by the Wise Old Men of cable news as a blessed moderate and non-partisan who is oh-so-above-it-all.

That's going to change in a general election. If the Democrats are smart (always questionable), McCain is going to be tagged as a Bush-hugging, war lover who wants to stay in Iraq forever.

So the american people will have a choice. The democrats all have flawed plans on iraq, but it will boil down to choosing someone who promises at some level, to get out of Iraq within some months, versus a guy who wants to stay there for a thousand years.

Toss in the economy on top of that. McCain has no economic plan, except for more of the same old Bushonomics tax cuts for the affluent. Unless he can pivot on a dime and change, I don't think that sells.
You know, that one where supporters of either could enthusiastically throw their support behind the other, should their candidate not get the nod.

The "Wal-Mart/slumlord" exchange was the defining moment on that. There is so much acrimony now, I just don't see how either candidate will be able to unify the party at this point.

It's kinda too bad Edwards didn't eke out a win earlier, because, with a little more strength, he would be poised to step in & fill the void, especially with the latest economic news. He's just too far behind at this point.

Bad luck for the Dems, great news for (probably) McCain.

You are correct. I would have held my nose and voted for her if she won the primary...but not now.
I could be wrong, but here's the thing oncelear:

Saint McCain has been cannonized by The Very Serious people in DC punditry. He's never faced a critical analysis of his positions. He's been Knighted by the Wise Old Men of cable news as a blessed moderate and non-partisan who is oh-so-above-it-all.

That's going to change in a general election. If the Democrats are smart (always questionable), McCain is going to be tagged as a Bush-hugging, war lover who wants to stay in Iraq forever.

So the american people will have a choice. The democrats all have flawed plans on iraq, but it will boil down to choosing someone who promises at some level, to get out of Iraq within some months, versus a guy who wants to stay there for a thousand years.

Toss in the economy on top of that. McCain has no economic plan, except for more of the same old Bushonomics tax cuts for the affluent. Unless he can pivot on a dime and change, I don't think that sells.

It's possible, but it would shock me to see it transpire this way. The GOP has "out-marketed" the Dems in both of the last few elections. McCain will come up with some kind of smoke & mirrors economic plan and paint the Democrats as driving us further into the hole with things like universal healthcare. Also, if you've noticed, Iraq is not talked about as much or the same way now, even in the Dem campaigns, due to the successful marketing of "the surge is working."

Once the general rolls around & McCain doesn't have to worry as much about "the base," look for his language on Iraq to soften, with hints at withdrawing as soon as we allow the "now successful" surge to run its course.

The GOP is drooling about Hillary. They have so much on her - they're shred her in the months leading up to November, and that is always effective.
You know, that one where supporters of either could enthusiastically throw their support behind the other, should their candidate not get the nod.

The "Wal-Mart/slumlord" exchange was the defining moment on that. There is so much acrimony now, I just don't see how either candidate will be able to unify the party at this point.

It's kinda too bad Edwards didn't eke out a win earlier, because, with a little more strength, he would be poised to step in & fill the void, especially with the latest economic news. He's just too far behind at this point.

Bad luck for the Dems, great news for (probably) McCain.

I agree on all counts.
McCain voted AGAINST the bush tax cuts did he not? You cant peg him with the fiscally irresponsible pubs.
why the dems would not want to run obama is beyond me. its actually quite amazing.

The Democrats deserve to lose if they nominate Hillary this year. It will be a good, hard lesson for the party, but will probably be better for them in the long-run.

Hillary is a likely one-termer who would lose Congress either this year or in the mid-term.
It's possible, but it would shock me to see it transpire this way. The GOP has "out-marketed" the Dems in both of the last few elections. McCain will come up with some kind of smoke & mirrors economic plan and paint the Democrats as driving us further into the hole with things like universal healthcare. Also, if you've noticed, Iraq is not talked about as much or the same way now, even in the Dem campaigns, due to the successful marketing of "the surge is working."

Once the general rolls around & McCain doesn't have to worry as much about "the base," look for his language on Iraq to soften, with hints at withdrawing as soon as we allow the "now successful" surge to run its course.

The GOP is drooling about Hillary. They have so much on her - they're shred her in the months leading up to November, and that is always effective.

I think McCain is the strongest GOP candidate. I agree with that.

And I know that Hillary-hate runs strong within the GOP base and among political junkies in cyberspace. I'm just not sure Hillary-hate is going to be THE deciding factor in an election. I think Hillary did quite well in republican areas of upstate New York.

But, I could be wrong. She is the most polarizing of the Dem candidates.
I could be wrong, but here's the thing oncelear:

Saint McCain has been cannonized by The Very Serious people in DC punditry. He's never faced a critical analysis of his positions. He's been Knighted by the Wise Old Men of cable news as a blessed moderate and non-partisan who is oh-so-above-it-all.

That's going to change in a general election. If the Democrats are smart (always questionable), McCain is going to be tagged as a Bush-hugging, war lover who wants to stay in Iraq forever.

So the american people will have a choice. The democrats all have flawed plans on iraq, but it will boil down to choosing someone who promises at some level, to get out of Iraq within some months, versus a guy who wants to stay there for a thousand years.

Toss in the economy on top of that. McCain has no economic plan, except for more of the same old Bushonomics tax cuts for the affluent. Unless he can pivot on a dime and change, I don't think that sells.

yeah but he was aginst those bush finiancial ideas before he was for them.
McCain voted AGAINST the bush tax cuts did he not? You cant peg him with the fiscally irresponsible pubs.

Yeah and now he fully supports them and says they should be made permanent, in other words Chap, if he were a dem he’d be a flip flopper, but because he’s a republican, he’s a stand up guy. Whatever.
what other moderate group besides moderate woman does she have a chance at? obama seems to be much much more farther reaching to the middle grounds. Also obama has distinct advantage of attracting youth and black first time voters to boost there base.

its practically a no brainer as a dem what candidate is better against mccain.